4 research outputs found

    Roles of Logistics in Air Transportation

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    Article discusses about the implementation of logistics principles into the airport operations, the activities of air carriers and organization of airport processes. The airport is under review comprehensively, as an integrated logistics system, using elements of partnership collaboration (/Collaborate Decision Making /CDM) which is based on the common sharing of information by various elements of the system


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    The article is concerned with the performance of the European security strategy and differentiated views of individual areas of assessment. The table contains comparison of unfair assessment by Brussels and the real situation. In conclusion, the author claims that the contents clearly indicate that the European Union is failing in the area of security

    Integrated Logistic Support Concept in Aviation Engineering

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    To the modern philosophy of logistic processes improvement belongs concept of Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) that was mostly developed in aircraft industry and other branches of production, and also at exploitation of Complicated Technical Systems (CTS). ILS originates from Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) initiative and it has importance of continual acquisition and products life cycle (LC) support in the present time. The main tool of ILS is Logistic Support Analysis (LSA). LSA utilizes synergetic effect of technical disciplines that use uniform special data base (DB LSA), with aim to shorten duration of technological processes, starting from research, continuing to project proposal, production, up to maintenance and complex Life Cycle Support (LCS) of CTS. In the aircraft engineering it enables to project and plan production and logistic support in real time, higher competitiveness, reengineering of company processes at research, production and working of high-tech products. Control and establishment of flexible global logistic networks, with their huge communication and coordination needs, makes assumptions of their future intensive development