83 research outputs found
Comment on ââGeodynamic evolution of the SW Europe
Ribeiro et al. [2007] have presented a geodynamic
view of the SW Iberia Variscides based on data from
Portugal. Their treatment of already published data is commendable,
and the knowledge gained will surely encourage
the discussion of the SWEurope Variscides. However, in our
opinion, Ribeiro et al.âs modeling and interpretation of the
EdiacaranâLower Ordovician ( 560â470 Ma) geodynamic
evolution are of limited value. In this regard, they based their
analysis of the Ossa-Morena Zone (OMZ) on assumptions
which are contradicted by recent published data. Ribeiro et al.
ignored recent progress in the OMZ Ediacaran-Ordovician
stratigraphy and, as a consequence they misunderstood
the structure of domains overprinted by strong Variscan
(Carboniferous) deformation and metamorphism
Tectonothermal analysis of high-temperature mylonitization in the
Mylonites in pelitic and quartzofeldsphatic gneisses from the Ouguela tectonic unit (CoimbraâCĂłrdoba shear zone, SW Iberian Massif) have
been studied as an example of high-temperature ductile deformation associated with transcurrent tectonics. Detailed microstructural and PâT
analysis indicates that ductile deformation evolved from a metamorphic peak at approximately 650â750 °C and 7.5â9.5 kbar (quartzofeldsphatic
gneisses) and 730â790 °C and 7.5â9.5 kbar (pelitic gneisses) to retrograde conditions at 500â575 °C and 4.5/5.5â6.5/7.5 kbar (quartzofeldsphatic
gneisses) and 525â600 °C and 3.5/4.5â5.5/7.5 kbar (pelitic gneisses). Following the metamorphic peak, exhumation was very fast. The PâT
trajectory, which does not reach the curve for granite melting, is distinct that of isothermal decompression. Instead, the progressive and
contemporaneous decrease in pressure and temperature was a direct response to strong heat dissipation along the contacts between the ascending
slice and the adjacent blocks. The horizontal component of exhumation path, calculated for middle and shallower crustal levels, sum to ca. 57 km
to 94 km (for the pressure peak). Assuming this offset acted in the Viséan during a time interval of ca. 9 Ma, the estimated exhumation horizontal
slip rate is in the order of 6.3 to 10.4 mm/yr, which corresponds to an exhumation oblique-slip exhumation rate of 6.6 to 10.7 mm/yr (for ductile
deformation). These values indicate that the transcurrent tectonic displacements accommodated by these mylonitic are similar to those of modern
intra-continental shear zones, such as the still active Karakoram Fault (8.3 mm/yr) in the Himalayas. The CoimbraâCĂłrdoba shear zone is
therefore a typical intra-continental transcurrent zone with ten-to-one hundred kilometre along-strike mass movement of material that aided the
exhumation of deep crustal rocks. Study of this large-scale structure in the SW Iberian Massif is therefore central to models of orogenic
deformation during the amalgamation of Pangea
Zircon UâPb geochronology of paragneisses and biotite
Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe UâThâPb age determinations on detrital and
inherited zircon from the E ÂŽ vora Massif (SW Iberian Massif, Portugal) provide direct evidence for
the provenance of the OssaâMorena Ediacaran basins (SeÂŽrie Negra) and a palaeogeographical link
with the West African craton. Three samples of the SeÂŽrie Negra paragneisses contain large components
of Cryogenian and Ediacaran (c. 700â540 Ma) detrital zircon, but have a marked lack of
zircon of Mesoproterozoic (c. 1.8â0.9 Ga) age. Older inherited zircons are of Palaeoproterozoic
(c. 2.4â1.8 Ga) and Archaean (c. 3.5â2.5 Ga) age. The same age pattern is also found in the
Arraiolos biotite granite, which was formed by partial melting of the SeÂŽrie Negra and overlying
Cambrian rocks. These results are consistent with substantial denudation of a continental region
that supplied sediments to the Ediacaran OssaâMorena basins during the final stages of the
CadomianâAvalonian orogeny (peri-Gondwanan margin with principal zircon-forming events
at c. 575 Ma and c. 615 Ma). Combined with the detrital zircon ages reported for rocks of the
same age from Portugal, Spain, Germany and Algeria, our data suggest that the sediment
supply to the EdiacaranâEarly Palaeozoic siliciclastic sequences preserved in all these peri-
Gondwanan regions was similar. The lack of Grenvillian-aged (c. 1.1â0.9 Ga) zircon in the
OssaâMorena and Saxo-Thuringia Ediacaran sediments suggests that the sediment in these
peri-Gondwanan basins was derived from the West African craton
Exhumation of high-pressure rocks in northern Gondwana during the Early
The CoimbraâCĂłrdoba shear zone (CCSZ) represents a major intra-continental shear zone of the European
