93 research outputs found
Study of energy transitions in laser induced plasma
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá studiem vlivu experimentálních podmínek na samoabsorpci vybraných spektrálních čar hořčíku. Nejdříve jsou nastíněny znalosti potřebné ke správnému pochopení experimentu a jeho interpretaci, následuje pak představení výsledků měření i s patřičnými komentáři.This bachelor thesis deals with study of influence of experimental conditions on self-absorption of chosen spectral lines of magnesium. At first, basic knowledge necessary for correct understanding of experiment and interpretation of it are described, then results of experiment with appropriate comments are presented.
Assessment of Impacts of Catastrophes in a Territorial Unit
Import 29/09/2010Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh metodiky pro určení priorit obnovy území postiženého katastrofou. V úvodní části práce jsou nejprve popsány katastrofy a metody hodnocení území z obecného pohledu. Hlavní část obsahuje statistiky některých katastrof na území Moravskoslezského kraje a ty jsou pro nedostatek informací doplněny o analýzy rizik. Na závěr jsou na základě těchto statistik a analýz rizik sestaveny kontrolní seznamy pro vyhodnocení postižení území a priorit v jejich nápravě.The aim of this thesis is to design a methodology for determining priorities for restoration of disaster-affected area.In the beginning of this work there are first described disaster areas and methods for assessing the areas from the general perspective.The main part contains statistics of disasters in the Moravian region, which are for lack of information complemented by risk analysis.At the end, on the basis of these statistics and risk analysis, are compiled checklists for evaluation disablement of area and priorities in their remedy.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvavýborn
This article discusses the relationship between monetary policy and oil prices and, in a broader sense, commodity prices. Firstly, it focuses on describing the relationship between key macroeconomic variables, gas prices and other commodity prices relative to oil prices. Subsequently, it discusses the existence of “transmission channels” through which monetary policy can be propagated to oil prices (or prices of commodities). It then provides an insight into the CNB’s forecasting process, both by looking retrospectively at the oil price outlook in the past and by analysing a transitory and a permanent shock (a rise in the oil price of USD 30/b). The simulated oil price shock is calculated from the average level of Brent oil prices in the first quarter of 2010, i.e. USD 77.50/b.oil price ; monetary policy ; real interest rate ; oil price shock JEL Classification: G12 ; G14 ; D53
Monetary policy and oil prices
This article discusses the relationship between monetary policy and oil prices and, in a broader sense, commodity prices. Firstly, it focuses on describing the relationship between key macroeconomic variables, gas prices and other commodity prices relative to oil prices. Subsequently, it discusses the existence of “transmission channels” through which monetary policy can be propagated to oil prices (or prices of commodities). It then provides an insight into the CNB’s forecasting process, both by looking retrospectively at the oil price outlook in the past and by analysing a transitory and a permanent shock (a rise in the oil price of USD 30/b). The simulated oil price shock is calculated from the average level of Brent oil prices in the first quarter of 2010, i.e. USD 77.50/b
The Czechoslovak legionnaires in the Far East
Disertační práce se zabývá československým dobrovolnickým vojskem v Rusku na konci první světové války v roce 1918, kdy se přesunovalo z bojišť v evropském Rusku přes Sibiř na Dálný východ, odkud mělo být loděmi spojenců přepraveno do Evropy a nasazeno na západní frontě proti Německu. Konkrétně se zabývá tou jeho částí, která se označovala jako Vladivostocká skupina. Tedy předvojem, jenž se musel namísto cesty do Francie vrátit zpět na Sibiř na pomoc zbylým částem československého vojska bojujícím s bolševiky o kontrolu nad Transsibiřskou magistrálou. Autor se jako sinolog soustřeďuje na tu fázi přesunu, která se odehrála v druhé polovině roku 1918 po Východočínské železnici a objasňuje složité okolnosti průjezdu československých legionářů přes čínské území a jejich roli ve spojenecké intervenci proti sovětskému Rusku, kterou japonská armáda využila pro své expanzivní cíle.This thesis deals with the exploits of Czechoslovak army in Russia towards the end of the First World War. In 1918 it was transferred from the theatre of war in European Russia to the Far East via Siberia and from there by the A11ied navies to Europe, according to the A11ies plans to use them to strengthen the war against the Germans on the Western front. It deals in particular with the so