1,924 research outputs found

    Pairing in a three component Fermi gas

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    We consider pairing in a three-component gas of degenerate fermions. In particular, we solve the finite temperature mean-field theory of an interacting gas for a system where both interaction strengths and fermion masses can be unequal. At zero temperature we find a a possibility of a quantum phase transition between states associated with pairing between different pairs of fermions. On the other hand, finite temperature behavior of the three-component system reveals some qualitative differences from the two-component gas: for a range of parameters it is possible to have two different critical temperatures. The lower one corresponds to a transition between different pairing channels, while the higher one corresponds to the usual superfluid-normal transition. We discuss how these phase transitions could be observed in ultracold gases of fermionic atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Vortex-line solitons in a periodically modulated Bose gas

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    We study the nonlinear excitations of a vortex-line in a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We find that the classical Euler dynamics of the vortex results in a description of the vortex line in terms of a (discrete) one-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which allows for both bright and gray soliton solutions. We discuss these solutions in detail and predict that it is possible to create vortex-line solitons with current experimental capabilities.Comment: minor changes, updated/corrected references, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Noise correlations of the ultra-cold Fermi gas in an optical lattice

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    In this paper we study the density noise correlations of the two component Fermi gas in optical lattices. Three different type of phases, the BCS-state (Bardeen, Cooper, and Schieffer), the FFLO-state (Fulde, Ferrel, Larkin, and Ovchinnikov), and BP (breach pair) state, are considered. We show how these states differ in their noise correlations. The noise correlations are calculated not only at zero temperature, but also at non-zero temperatures paying particular attention to how much the finite temperature effects might complicate the detection of different phases. Since one-dimensional systems have been shown to be very promising candidates to observe FFLO states, we apply our results also to the computation of correlation signals in a one-dimensional lattice. We find that the density noise correlations reveal important information about the structure of the underlying order parameter as well as about the quasiparticle dispersions.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures. Some figures are updated and text has been modifie

    Finite temperature phase diagram of a polarized Fermi gas in an optical lattice

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    We present phase diagrams for a polarized Fermi gas in an optical lattice as a function of temperature, polarization, and lattice filling factor. We consider the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO), Sarma or breached pair (BP), and BCS phases, and the normal state and phase separation. We show that the FFLO phase appears in a considerable portion of the phase diagram. The diagrams have two critical points of different nature. We show how various phases leave clear signatures to momentum distributions of the atoms which can be observed after time of flight expansion.Comment: Journal versio

    Quantum fluctuations of a vortex in an optical lattice

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    Using a variational ansatz for the wave function of the Bose-Einstein condensate, we develop a quantum theory of vortices and quadrupole modes in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We study the coupling between the quadrupole modes and Kelvin modes, which turns out to be formally analogous to the theory of parametric processes in quantum optics. This leads to the possibility of squeezing vortices. We solve the quantum multimode problem for the Kelvin modes and quadrupole modes numerically and find properties that cannot be explained with a simple linear-response theory.Comment: final version, minor change

    Spontaneous squeezing of a vortex in an optical lattice

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    We study the equilibrium states of a vortex in a Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We find that quantum effects can be important and that it is even possible for the vortex to be strongly squeezed, which reflects itself in a different quantum mechanical uncertainty of the vortex position in two orthogonal directions. The latter is observable by measuring the atomic density after an expansion of the Bose-Einstein condensate in the lattice.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, more details added, some new citation

    Interband physics in an ultra-cold Fermi gas in an optical lattice

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    We study a gas of strongly polarized cold fermions in an optical lattice when the excited p-bands are populated. We derive the relevant Hamiltonian and discuss the expected phase diagram for both repulsive and attractive interactions. In the parameter regime covered here, checkerboard anti-ferromagnetic ordering is found to be possible for repulsive interactions while for attractive interactions, transitions between different types of paired phases are predicted.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum theory of a vortex line in an optical lattice

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    We investigate the quantum theory of a vortex line in a stack of weakly-coupled two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates, that is created by a one-dimensional optical lattice. We derive the dispersion relation of the Kelvin modes of the vortex line and also study the coupling between the Kelvin modes and the quadrupole modes. We solve the coupled dynamics of the vortex line and the quadrupole modes, both classically as well as quantum mechanically. The quantum mechanical solution reveals the possibility of generating nonequilibrium squeezed vortex states by strongly driving the quadrupole modes.Comment: Minor changes in response to a referee repor