49 research outputs found

    he Need for Additional Support for Nursery School Children and the Reasons why It is Not Provided: A Teachersā€™ Perspective

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    The general objective of the research presented in this paper was to determine childrenā€™s (12 to 48 months) needs for additional support (either in the form of individualized teachersā€™ approach or additional professional support provided by a nursery school counsellor) in the day nurseries in Rijeka and perceived reasons for the lack of it, according to preschool teachersā€™ assessment. The participants were 236 children who attended the day nurseries of the Rijeka Nursery School in the academic year 2014/15. Using a univariate analysis of the questionnaire, the nursery school teachers (N=78) assessed that 8.9 % of children were in need of additional support, receiving it partially or not at all. Teachers expressed greatest concerns regarding childā€™s behaviour, interaction with other children and childā€™s speech development. According to nursery teachers, children were not provided with additional support due to parentsā€™ misperception of its necessity or the shortage of nursery school counsellors. The results of this study emphasize the importance of the early recognition of children who need additional support in all segments of development, regardless of the official decisions. Furthermore, it is important to have competent professionals as well as it is crucial to invest in nursery school teachersā€™ competencies regarding establishing and maintaining good relationships with parents

    Risk and protective factors in family: Differences between youth and their parents perception

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    Rad je temeljen na istraživanju koje je dio znanstvenog projekta Ā«Zajednice koje brinu kao model prevencije poremecaja u ponaÅ”anjuƅ koji se provodio u suradnji SveuciliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet i Upravnog odjela za zdravstvo i socijalnu skrb Istarske županije. Cilj rada je utvrditi razlike u procjeni obiteljskog okruženja od strane mladih i njihovih roditelja unutar koncepta rizicnih i zaÅ”titih cimbenika. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 498 mladih i 407 roditelja (N=896). Podaci su obraĆ°eni faktorskom analizom i diskriminativnom analizom. Analiza podataka je pokazala kako postoje statisticki znacajne razlike u percepciji obiteljskog okruženja - mladi procjenjuju da je u obitelji manje dogovaranja/razgovaranja, manje pripadanja/bliskosti, manje nadgledanja djece, viÅ”e konflikata i manje mirovnog rjeÅ”avanja sukoba nego Å”to to procjenjuju njihovi roditelji. Obzirom na dobivene rezultate, te ulogu roditelja u obitelji, može se zakljuciti kako rezultati upucuju na potrebu jacanja roditelja za roditeljsku ulogu i to posebice kroz jacanje roditeljskih vjeÅ”tina.The presented results are a part of the scientific project entitled ā€œPrevention of Behavior Disorders in Local Communityā€ conducted by The Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and The Administrative Department of Health Care and Social Welfare of The County of Istria, Croatia. Aim of this paper is to determine is there a difference between youth and parents perception of family in the frame of the concept of risk and protective factor. The sample consisted of 489 youths and 407 of their parents (N=896). Factor analysis and discriminative analysis were conducted. Results showed that there are differences in the perception of family environment between youth and their parents in the fields of family communication (negotiation, conversation), closeness/trust between youth and their parents, frequency of family conflicts, child acceptance, parental monitoring and peaceful conflict resolution in family. In all mentioned fields youth perceived more risk then their parents. These findings, as well as the parents role in family, can lead to conclusion that there is a need for enhancement of parent role through enhancement of parental skills


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    Addiction prevention programs in Croatia are still not sufficiently scientifically based as recommended by both foreign and Croatian scholars in the field of science and research. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to invest in the development of programs, notably by (1) linking program activities with theoretical and research insights, (2) defining program activities on the basis of comprehensive needs assessment, and (3) planning and conducting program evaluations. Therefore, this paper will present principles and elements of effective risk behaviors prevention in general, as well as specific traits of programs and strategies aimed at substance abuse prevention. Those program characteristics which have been proved effective and which contain components of knowledge and information, but are also based on psycho-educational approaches, such as development of skills and healthy lifestyles, will be described according to all prevention levels, from the environmentally-based prevention strategy to universal, selective and indicated prevention

