2,302 research outputs found

    Why are the Children Dying?: Mixed-Race Children in Chang-rae Lee’s First Five Novels

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    The mixed-race children in each of Lee’s first five novels constitute an overarching set of symbols, reflecting, at first, society’s intolerance of miscegenation and its resulting mixed offspring, as demonstrated in the dysfunctional behaviors of the parent(s) (or society) and the death or disappearance of the mixed-race child. Then, later in the novel, a second mixed-race child’s birth, or its impending birth, signifies an acquired racial awareness on the part of the parent(s) and an overcoming of trauma that leads to hope for a more tolerant and understanding social environment for the mixed-race child


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    Recent developments in American agricultural and trade policy suggest that the US is backing away from its position as a staunch supporter of freer trade. In the long run, this action will weaken the competitive position of US agriculture and the other protected sectors of the US economy, as was the case when the US did this in the 1920's. It will also clearly harm US trading partners, such as Canada. We'll discuss the direct impacts of the Farm Bill on Canada in another, forthcoming special report. However, for our purposes in this report, the more immediate impact is to deter developing countries from pursuing freer trade as a means of increasing economic growth and improving standards of living. Support for freer trade from developing countries is essential if the current round of WTO is to achieve meaningful gains in trade liberalization. In turn, trade liberalization is absolutely required if low cost/resource rich countries such as the US and Canada are to have prosperous agri-food sectors. Current US policy initiatives give developing countries every incentive to retreat from liberalized trade to highly protectionist policies, just as outlined by Raoul Prebisch nearly 40 years ago. The impact of current US agricultural policy initiatives is to weaken the Doha agenda by forcing developing countries to unilaterally liberalize trade without any significant concessions from the US. This places developing countries in a very difficult position, and dramatically reduces the prospects for future gains through freer trade. In this special report, we outline the following issues that will impact the world agri-food trade context in the coming years: * International trade in primary commodities from the developing country perspective * The US Farm Bill and recent US trade policy initiatives * The agenda for the Doha Round of WTO * Impact of US policy initiatives on the success of WTOAgricultural and Food Policy,


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    This report's intent is to analyze the 2002 US "Farm Bill" to determine whether it is production and trade distorting, and how it will affect commodity markets as well as how it will affect Canadian agri-food. The objectives are to: · To explain the producer subsidy programs and how payments under these programs will be calculated; · To explain other provisions in the Farm Bill that are of interest to the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry; · To discuss the implications of the producer subsidy programs for US producers' decisions to grow the major commodities and pulses, and the likely implications of those decisions for market prices; · To discuss the implications of other Farm Bill provisions, including trade and conservation programs, and country of origin labeling; · To discuss the implications of the Farm Bill for the current round of WTO negotiations; and · To provide some initial thoughts on how governments and firms in Canada and other countries might respond to the Farm Bill. To accomplish the objectives, we provide a thorough description of the Act and its provisions. We apply it to a fictitious 1000 acre farm in the US Midwest to show its financial consequences. We also use production costs from certain regions of the US to determine the level of incentive built into the Act.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Chattanooga Sustainable Food Center: An Overview

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    According to Centers of Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC; 2018), heart diseases and cancers are the leading cause of death in Tennessee (TN). There are more than 16,000 cases of death due to heart diseases and more than 1,900 new cases of diabetes every year in TN. The latest data shows that 36% of adults are overweight and 31% have obesity in TN. Additionally, more than 45% of adults reported consuming fruits less than one time daily, and 24% reported consuming vegetables less than one time daily in TN. Research have showed that healthy food choices such as increase fruits and vegetables intakes have a protective role in chronic disease and obesity prevention. Several U.S. communities lack environmental factors that could support healthy food chooses and eating practices (CDC, 2018; USDA, 2017). This report explores a local organization in Chattanooga, TN (Chattanooga Sustainable Food Center; CSFC) that works to improve agriculture environment and food system in the community. The center collaborates with local farmers, producers, and community members to increase access to locally grown foods, provide nutrition education, and inspire engagement in regional agriculture

    Synthesis of a Zn(II)-Responsive ParaCEST MRI Agent for Improved Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

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    In the United States, prostate cancer is the leading type of cancer diagnosed in men. Prostate cancer is currently diagnosed with the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test; however, it leads to many false positives and therefore unneeded biopsies. Previous studies have shown that cancerous prostates have a much lower concentration of zinc than healthy prostates. The goal of this project is to create an MRI contrast agent capable of non-invasively quantifying zinc in the human prostate. Five out of the eight synthetic steps have been successfully completed so far, and the identities of these intermediate products have been verified by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR Spectroscopy. Future work will include completion of the synthesis of the MRI contrast agent and investigation of its properties in the presence of different concentrations of zinc

    Meeting the Challenges of an Aging Population with Success

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    With 117,099 people over the age of 65, Franklin County has the second-highest number of seniors among all Ohio counties. Projection data from the Ohio Department of Development indicates that Franklin County's 65-and-over population will grow to 224,340 by the year 2040. Key findings from this report indicate that improved coordination between the complex web of federal, state, county, and municipal resources would have significant impact on seniors' health and quality of life. The report also includes an analysis of the most vulnerable seniors in Franklin County identified at the neighborhood level

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Reading Abilities: A Comprehensive Review

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    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by “a consistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms that interferes with functioning in at least two domains” (DSM-V, 2013). While most studies link reading impairments to attention symptoms, Kagan’s (1965) seminal work documents a significant positive correlation between cognitive impulsivity and reading abilities in typically developing school-aged children (Kagan 1965). Moreover, extant research documents a relation between academic achievement impairments and ADHD-related cognitive impairments (i.e., executive functions). The purpose of this review is to examine ADHD-related reading abilities. We aim to outline the foundation for research on the relation between reading abilities and ADHD symptoms. We will examine both reading abilities broadly and examine specific reading-related processes (i.e., reading comprehension and reading decoding). Moreover, we will examine the relation between impulsivity and reading abilities in school-aged children diagnosed with ADHD. Our goal is to understand the etiology (i.e., root cause) of impaired reading abilities in school-aged children diagnosed with ADHD. Clinical and research implications will be discussed