Variscan orogen. The shear criteria found in metamorphic rocks of the CCSZ are consistent with sinistral
transcurrent movements. Isoclinal and open folds with axes parallel to the stretching lineation are
responsible for dip variations in the mylonitic foliation, but are related to the same kinematics. In selected
outcrops of the Campo Maior unit (SW Iberian Massif, Portugal), boudins of high-pressure mafic granulites,
high-grade amphibolites and felsic gneisses with long-axes parallel to the stretching lineation in the
surrounded metamorphic rocks, were sampled together with the host migmatites for petrographic,
geothermobarometric and UâThâPb SHRIMP in-situ zircon geochronology analysis. The results show that
decompression associated with shearing and partial melting in the CCSZ began under granulite facies
conditions during the Variscan orogeny (early Carboniferous: c. 340 Ma.). Peak metamorphic conditions in
the mafic granulites (850â880 °C and 14.5â16.5 kbar), were followed by symplectitization at 725â750 °C and
12.5â14.5 kbar. Peak PâT conditions were 615â675 °C and 9.5â11.5 kbar in the high-grade amphibolites,
750â850 °C and 11.5â15.5 kbar in the weakly deformed gneisses, and 675â725 °C and 9â11.5 kbar in the
sheared migmatites. Subsequently, temperatures and pressures decreased during amphibolite facies
metamorphism coeval with mylonitization. Retrograde PâT conditions were 550â700 °C and 7â9 kbar in
the high-grade amphibolite, 620â640 °C and 6â8 kbar in the gneisses, and 560â610 °C and 5â6.5 kbar in the
migmatites. Zircon dating of the migmatites and gneisses indicate Ediacaran (c. 590 Ma) and Ordovician
(c. 488â479 Ma) ages for the protoliths, and show that these rocks were part of the northern Gondwana
margin with a West Africa Craton signature dominated by Paleoproterozoic (c. 2â1.8 Ga) and Neoproterozoic
(c. 664â555 Ma) ages, and a characteristic lack of Mesoproterozoic (c. 0.9â1.7 Ga) ages. These rocks were
probably subducted, and subsequently exhumed during the complex processes of Pangea formation. The
high temperatureâhigh pressure rocks of the Campo Maior unit were likely displaced by large-scale
transcurrent movements within the CCSZ in the early Carboniferous. The CCSZ appears to represent a major
shear zone in the SW Iberian Massif connected in some way to the Variscan suture zon
Inherited arc signature in Ediacaran and Early Cambrian basins of
Geochemical data from clastic rocks of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Massif) show that the main source for the Ediacaran
and the Early Cambrian sediments was a recycled Cadomian magmatic arc along the northern Gondwana margin. The geodynamic
scenario for this segment of the Avalonian-Cadomian active margin is considered in terms of three main stages: (1) The 570â540 Ma
evolution of an active continental margin evolving oblique collision with accretion of oceanic crust, a continental magmatic arc
and the development of related marginal basins; (2) the EdiacaranâEarly Cambrian transition (540â520 Ma) coeval with important
orogenic magmatism and the formation of transtensional basins with detritus derived from remnants of the magmatic arc; and (3)
Gondwana fragmentation with the formation of Early Cambrian (520â510 Ma) shallow-water platforms in transtensional grabens
accompanied by rift-related magmatism. These processes are comparable to similar Cadomian successions in other regions of
Gondwanan Europe and Northwest Africa. Ediacaran and Early Cambrian basins preserved in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Portugal
and Spain), the North Armorican Cadomian Belt (France), the Saxo-Thuringian Zone (Germany), the Western Meseta and the
Western High-Atlas (Morocco) share a similar geotectonic evolution, probably situated in the same paleogeographic West African
peri-Gondwanan region of the Avalonian-Cadomian active margin
Tracing the Cadomian magmatism with detrital/inherited zircon ages by in-situ UâPb SHRIMP geochronology (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberian Massif),
UâPb SHRIMP geochronology on zircon extracted from a granite, a sandstone and a quartzite of the SW Iberian
Massif (Ossa-Morena Zone), was used in order to investigate the contribution of Late Neoproterozoic
(Cadomian) tectonothermal history to the crustal growth of northern Gondwana. The analysed Cambrian
rocks were sampled along the southern margin of the CoimbraâCordoba shear zone (Barquete granite and
Crato sandstone), and within this shear zone (Ouguela quartzite). The Barquete granite yielded a
crystallization age of 526±4 Ma and evidence for Neoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic inherited ages. The
