2 research outputs found

    Thickness dependence of electron-electron interactions in topological p-n junctions

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    Electron-electron interactions in topological p-n junctions consisting of vertically stacked topological insulators are investigated. n-type Bi2Te3 and p-type Sb2Te3 of varying relative thicknesses are deposited using molecular beam epitaxy and their electronic properties measured using low-temperature transport. The screening factor is observed to decrease with increasing sample thickness, a finding which is corroborated by semi-classical Boltzmann theory. The number of two-dimensional states determined from electron-electron interactions is larger compared to the number obtained from weak-antilocalization, in line with earlier experiments using single layers

    Topological states and phase transitions in Sb2Te3-GeTe multilayers

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    Topological insulators (TIs) are bulk insulators with exotic ‘topologically protected’ surface conducting modes. It has recently been pointed out that when stacked together, interactions between surface modes can induce diverse phases including the TI, Dirac semimetal, and Weyl semimetal. However, currently a full experimental understanding of the conditions under which topological modes interact is lacking. Here, working with multilayers of the TI Sb2Te3 and the band insulator GeTe, we provide experimental evidence of multiple topological modes in a single Sb2Te3-GeTe-Sb2Te3 structure. Furthermore, we show that reducing the thickness of the GeTe layer induces a phase transition from a Dirac-like phase to a gapped phase. By comparing different multilayer structures we demonstrate that this transition occurs due to the hybridisation of states associated with different TI films. Our results demonstrate that the Sb2Te3-GeTe system offers strong potential towards manipulating topological states as well as towards controlledly inducing various topological phases