5 research outputs found


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    Cijena se po svojoj kompleksnosti razlikuje od ostalih elemenata marketinškog spleta te je u marketinškoj literaturi u određenoj mjeri zanemarena. Određivanje cijena i upravljanje njima u strateškom i taktičkom smislu oduvijek je bilo izazovno te su brojni čimbenici koji se pritom moraju uzeti u obzir, poput profita tvrtke, željenog imidža, konkurencije, zakonskih ograničenja i ciljnih kupaca. Tehnologija je sve učinila transparentnijim i lakšim za praćenje, uključujući i cijene. Razvoj multikanalnog okruženja prvenstveno je pod utjecajem razvoja tehnologije koja omogućuje multikanalni pristup i maloprodavačima i kupcima. Zbog toga je cilj ovoga rada istaknuti važnost upravljanja cijenama u multikanalnom okruženju i izazovima koje donosi. Nadalje, cilj je i utvrditi stanje multikanalnog okruženja na hrvatskom tržištu, i na strani ponude i na strani potražnje. U tu svrhu provedena je studija slučaja vodećih 10 maloprodavača pretežito prehrambenim proizvodima te su analizirane njihove cjenovne i prodajne aktivnosti. Na 305 kupaca provedeno je primarno istraživanje korištenjem visoko strukturiranog upitnika kojim se saznalo u kojoj mjeri su kupci prihvatili različite mogućnosti informiranja o cijenama. Rezultati ukazuju na to da maloprodavači, a posljedično i kupci, relativno sporo prihvaćaju mogućnosti multikanalnog okruženja


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    Završni rad Predviđanje potražnje u upravljanju opskrbnim lancem na teorijskoj i empirijskoj osnovi testira pretpostavku o odnosu i važnosti predviđanja potražnje i upravljanja opskrbnim lancem, kao i pretpostavku o presudnom utjecaju predviđanja potražnje na uspješno i efikasno poslovanje gospodarskog subjekta. U teorijskom dijelu sistematizirani su i analizirani osnovni elementi pojmova supply chain managementa – upravljanja opskrbnim lancem i predviđanja potražnje, pozicija prognoziranja u sustavu upravljanja opskrbnim lancem, kao i metode izvršavanja i formiranja prognoze. U radu se uočavaju prednosti, ali i otežavajuće okolnosti predviđanja potražnje, kao i temeljne karakteristike predviđanja potražnje kod, na tržištu, postojećih proizvoda, te proizvoda koji su fazi uvođenja na tržište. Također, obrađeno je područje predviđanja potražnje u upravljanju opskrbnim lancem na primjeru globalne korporacije koja djeluje i na području Republike Hrvatske, Coca Cola HBC, na osnovi strategija koje se primjenjuju te načina funkcioniranja predviđanja potražnje u korporaciji. Praktično istraživanje provedeno je u svrhu vrednovanja značaja prognoziranja potražnje u opskrbnom lancu te procjenjivanja utjecaja na razinu uspješnosti gospodarskog subjekta. Nalazi istraživanja za potrebe ovog rada, ukazuju na sve veći značaj predviđanja potražnje u upravljanju opskrbnim lancem, kao i inovativne pristupe predviđanju u osuvremenjenom konceptu opskrbnog lanca. Rezultati ovog završnog rada zaključuju iskoristivost modela predviđanja potražnje, potvrđujući aplikativne spoznaje o konkretnim praktičnim koristima primjene metode prognoze u poslovanju, u okviru primjene tzv. poslovne inteligencije.This final work Demand forecasting in supply chain management on theoretical and empirical level tests the assumption between the relation and the importance of demand forecasting and supply chain management, as well as the influence on efectivity and successfulnes of economic entity. The theoretical part systematizes and analyzes the basic elements of the concepts supply chain management - supply chain management and forecasting demand-forecasting, position of forecasting in supply chain management, as well as the methods of execution and the formation of forecasts. These thesis observes advantages and aggravating circumstances of demand forecasting, as well as basic characteristics of demand forecasting with, on the market, existing products, and products that are new on the market. The area of demand forecasting in supply chain management is processed on practical example of one global corporation that also operates in Croatia - Coca Cola HBC, based on, both strategies that are applied and ways of functiong of demand forecasting in the corporation. Practical research conducted for the purpose of evaluating the importance of forecasting demand in the supply chain as well as assessing the impact on the success of the economic entity. Research findings in this work indicate the importance of demand forecasting in supply chain, as well as innovation in the approach for predicting the modernized concept of the supply chain. The results of this thesis conclude the usage of models for demand forecasting, which confirm applicative cognition on specific practical benefits of application of forecasts in the business - the application of business intelligence