geochemical signature of the Barquete granite matches the igneous activity of the initial magmatic flooding of
the Ossa-Morena Zone during the Early Cambrian. The petrography and geochemical signature of the
Crato and Ouguela sandstones indicate that these clastic rocks were mainly derived from felsic igneous
rocks. The youngest detrital zircon grain extracted from the Crato sandstone, dated at 552.7±5.5 Ma, has a
zircon overgrowth that yielded 532±5.6 Ma. In the Ouguela quartzite, the youngest concordant age yielded
556.4±5.7 Ma, but we also found a zircon overgrowth dated at 536.2±5.6 Ma. The ages of the youngest
detrital zircon in each sedimentary rock place an upper limit on the deposition age of Early Cambrian (c. 536â
532 Ma). Four main Late Neoproterozoic age clusters at c. 640â638 Ma, c. 612â613 Ma, c. 590â585 Ma and
c. 560 Ma were recognized in the populations of detrital zircons from both sandstones. These ages of zirconforming
events seem to represent four successive thermal/magmatic pulses that overlap the Cadomian and
Pan-African orogenies. These findings match other results published for the OMZ. Our UâPb results show that
detrital zircons in siliciclastic sediments and inherited zircon in granites are dominated by Neoproterozoic
ages and few Paleoproterozoic and Archean ages. Those ages reported in the Ossa-Morena Zone rocks,
together with a remarkable lack of Mesoproterozoic ages suggest that the clastic rocks in this peri-Gondwana
basin were derived from the West African craton. The large population of Late Cryogenian and Ediacaran ages
indicates denudation of the Cadomian basement during the Early Cambrian. A potential source for the detrital
and inherited zircons found in this study is a long-lived magmatic arc that is only partly exposed in the SW
Iberian Massif but is well represented in other peri-Gondwana regions. The large amount of Cadomian ages
obtained in this study (c. 640â560 Ma) reinforces the idea that Cadomian magmatism played a significant role
in the continental crustal growth history of Late Neoproterozoic uplift and erosion in Western and Central
Europe (Cadomia)
The provenance of Late Ediacaran and Early Ordovician siliciclastic rocks in the
UâPb geochronology of detrital zircon from Late Ediacaran (Beiras Group greywackes) and Early Ordovician
(Sarnelhas arkosic quartzites and Armorican quartzites of Penacova) sedimentary rocks of the
southwest Central Iberian Zone (SW CIZ) constrain the evolution of northern Gondwana active-passive
margin transition. The LA-ICP-MS UâPb data set (375 detrital zircons with 90â110% concordant ages) is
dominated by Neoproterozoic ages (75% for the greywakes and 60% for the quartzites), among which the
main age cluster (more significant for Beiras Group greywackes) is Cryogenian (c.840â750 Ma), while a
few Mesoproterozoic and Tonian ages are also present (percentages <8%). These two features, and the
predominance of Cryogenian ages over Ediacaran ages, distinguish the Beiras Group greywackes (SW
CIZ) from the time-equivalent Serie Negra (Ossa-Morena Zone â OMZ), with which they are in inferred
contact. The age spectra of the Beiras Group greywackes also reveal three major episodes of zircon crystallisation
in the source area during the Neoproterozoic that are probably associated with a long-lived
system of magmatism that developed either along or in the vicinity of the northern Gondwana margin
at: (1) c. 850â700 Ma â Pan-African suture (not well represented in OMZ); (2) c. 700â635 Ma â early
Cadomian arc; and (3) c. 635â545 Ma â late Cadomian arc. Comparison of Neoproterozoic ages and those
of the Paleoproterozoic (c. 2â1.8 Ga) and Archean (mainly Neoarchean â 2.8â2.6 Ga, but also older) in the
Beiras Group greywackes with UâPb ages of Cadomian correlatives shows that: (1) SW CIZ, OMZ, Saxo-
Thuringian Zone, North Armorican Cadomian Belt and Anti-Atlas) evolved together during the formation
of back-arc basins on the northern Gondwana active margin and (2) all recorded synorogenic basins that
were filled during the Ediacaran by detritus resulting from erosion of the West African craton, the Pan-
African suture and a long-lived Cadomian magmatic arc. Differences in detrital zircon age populations in
the greywackes of the Beiras Group (SW CIZ Cadomian basement) and the Serie Negra (OMZ Cadomian
basement) are also observed in their respective overlying Early Ordovician quartzites. Since both these
SW Iberia Cadomian basements evolved together along the active margin of Gondwana (but sufficiently
separated to account for the differences in their detrital zircon content), this continuation of differing
zircon populations into the Early Ordovician suggests that the inferred contact presently juxtaposing
