8,464 research outputs found

    An extensible manufacturing resource model for process integration

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    Driven by industrial needs and enabled by process technology and information technology, enterprise integration is rapidly shifting from information integration to process integration to improve overall performance of enterprises. Traditional resource models are established based on the needs of individual applications. They cannot effectively serve process integration which needs resources to be represented in a unified, comprehensive and flexible way to meet the needs of various applications for different business processes. This paper looks into this issue and presents a configurable and extensible resource model which can be rapidly reconfigured and extended to serve for different applications. To achieve generality, the presented resource model is established from macro level and micro level. A semantic representation method is developed to improve the flexibility and extensibility of the model

    Subsurface Upflow Wetland System for Nutrient and Pathogen Removal in Wastewater Treatment Systems

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    Methods and systems for a subsurface upflow wetland for wastewater treatment that includes a series of parallel treatment cells, each cell including from bottom to top, a layer of gravel, a layer of sand over the gravel to remove pathogens from a septic effluent, a pollution control medium above the sand later to remove nurtients, total suspended solid, and biochemical oxygen demand and a growth media mixture layered on top of the pollution control pmedia to grow plants, and a gravity distrubition system to distribute effluent to the series of parallel treatment cells. The pollution control medium inlcudes at least one recycled material and at least one naturally occuring material. In an embodiment in includes recycled tire crumb, sand, and limestone or recycled tire crumb, compost, sand and limestone

    Retention/Detention Pond Stormwater Treatment System

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    Materials, compositions, substances, and methods and systems for stormwater treatment in wet ponds, dry ponds and a green roof system. A first embodiment provides in-situ treatment unit within the retention pond by withdrawing the stored stormwater tocirculate the stored stormewater into the in-situ treatment unit to sorb nitrogen from the stored stormwater. A second embodiment provided uses a riprap apron, a preforated riser loacted at the bottom of the riprap apron and a goetextile media encased in a sorption media jacket around the perforated riser. A third embodiment provides a greenroof stormwater treatment system that includes protections for waterproofing and insulating the roof, a pollution control media layer for filtration and sorption of solids and dissolved materials found in stormwater, a growing media for growing vegetation, and a cistern to store the runoff stormwater between irrigation events. The green roof system includes recycling runoff stormwater by irrigating th

    Passive Nutrient Removal Material Mixes DIV

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    Materials, compositions, substances and methods and systems for stormwater treatment in wet ponds, dry ponds and a green roof system. A first embodiment provides in-situ treatment unit to sorb nitrogen from the stored stormwater. A second embodiment provides uses a riprap apron, a perforated riser located at the bottom of the riprap apron and a goetextile media encased in a sorption medida jacket around the perforated riser. A third embodiment provides a green roof stormwater treatment system that includes protection for waterproofing and insulating the roof, a pollution control media layer for filtration and sorption of solids and dissolved materials found in stormwater, a growing media for growing vegetation, and a cistern to store the runoff stormwater between irrigation events. The green roof systems includes recycling runoff stormwater by irrigating the green roof with the stored stormwater

    Passive Underground Drainfield for Septic Tank Nutrient Removal Using Functionalized Green Filtration Media

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    Methods, systems and compositions for a green sorption media for bioretention soil amendments in drainfields for on-site waste water systems filled with the green sorption media to foster an anaerobic or anoxic environment saturated. The green sorption media includes one or more recycled materials, including tire crumb, sawdust, orange peel, coconut husks, leaf compost, oyster shell, soy bean hulls and one or more naturally occuring materials including peat, sands, zeolites, and clay. The wastewater filtration system for a passive drainfield includes the green sorption material mixture, a cell including baffled compartments and a riser, the cell filled with green sorption material mixture to provide an alternating cycle of aerobic and anoxic environments, an influent distribution system to distribute the influent over the cell, and a piping system arranged for dosing the cell to sustain the functionality of the green sorption material mixture to remove nutrient content in wastewater

    Green Sorption Material Mixes for Water Treatment CIP

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    Media compositions for use in wastewater treatment, stormwater treatment, CSO treatment and greenroof stormwater management systems as filtration media, plant growth media or pollutant retention media. Media compositions includes at least one of the recycled material selected from a group consisting of tire crumb, wood sawdust, and paper and naturally occuring material selected from a group consisting of sand, limestone, sandy clay, expanded clay, organics used for processing geothermal water, organics used for agricultural drainage basins and filtration, and organics for aquaculture drainage and organics used for silviculture and forest drainage, and organics used as growing media
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