    Effects of visual merchandising on consumer's impulse buying

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    Dimenzijom globalizacije kakvom je danas doživljavamo, saživljen je i novi trend kupovanja. Naime, prosječni potrošači danas su vrlo zahtjevni kada je riječ o načinu kupovanja, trošenju svog dragocjenog vremena, ali i izgledu i iskustvu iz ustanova koje posjećuju. Zahtjevi potrošača prema trgovcima sve su snažniji, specijaliziraniji i precizniji - oni zahtijevaju kreativnost od strane trgovaca u privlačenju i motiviranju na ulazak u baš njihovu poslovnu jedinicu. Zbog toga, uspješnom trgovcu ne preostaje drugo, doli udovoljavati zahtjevima svojih kupaca kako bi kreirao pozitivnu sliku u psihi potrošača, a koja se često odražava na razinu prodaje njegove prodavaonice. Stoga, efekt vizualnog merchandisinga postaje presudni čimbenik na strani ponude u sektoru maloprodaje, dok se to na strani potražnje odražava kao ugodno prevladavajuće okruženje u prodavaonici, što se ponovno odražava na trgovca u obliku ekonomičnijeg i profitabilnijeg poslovanja. Unazad nekoliko godina, na području Europe je sektor maloprodaje procvjetao. Novi trendovi na ovome području, poput proboja novih, žestokih konkurenata, brojnih brandova, snažnih poticaja na izravna ulaganja, proboja tehnologije na područje maloprodaje, omogućili su potrošačima veći izbor i prilagođavanje trgovca svojim željama. Navedeno je, pak, primoralo dominantne i opuštene trgovce na stvaranje novih ideja i novih mogućnosti u području opsluživanja svojih kupaca. Zbog navedenog, trgovci i vodeći brandovi se često usmjeravaju na marketinšku strategiju komuniciranja s kupcima unutar prodavaonice i za vrijeme kupnje, tzv. strategiju vizualnog merchandisinga. Ovaj snažan komunikacijski instrument pomaže i potiče prodaju, zbog čega je u modernim potrošačkim društvima poslovanje trgovaca nezamislivo bez vidljivih elemenata merchandisinga. Ova politika upravljanja asortimanom i pratećim uslugama u prodavaonici predstavlja se kao svojevrsna znanost o kupnji. Njome se predstavljaju pravilni načini korištenja raznih alata merchandisinga, koji se usmjeravaju na kreiranje oznaka koje će korisnici uočiti, pozicioniranje oznaka na pravome mjestu, dizajniranje layouta, razmještaj elemenata u prodavaonici i sl. zadaće unutar prodavaonice. Konačni cilj ove marketinške strategije iščitava se kroz kreiranje uvjeta za brzo i lako pristupanje potrošača svakom dijelu prodavaonice te uvjeta za najjednostavnije moguće zadovoljenje potreba potrošača. U literaturi se navodi mnoštvo elemenata merchandisinga, no u ovom radu se naglasak stavlja na sljedeće elemente: layout prodavaonice, display na mjestu prodaje, cjenovne promocijske oznake, način izlaganja robe na polici, redovne promocijske oznake, zaposleno osoblje teatmosferu. Unutar rada proučavaju se navedeni elementi i njihova povezanost s impulzivnom kupnjom potrošača te se otkrivaju odgovori na pitanje zašto su strateške marketinške odluke o vizualnom merchandisingu važne za povećanje prodaje u prodavaonici. Empirijsko istraživanje oslanja se na prethodni pregled literature te se također osvrće na otkrivanje dimenzija vizualnog merchandisinga koje su značajne u stvaranju nagona i povećanju impulzivne kupnje promatranih potrošača koji posjećuju velikopovršinske prodavaonice. Empirijsko istraživanje usmjereno je na potrošače maloprodajnih velikopovršinskih prodavaonica pretežito prehrambenom robom, na području Osječkobaranjske županije. U uzorku je objedinjeno 226 ispitanika, osoba koje sudjeluju u kupovini u prodavaonici pretežito prehrambenom robom – supermarketu/hipermarketu, s ciljem uočavanja na koji način potrošači vrše svoje izbore prilikom kupnje. Glavni rezultat istraživanja ukazuje na pozitivan odnos elemenata