the Beiras Group and the Serie Negra is not pre-Early Ordovician and so is unlikely to demonstrate a
Cadomian suture
Rift-related volcanism predating the birth of the Rheic Ocean
Two very different periods of magma emplacement in the crust of the Ossa-Morena zone (early and main
events) in SW Iberia have been previously interpreted to record a Cambrian/Early Ordovician rifting event
that is thought to have culminated in the opening of the Rheic Ocean during the Early Ordovician. New
stratigraphic, petrographic, geochemical and SmâNd isotope data from Cambrian volcanic rocks included in
six key low-grade sections in both Portugal and Spain considerably improve our understanding of these
events. These data: (1) confirm the existence of two rift-related magmatic events in the Cambrian of the
Ossa-Morena zone, (2) demonstrate that the early rift-related event was associated with migmatite and
core-complex formation in the mid-upper crust and is represented by felsic peraluminous rocks, the parent
magmas of which were derived mainly from crustal sources, and (3) show the main rift-related event to be
represented by a bimodal association of felsic and mafic rocks with minor amounts of intermediate rocks.
Some of the mafic rocks show N-MORB affinity, whereas others have OIB or E-MORB affinities, suggesting
different heterogeneous mantle sources (depleted and enriched, asthenospheric and lithospheric, plume-like
and non-plume-like). The acid and intermediate rocks appear to represent hybrid mixtures of crust and
mantle-derived magmas.
This new data supports the hypothesis that the onset of rifting was associated with a process of oblique ridgetrench
collision. We interpret the significant differences between the early and main events as reflecting the
evolution froma wide rift stagewith passive extensionmainly accommodated by lower-crust flowin a high heatflow
setting, to a narrow rift stage with active extension characterized by extension rates that outpaced thermal
diffusion rates
Crustal growth and deformational processes in the northern
The aim of this article is to present a compilation of available information on
the Ăvora Massif based on structural mapping, whole-rock geochemistry, recognition
of metamorphic mineral assemblages, and geothermobarometry. In our view, transcurrent
movements responsible for strong orogen-parallel stretching were dominant
and had a major role in the geodynamic evolution of this part of Ossa-Morena zone
(southwest Iberian Massif). Cadomian and Variscan orogenic events separated by a
period of intense rifting were the cause for the composite distribution of zones with
contrasting metamorphic paths, the structural complexity, the variety of lithological
associations, and the sequence of deformation events and magmatism. The proposed
geodynamic reconstruction for this segment of the northern Gondwana continental
margin includes three main stages in chronological order: (1) Neoproterozoic accretion
and continental magmatic arc developing, dismantling, and reworking, followed by late-âorogenicâ magmatism; (2) Lower Paleozoic crustal thinning, block tilting,
and mantle upwelling, induced by generalized rifting, leading to the formation of
marine basins with carbonate platform sediments and thick accumulations of volcaniclastic
and terrigenous sediments, contemporaneous with normal and enriched
mid-oceanic ridge basaltâtype magmatism; and (3) Upper Paleozoic transpressional
orogenesis resulting from obliquity of convergence and the geometry of the involved
blocks. The third stage includes the tectonic inversion of Lower Paleozoic basins,
crustal thickening, the exhumation of high- to medium-pressure rocks and partial
exhumation of high-grade metamorphic lithologies (controlled by local transtension
and major detachments), the formation of synorogenic basins fi lled with volcanicsedimentary
sequences, and fi nally, the emplacement of late Variscan granodiorites
and granites
Cambrian ensialic rift-related magmatism in the Ossa-Morena Zone
The Late Ediacaran (c. 560â550 Ma) SĂ©rie Negra sediments of the ĂvoraâAracena metamorphic belt, Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberian Massif,
preserve a record of the erosion of an AvalonianâCadomian magmatic arc and subsequent related turbiditic sedimentation. Detrital zircon from the
SĂ©rie Negra is characterized by predominantly Ediacaran and Cryogenian ages, with few Paleoproterozoic and Archean cores, and a marked lack
of Grenvillian ages. These features, when combined with the metasediments' enrichment in LREE (La/Yb=14), negative Eu-anomalies, low
147Sm/144Nd values (0.121) and negative ΔNd550=â5.5, indicate that the protolith SĂ©rie Negra sediments were derived from a continental
magmatic arc.
