10 research outputs found

    Behind the music: representation of labor and society in American work songs

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    This thesis argues that American work songs can be used as valuable sources of information contributing to the study and interpretation of American labor history. Created from and based on the actual experiences of American working people rather than on political and ideological agendas, work songs can be regarded as media providing insight into the neglected parts of the United States’ history. They are both political and cultural artefacts, reflecting differences between various groups they were sung in and changes taking place in the overall American society through time. This quality brought them into the focus of generations of American ethnomusicologists, with John and Alan Lomax being the most prominent ones. Work songs with their various purposes – memorising and commemorating events, warning of dangers, coordinating work, protesting, giving hope in a better future and occasionally finding pride in what one does for living – reveal not only the attitude towards work, but also towards life in general. On the one hand they tell the complex story of the nation’s geographical and social incorporation through the perspective of sailors, lumberjacks, cowboys, slaves, miners, railroaders and industrial workers, and on the other they point to the things that went wrong. Social insensitivity, poor work conditions, low wages, the lack of worker’s rights and growing class differences are just some of them. In this thesis work songs are classified in categories based on the combination of historical, occupational, regional, racial and thematic determinants. While pre-industrial work songs show a strong connection to the process of work itself, coordinating it and depicting its immediate instances, work songs of industrial period focus more on the attitude towards work and work conditions, often acting as a tool for socio-political protest. A distinct position in American music history is taken by African American work songs, which provide a specific account of slavery – relations between slaves and their masters, yearnings for freedom and cultural identification with biblical figures. During the 20th century work songs gradually shift from the domain of folk to the popular music one. Typical workers’ concerns are voiced by professional musicians like Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and Bruce Springsteen, who particularly focuses on the problem of post-employment. Although work songs in post-industrial age can be regarded as commercial products themselves, their message remains strong. After all, work songs have always among other things been a form of entertainment too – an entertainment whose content bears history in its authentic form

    Incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Dijabetička ketoacidoza je jedna od najopasnijih akutnih komplikacija šećerne bolesti te može rezultirati visokom stopom smrtnosti ako nije odgovarajuće ili na vrijeme liječena. Glavni uzrok ovog stanja su nedostatak inzulina i povišene razine protu-regulatornih hormona (glukagona, hormona rasta, katekolamina i kortizola). Do nedavno se smatralo da je ketoacidoza gotovo isključivo vezana uz tip 1 šećerne bolesti, ali sve više istraživanja prikazuju njenu prisutnost u tipu 2 šećerne bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio odrediti učestalost i moguće razloge nastanka ketoacidoze u bolesnika sa šećernom bolešću tipa 2. Istraživanje je uključivalo pretraživanje baze podataka Kliničke bolnice Dubrava u razdoblju od 1. srpnja 2010. godine do 1. srpnja 2015. godine te analizu podataka o kliničkom profilu pacijenata. Kod novodijagnosticiranih bolesnika odredila se koncentracija glukoze u krvi, acidobazni status te vrijednosti glikiranog hemoglobina. Od 72 pacijenta, njih 27 (37.2%) imalo je tip 1 šećerne bolesti i 45 (62.5%) tip 2 šećerne bolesti. U skupini pacijenata sa šećernom bolešću tipa 1, osam pacijenata (27.5%) su imala epizodu ketoacidoze kao prvi znak šećerne bolesti, dok je u skupini bolesnika sa šećernom bolešću tipa 2, trinaest pacijenata (28.8%) imalo je dijabetičku ketoacidozu kao prvi znak šećerne bolesti. Nepridržavanje terapije i infekcije bili su najčešći uzroci ketoacidoze.Diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the most dangerous acute complications of diabetes, responsible for significant mortality if not treated properly and on time. The main features of this condition are insulin deficiency and increased levels of counter-regulatory hormones (glucagon, growth hormone, catecholamines and cortisol). Until recently it was thought that ketoacidosis is present only in type 1 diabetes, but more studies reported its presence in type 2 diabetes. Aim of this study was to establish the frequency and precipitating factors for the occurrence of diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with type 2 diabetes. The research involved searching data bases in the period from July 1st 2010 until July 1st 2015 and clinical profile of patients were analyzed. In newly diagnosed patients, concentration of blood glucose, acid-base status and the values of glycated hemoglobin were determined. Out of 72 patients, 27 (37.2%) had type 1 and 45 (62.5%) had type 2 diabetes. Among patients with type 1 diabetes, 8 (27.5%) patients had an episode of ketoacidosis as the initial case of diabetes, whereas among patients with type 2, 13 (28.8%) patients had mentioned complication as a first sign of disease. Non-compliance to treatment and infection were the most common causes of ketoacidosis