called Vladivostok group, the avant-garde of the Czechoslovak army, which, though bound for France, returned to Siberia in order to reinforce the other Czechoslovak units locked in conflict with the Bolsheviks for control of the Trans-Siberian railway. The author of this thesis, who is a sinologist, therefore focuses his attention on the period of transportation along the Chinese Eastern Railway in the second half of 1918. This involves an analysis and clarification of the very complex situation when the Czechoslovak legionnaires were crossing Chinese territory and their controversial employment in the Allied intervention against Soviet Russia, which was manipulated by the Japanese army to further its expansionist aims in the Far East.Institute of East Asian StudiesÚstav Dálného východuFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art
Comparison of swimming education in the Czech Republic and selected European countries
The aim of this thesis is to provide information on the differences in swimming education between the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Norway and Sweden using available sources and a survey. The thesis focuses on the comparison of swimming education programmes in the main and primary schools of the surveyed countries, including the levels of teaching and the diagnosis of swimming level. Furthermore, the thesis examines differences in the methodology and didactics of swimming instruction, not only in schools but also in swimming clubs. The thesis also provides information on the compulsory education of teachers, coaches and swimming instructors in the countries studied. I hope that the work will be useful for teachers and coaches in swimming training. KEYWORDS teaching, swimming lessons, pupils, swimming methods, curriculum, swimming skills, studentsCílem této diplomové práce je poskytnout informace o rozdílech v plavecké výuce mezi Českou republikou a Spojeným královstvím Velké Británie a Severního Irska, Norskem a Švédskem s využitím dostupných zdrojů a ankety. Práce se zaměřuje na srovnání programů plavecké výuky hlavně a základních školách zkoumaných zemí včetně stupňů výuky a diagnostiky plavecké úrovně. Dále se práce věnuje zkoumání rozdílů v metodice a didaktice výuky plavání, nejen na školách, ale také v plaveckých klubech. Práce také poskytuje informace o povinném vzdělání učitelů, trenérů a instruktorů plavání ve zkoumaných zemích. Doufám, že práce bude užitečná pro učitele a trenéry při plaveckých trénincích. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA výuka, plavecká výuka, žáci, plavecké způsoby, osnovy výuky, plavecké dovednosti, studenti,Katedra tělesné výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
The Feasibility Study of Small Company
V této diplomové práci je zpracována studie proveditelnosti založení restaurace, která by měla vyplnit mezeru na trhu. Na základě teoretických poznatků, zjištěných skutečností a provedených analýz obsahuje řešení, které s celou podnikatelskou aktivitou souvisí a umožní firmě optimální vstup na trh.This masters’s thesis deals with a feasibility study of restaurant creation, which should fill a gap in the market. Suggestions for a solution relating to the enterprise and enabling the company to optimally entry to the market are presented, based on theoretical knowledge, empirical facts and analysis.
The efficiency of different types of extenders for semen cooling in stallions
Objective: This study was conducted to examine influence of skimmed milk-based extender (SM), INRA 96 extender and BotuSemen Gold extender on parameters of stallions' ejaculate during storage. Methods: In this study, 14 stallions between 4 and 20 years of age were monitored. Total and progressive motility, viability and morphology of sperm were evaluated at time intervals of 24, 48, and 72 hours after collection. Results: The total motility, progressive motility, and values of sperm with normal morphology were significantly higher in the INRA 96 and BotuSemen Gold extenders than in the SM (p<0.01). The sperm viability differed significantly in all extenders (p<0.01). The highest value of sperm viability was in INRA 96 (64.69%+-0.67%) and lowest in SM (59.70%+-0.81%). The highest differences occurred at 72 hours of storage. Values of total motility, progressive motility and sperm viability decreased over time (p<0.01). In case of sperm morphology there was no statistically significant decrease between 48- and 72-hour time intervals. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the extenders with a chemically defined composition have shown better indicators of insemination capabilities in ejaculates than the SM. The BotuSemen Gold extender is a suitable alternative to the INRA 96, when used within 48 hours; after 72 hours of storage, however, the INRA 96 showed a higher share of viable spermatozoa.Published Versio
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