5 research outputs found

    Diacetylcurcumin: Its Potential Antiarthritic Effect on a Freund’s Complete Adjuvant-Induced Murine Model

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    The present study aims to evaluate the antiarthritic activity of diacetylcurcumin (DAC), a synthetic derivative where the free phenolic groups of curcumin are derivatized by acetylation, thereby conferring greater lipophilicity to the parent molecule and partially overcoming the limited systemic bioavailability of curcumin. Antiarthritic activity was evaluated on a Freund’s complete adjuvant (FCA)-induced murine model of arthritis. Oral administration of DAC (60 and 120 mg/kg) resulted in a significant inhibition of inflammation in the acute and chronic phases, respectively, demonstrating an improved and sustained anti-inflammatory effect, comparable to that of curcumin (150 mg/kg) in the chronic stage at a lower dose. Phenylbutazone (80 mg/kg) was used as a reference drug. The pharmacological consequence of DAC or curcumin treatment is the prevention of secondary lesions commonly associated with this biological model

    Factors and Practices Associated with Self-Medicating Children among Mexican Parents

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    Background: Pediatric self-medication is based on the subjective interpretation of symptoms in children by the mother or an adult, the decision to self-medicate is made by a third party. The objective of this work is to provide information on the factors and practices associated with the self-medication of children among parents in Mexico. Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted between June 2020 and December 2021 on Mexican parents with children under 12 years of age. Online questionnaires were completed with sections on sociodemographic characteristics, use of medicines or medicinal plants and their treated symptoms, sources of collection, and their recommendation. Results: A total of 9905 online surveys were completed with representation from the 32 states of Mexico, and the prevalence of self-medication was 49.6% (n = 4908). Associated factors were age, having two or more children, children with chronic illnesses, medium educational level, unemployment or employment unrelated to health, medium and high socioeconomic level, and lack of medical security. Respondents self-medicated their children on the recommendation of a family member or friend (55.8%), and own initiative (28%). The most used medication was VapoRub (61.3%), followed by paracetamol (56.9%) and chamomile (33.1%), and the most prevalent symptoms were flu/flow (47.7%) followed by cough (34.2%). The main reasons were perceiving symptoms as not serious (69.9%) and reusing medications (51.9%). Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of self-medication in children in Mexico, mainly associated with children with chronic diseases and families with three or more children

    Ethnomedicinal Study and Evaluation of the Anxiolytic-like and Diuretic Effects of the Orchid <i>Stanhopea tigrina</i> Bateman ex Lindl—(Orchidaceae)

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    Stanhopea tigrina Bateman ex Lindl. (Orchidaceae) is an orchid endemic to Mexico, known as “Calavera” or “calaverita”, in the Huasteca Potosina (central region of Mexico). This plant species is used for the folk treatment of mental disorders and urological kidney disorders, according to the ethnomedicinal information obtained in this study. Ethanolic extracts of leaves (HE) and pseudobulb (PE) were obtained by microwave-assisted extraction (MAE). Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to carry out the chemical characterization of HE and PE. The pharmacological effects (antioxidant, diuretic, anxiolytic, locomotor, hypnotic, and sedative) of HE and PE were evaluated. The possible mechanism of action of the anxiolytic-like activity induced by HE was assessed using inhibitors of the GABAergic, adrenergic, and serotonergic systems. The possible mechanism of the diuretic action of HE was assessed using prostaglandin inhibitory antagonists and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) blockers. HE at 50 and 100 mg/kg exerted anxiolytic-like activity without inducing hypnosis or sedation. Flumazenil, prazosin, and ketanserin inhibited the anxiolytic-like activity shown by HE, which suggests the participation of GABA, α1-adrenergic receptors, and 5-HT2 receptors, respectively. The diuretic effect was reversed by the non-selective NOS inhibitor L-NAME, which caused the reduction in nitric oxide (NO). These results demonstrate that the ethanolic extract of S. tigrina leaves exhibited anxiolytic-like activity and diuretic effects without inducing hypnosis or sedation. This work validates the medicinal uses of this orchid species

    Self-medication practice in pregnant women from central Mexico

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    Self-medication during pregnancy represents a serious threat for mother and child health. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and the factors associated with self-medication among Mexican women living in the central region of Mexico. This is a descriptive interview-study of 1798 pregnant women or women who were pregnant no more than 3 years ago, when the interview was carried out. Data analysis was carried out with chi-square analysis and odds ratio. The prevalence of self-medication (allopathic drugs, medicinal plants, and other products, including vitamins, food supplements, among others) was 21.9%. The factors associated (p < 0.05) with self-medication were: higher education (college and postgraduate), smoking, and consumption of alcohol. Smoking was the strongest factor (OR: 2.536; 1.46–4.42) associated to self-medication during pregnancy, followed by consumption of alcohol (OR: 2.06; 1.38–3.08), and higher education (OR: 1.607; 1.18–2.19). Medicinal plant consumption was associated with nausea, constipation, migraine, and cold (p < 0.05), whereas he self-medication of allopathy was associated with gastritis and migraine (p < 0.05). Self-medication was influenced mainly by a relative or friend, who recommended the use of herbal medicine/allopathic medication. Two of the most common medicinal plants (arnica and ruda) here informed are reported to induce abortion or toxicity during pregnancy. The findings showed that self-medication (medicinal plants and allopathic medication) is a common practice among pregnant women from central Mexico. Adequate counselling of pregnant women by healthcare professionals about the potential risks of self-medication with herbal medicine and allopathic drugs during pregnancy is strongly warranted. Keywords: Self-medication, Pregnancy, Allopathy, Medicinal plan