    Arheološki muzej Narona : povijest istraživanja, konzerviranje arheološkog lokaliteta i prezentiranje muzejske građe : diplomski rad

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    Rad prezentira tijek istraživanja antičke Narone od konca 19. do konca 20. stoljeća, kao i popratne konzervatorske intervencije na otkrivenim spomenicima te izgradnju i rad Arheološkog muzeja Narona. Donosi saznanja o životu i padu ove antičke luke na rijeci Neretvi temeljena na proučavanju pisanih izvora i rezultata poduzetih arheoloških iskapanja. Kronološki pregled istraživanja Narone otpočinje upoznavanjem pisanih izvora, nakon čega se pozornost posvećuje arheološkim istraživanjima na različitim lokalitetima u današnjem mjestu Vid. Iznose se problemi koji su pratili istraživanje i konzerviranje tih lokaliteta, u prvom redu uzrokovani reljefno-geološkim osobitostima i imovinsko-pravnim problemima. Gradski bedemi s Erešovom kulom, starokršćanske bazilike u trasi vodovoda, crkva Sv. Vida, bazilika u Erešovim barama, forum, te Augusteum kao najreprezentativniji lokalitet čine jedinstvenu spomeničku cjelinu. Njeno središnje mjesto zauzima skupina od 17 skulptura koje prikazuju pripadnike rimske carske obitelji. Njihovo je otkriće potenciralo ideju izgradnje muzejskog paviljona, koji ujedno zaštićuje arheološki lokalitet i omogućava prezentiranje skupine carskih skulptura u njenom izvornom kontekstu. Realizacijom ovog kompleksnog arhitektonskog projekta 2007. godine Arheološki muzej Narona postao je prvi in situ muzejna prostoru Republike Hrvatske

    Važnost međukulturoloških barijera u organizacijskoj komunikaciji

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    In global, multinational or multicultural organizations, cross-cultural communication barriers can have a significant effect on the efficiency of organizational communication. Communication barriers can consequently lead to conflicts within organization, the creation of various power groups, misunderstandings with stakeholders and profit loss. The aim of this paper is to present how language differences, nonverbal misinterpretations, assumption of similarity, preconceptions and stereotypes, tendency to evaluate and high anxiety affect managers and employees in cross-cultural context. Developing intercultural competences is regarded as the solution to overcoming the abovementioned barriers, and the role of education, emotional intelligence and the development of reliable digital tools is emphasized.U globalnim, multinacionalnim ili multikulturalnim organizacijama, međukulturalne komunikacijske barijere mogu imati značajan učinak na učinkovitost organizacijske komunikacije. Komunikacijske barijere posljedično mogu dovesti do sukoba unutar organizacije, stvaranja različitih grupa moći, nesporazuma s dionicima i gubitka dobiti. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kako razlike u jeziku odnosno verbalnoj komunikaciji, pogrešne interpretacije neverbalne komunikacije, pretpostavke sličnosti, predrasude i stereotipi, sklonost procjeni i visoka anksioznost utječu na menadžere i zaposlenike u međukulturalnom kontekstu. Razvijanje interkulturalnih kompetencija smatra se rješenjem za prevladavanje navedenih prepreka, a ističe se uloga obrazovanja, emocionalne inteligencije i razvoja pouzdanih digitalnih alata