A period of Late Cadomian (ca. 560â540 Ma) tectonism was followed by an extended episode of widespread bimodal magmatism related to
Cambrian (ca. 540â500 Ma) rifting. This tectonic inversion is expressed in the geological record by a regional Early Cambrian unconformity.
SHRIMP zircon UâThâPb ages from four felsic orthogneisses from the Ăvora Massif record Cambrian (527±10 Ma, 522±5 Ma, 517±6 Ma
and 505±5 Ma) crystallization ages for their igneous protoliths. This confirms the existence of widespread Lower Paleozoic igneous activity in the
Ossa-Morena Zone: (i) a Lower Cambrian (ca. 535â515 Ma) igneousâfelsic dominatedâsedimentary complex (with calc-alkaline signature and
associated carbonate and siliciclastic deposition), and (ii) a Middle Cambrianâ?Ordovician (ca. 515â490 Ma) igneousâbimodalâsedimentary
complex (with calc-alkaline and tholeiitic signatures and associated dominant siliciclastic deposition, but also carbonate sediments).
The Cambrian felsic magmatism was characterized by negative Eu-anomalies, (La/Lu)N=0.8â11, 147Sm/144Nd=0.1289â0.1447 and ΔNd500
ranging from â1.5 to â0.8. A tendency towards peraluminous compositions suggests late fractionation, low degrees of partial melting, or the
mixing of crustal and mantle-derived material in the magma source region. Some felsic rocks possibly represent the last residual melts of hightemperature,
zircon-undersaturated mafic magmas later affected by crustal contamination, while others indicate partial melting of crustal
metasediments variably contaminated by basaltic liquids.
The transition from early felsic dominated to later more mafic magmatism suggests the gradual opening of the system to tholeiitic NâE-MORB
products (ThN/TaNb1.0). The as yet undated (Cambrianâ?Ordovician) E-MORB amphibolites have 147Sm/144Nd=0.1478â0.1797 and ΔNd500
values ranging from +6.4 to +7.3, while the N-MORB amphibolites have 147Sm/144Nd=0.1818â0.1979 and ΔNd500 values of +5.8 and +7.0,
reaching a maximum of +9.1. In contrast, other amphibolites have a negative Ta-anomaly (1.35bThN/TaNb2.41) reminiscent of lavas from
âorogenicâ settings or alternatively, typical of crustally-contaminated within-plate magmas. These âVAB-likeâ amphibolites have 147Sm/144Nd
values ranging from 0.1639 to 0.1946 and ΔNd500 values of +3.5 to +5.2, suggesting derivation by crustal assimilation processes. The subalkaline
igneous precursors of the amphibolites were most likely generated in a rift setting by asthenospheric upwelling. These results strengthen the proposed geodynamic scenarios for the SW Iberian Massif by which Cadomian accretion gave rise to an ensialic
rift that developed into a proto-oceanic basin and incipient spreading (opening of the Rheic Ocean?). A similar transition from a convergent to a
divergent plate boundary during the Ediacaran to Cambrianâ?Ordovician has also been reported in other segments of the northern Gondwana
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