    Uloga i mogućnosti Å”kole u prevenciji vrÅ”njačkoga nasilja u virtualnom svijetu

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    Nasilje u virtualnom svijetu najÅ”ire se definira kao upotreba elektroničkih medija za namjerno povređivanje žrtve. Cilj je ovog rada ispitati povezanost između iskustva nasilja u virtualnom svijetu i provođenja aktivnosti s ciljem prevencije nasilja (u virtualnom svijetu). Uzorak čini 451 učenik zavrÅ”nih razreda pet zagrebačkih srednjih Å”kola. Podatci dobiveni ovim istraživanjem pokazuju da većina učenika ima iskustvo nasilja u virtualnom svijetu, da se aktivnosti za prevenciju nasilja (u virtualnom svijetu) provede u manje od polovine Å”kola te da nema povezanosti između provođenja preventivnih aktivnosti i iskustva nasilja učenika u virtualnom svijetu. Drugim riječima, iskustvo vrÅ”njačkoga nasilja u virtualnom je svijetu visoko prisutno i preventivne aktivnosti koje se provode u promatranim Å”kolama nisu učinkovite. Svrha je rada predložiti smjernice za prevenciju nasilja u virtualnom svijetu u Å”kolskom okruženju

    Sindrom sagorijevanja stručnjaka mentalnog zdravlja: psihijatrijska bolnica

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    Burnout is frequently mentioned as a problem in the mental health field. As a type of prolonged response to chronic job-related stressors, has a special significance in health care where staff experience both psychological-emotional and physical stress. The aim of the paper was to determine the level of stress in professionals working in psychiatric hospital, as well as to explore possible differences in stress level regarding the different characteristic of participants as sex, level of education, marital status, working hours etc. The Burnout Clinical Subtypes Questionnaire was used. Study was conducted from July to December 2014, and from April to May 2015. The sample of 141 participants who work in mental health profession consists of 39.9% male and 68.1% female, average age of 38.98 years. Overall results show that participants have lower scores on all subscales. The results showed that there is moderate burnout experience in the sense that participants feel overload when they try to maximize their reward by taking on a volume and pace of work that become excessive. This questionnaire can be a very useful instrument for future evaluation and designing interventions and different treatment strategies for subtypes of burnout.Burnout (sagorijevanje) se često spominje kao pojava u području mentalnog zdravlja. Riječ je o prolongiranom odgovoru na kronične stresore vezane uz posao, te kao takav ima poseban značaj u zdravstvu gdje je emocionalni i fizički stres nerijetko iskustvo osoblja. Cilj rada je odrediti razinu stresa kod stručnjaka koji rade u psihijatrijskoj bolnici, kao i istražiti postoje li razlike u razini stresa obzirom na različite karakteristike sudionika kao Å”to su spol, stupanj obrazovanja, bračni status, radno vrijeme itd. U radu je koriÅ”ten Upitnik sagorijevanja na poslu sa kliničkim podtipovima (The Burnout Clinical Subtypes Questionnaire ā€“ BCSQ). Studija je provedena od srpnja do prosinca 2014., te od travnja do svibnja 2015. Uzorak čini 141 sudionik, stručnjaka u području zaÅ”tite mentalnog zdravlja, zaposlenih u psihijatrijskoj bolnici, 39.9% čine muÅ”karci, a 68.1% žene, prosječne dobi 38. 8 godina. Ukupni rezultati pokazuju da sudionici imaju niže rezultate na svim subskalama. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji umjereno iskustvo sagorijevanja na poslu, na način da će sudionik osjećati preopterećenje kada pokuÅ”ava povećati svoju naknadu radeći prekovremeno. Ovaj upitnik može biti vrlo koristan instrument za buduće procjene i programiranje intervencija, kao i za različite strategije liječenja pojedinih podtipova sagorijevanja na poslu