    Interleukin-28B polymorphism in persons with chronic hepatitis C in Croatia

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    Polimorfizam jednog nukleotida (engl. single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) rs12979860 u blizini promotora gena za interleukin-28B (IL-28B) tj. genotipizacija IL-28B povezana je s prirodnim tijekom infekcije virusom hepatitisa C kao i s odgovorom na antivirusno i imunomodulacijsko liječenje kombinacijom pegiliranog interferona alfa i ribavirina (tzv. dvojna terapija). U eri direktno djelujućih antivirusnih lijekova genotip IL-28B više nije značajan prediktor ishoda liječenja no i dalje je važan parametar koji određuje prirodni tijek povijesti HCV infekcije. U zemljama koje nemaju univerzalni pristup novim terapijskim opcijama genotipizacija IL-28B i dalje se primjenjuje u pred-terapijskoj obradi bolesnika koji se liječe dvojnom terapijom. Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati rezultate genotipizacije IL-28B (udio homozigota za T i C alel te heterozigota) u 595 bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom C koji su bili uključeni u kliničku skrb Zavoda za virusni hepatitis Klinike za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" u Zagrebu od siječnja 2013. do prosinca 2015. g. SNP rs12979860 detektiran je metodom lančane reakcije polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu. Analiza SNP-a rs12979860 u genu za IL-28B pokazala je da su 335 od 595 (56,3%) ispitanika bili CT heterozigoti, 173 od 595 ispitanika (29,1%) C homozigoti i 87 od 595 ispitanika (14,6%) T homozigoti. Distribucija C i T alela u SNP-u rs12979860 gena za IL-28B sukladni su literaturnim podatcima analize prevalencije ovih alela u osoba bijele rase europskog porijekla.Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12979860 in the promotor region of the gene coding for interleukin-28B (IL-28B) is associated with the natural history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and response to antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy with combination of pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin (dual therapy). Despite the fact that the predictive role IL-28B genotyping is decreasing in the era of highly successful direct acting antiviral (DAA)-based treatment, it remains to be useful as a tool for predicting a natural course of HCV infection. In resource-limited settings with restricted access to new treatment options IL-28B polymorphism typing is still a part of pre-treatment workup before admission of dual therapy. The aim of this study was to analyse the results of IL-28B genotyping (percentages of C and T homozygotes and heterozygotes) for 595 Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis C receiving clinical care at the Department of Viral Hepatitis of the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Zagreb and Croatian Reference Center for Viral Hepatitis since January 2013 till December 2015. Detection of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12979860 was determined by using a real-time PCR test. Analysis of rs12979860 SNP in the IL-28B gene showed that 335 of 595 (56.3%) patients were CT heterozygotes, followed by C homozygotes (173 of 595 patients, 29.1%) whereas T homozygotes were the least frequent (87 of 595 patients, 14.6%). The patterns of IL-28 polymorphism in Croatian patients with chronic hepatitis C is in accordance with other results for Caucasians

    Výzkum vlastností komunálních odpadů a optimalizace jejich využívání:Produkce a složení objemných odpadů

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    Text představuje metodický postup pro stanovení složení velkoobjemového odpadu. Stanovuje standardy stanovení velkoobjemových odpadů a prezentuje výsledky průzkumu o nakládání s vyřazenými předměty

    Výzkum vlastností komunálních odpadů a optimalizace jejich využívání

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    Výsledky sběru dat o separaci odpadů, popis a ukončení analýz domovního odpadu, zahájení analýz objemných odpadů, zpracování výsledků domovního odpadu a příprava na stanovení reálné produkce a reprezentativních vlastností odpadu. V jednotlivých přílohách jsou uvedeny podrobné výsledky analýz složení odpadů

    Economics of Digital Transformation

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    The papers published in this monograph present best papers presented at the first conference of the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness of University of Rijeka organized on the topic of “Economics of digital transformation” from 2nd to 4th of May, 2018 in Opatija, Croatia (www.edt- conference.com). During the three days of the conference more than 50 researchers from European region contributed with their presentations. We are particularly proud on the results of our doctoral workshop where nine young researchers presented their research while five papers were published in the monograph. In this way we are building our future research capacities and expose young researchers to rigorous scientific challenge

    Economics of Digital Transformation

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    The papers published in this monograph present best papers presented at the first conference of the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness of University of Rijeka organized on the topic of “Economics of digital transformation” from 2nd to 4th of May, 2018 in Opatija, Croatia (www.edt- conference.com). During the three days of the conference more than 50 researchers from European region contributed with their presentations. We are particularly proud on the results of our doctoral workshop where nine young researchers presented their research while five papers were published in the monograph. In this way we are building our future research capacities and expose young researchers to rigorous scientific challenge