vizualnog merchandisinga na element impulzivne kupnje. Osim toga, element dodatnih izlaganja proizvoda (display) te element atmosfere bilježe snažan pivotalni odnos sa impulzivnom kupnjom, što sugerira njihov značaj u poticanju neplanirane kupnje. Preostali elementi merchandisinga u prodavaonici, layout, način izlaganja robe na polici, redovne promocijske oznake, cjenovne promocijske oznake i zaposlenici, ne bilježe dovoljno snažnu značajnost kako bi se na osnovu njih mogla predvidjeti razina prodaje nastala impulzivno, no, postojana je korelacija i međusobna povezanost promatranih varijabli s impulzivnom kupnjom. Ovim istraživanjem, trgovcima koji djeluju na području Republike Hrvatske, daje se uvid o tome koji elementi vizualnog merchandisinga mogu značajno utjecati na kupovno ponašanje kupaca, odnosno potaknuti impulzivnu kupnju.With the dimension of globalization as we experience today, there are new trends in shopping habits that have been revived. Modern consumers are very demanding when it comes to shopping habits, spending their precious time, but also when it goes about the design of the institutions they visit or experience they had there. Consumers demands towards traders are increasingly powerful, more specialized and more precise - they require creativity from traders to attract and motivate them to enter into their store. For this reason, a successful trader can’t do anything else but making the demands of his customers satisfied so he could create a positive image in the consumer's eye, which can be often reflected on the sales level of his store. That’s why the effect of visual merchandising becomes a crucial factor at the supply side in the retail industry. While this is reflected on the demand side as a pleasantly created store environment, it is also reflected in the form of a more economical and profitable business for a trader. A few years ago the retail sector in Europe has increased. New trends in this area - such as breaking new and fierce competitors, numerous brands, strong incentives for direct investments and new technology in the retail sector - have allowed consumers a greater choice in choosing trader but also make traders adjust their consumer's desires. That has made dominant and relaxed traders to create new ideas and new opportunities in the field of serving their customers. Because of that, traders and leading brands often point to the communication marketing strategy with customers in the store and during their purchase - which is known as the strategy of visual merchandising. This powerful communication tool assists and encourages sales, which is why, in a modern consumer society, the merchant business is unthinkable without the obvious elements of merchandising. This assortment management with their supporting service within the store can be defined as a kind of a science of shopping. It represents the proper way to use those merchandising tools that focus on designing signs that consumers will actually read, way to make sure each message is in the appropriate place or way to design layout and arrange displays. The ultimate goal of this marketing strategy is to create conditions for a fast and easy access to every part of the store, so as the conditions for the consumer's satisfaction. The literature review shows many different elements of merchandising, but in this paper, the point of consideration will be following elements: store layout, in-store product displays, regular promotional signage, price promotional signage, product shelf presentation,employee staff and in-store atmosphere. Within this thesis, the named elements of visual merchandising were discussed, so as their correlation and relationship with consumer impulsive buying. As well, there are explored the answers to the question of why marketing strategy decisions about visual merchandising are important for increasing sales at the store? The empirical research relies on previous literature review and refers to discovering the dimensions of visual merchandising that are significant in creating impulse buying or increasing impulsive buying of observed consumers that are visiting large-scale (supermarket/ hypermarket) retail stores. Empirical research focuses on consumers of retail grocery stores mostly in the food sector in the Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia. Empirical research was conducted on a sample of 226 respondents, who are involved in shopping in a grocery store - supermarket/hypermarket, with the main goal: to find out how consumers make their choices when they purchase. The main finding of this research suggests a positive correlation between visual merchandising elements and the impulsive buying. Besides, the element of in-store product displays and the element of the in-store atmosphere have a strong pivotal relationship with the impulsive buying - this suggests their importance in stimulating unplanned purchases. The remaining elements of visual merchandising in the store, the store-layout, regular promotional signage, price promotional signage, product shelf presentation and employees do not have enough strong significance in order to predict the level of sales generated by impulsive buying, but there are a constant correlation and mutual connection of observed variables with impulse buying. This research gives an insight to traders and marketers that operate in the Republic of Croatia about which elements of visual merchandising can significantly affect consumers buying behavior and stimulate impulsive purchases


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    Završni rad Predviđanje potražnje u upravljanju opskrbnim lancem na teorijskoj i empirijskoj osnovi testira pretpostavku o odnosu i važnosti predviđanja potražnje i upravljanja opskrbnim lancem, kao i pretpostavku o presudnom utjecaju predviđanja potražnje na uspješno i efikasno poslovanje gospodarskog subjekta. U teorijskom dijelu sistematizirani su i analizirani osnovni elementi pojmova supply chain managementa – upravljanja opskrbnim lancem i predviđanja potražnje, pozicija prognoziranja u sustavu upravljanja opskrbnim lancem, kao i metode izvršavanja i formiranja prognoze. U radu se uočavaju prednosti, ali i otežavajuće okolnosti predviđanja potražnje, kao i temeljne karakteristike predviđanja potražnje kod, na tržištu, postojećih proizvoda, te proizvoda koji su fazi uvođenja na tržište. Također, obrađeno je područje predviđanja potražnje u upravljanju opskrbnim lancem na primjeru globalne korporacije koja djeluje i na području Republike Hrvatske, Coca Cola HBC, na osnovi strategija koje se primjenjuju te načina funkcioniranja predviđanja potražnje u korporaciji. Praktično istraživanje provedeno je u svrhu vrednovanja značaja prognoziranja potražnje u opskrbnom lancu te procjenjivanja utjecaja na razinu uspješnosti gospodarskog subjekta. Nalazi istraživanja za potrebe ovog rada, ukazuju na sve veći značaj predviđanja potražnje u upravljanju opskrbnim lancem, kao i inovativne pristupe predviđanju u osuvremenjenom konceptu opskrbnog lanca. Rezultati ovog završnog rada zaključuju iskoristivost modela predviđanja potražnje, potvrđujući aplikativne spoznaje o konkretnim praktičnim koristima primjene metode prognoze u poslovanju, u okviru primjene tzv. poslovne inteligencije.This final work Demand forecasting in supply chain management on theoretical and empirical level tests the assumption between the relation and the importance of demand forecasting and supply chain management, as well as the influence on efectivity and successfulnes of economic entity. The theoretical part systematizes and analyzes the basic elements of the concepts supply chain management - supply chain management and forecasting demand-forecasting, position of forecasting in supply chain management, as well as the methods of execution and the formation of forecasts. These thesis observes advantages and aggravating circumstances of demand forecasting, as well as basic characteristics of demand forecasting with, on the market, existing products, and products that are new on the market. The area of demand forecasting in supply chain management is processed on practical example of one global corporation that also operates in Croatia - Coca Cola HBC, based on, both strategies that are applied and ways of functiong of demand forecasting in the corporation. Practical research conducted for the purpose of evaluating the importance of forecasting demand in the supply chain as well as assessing the impact on the success of the economic entity. Research findings in this work indicate the importance of demand forecasting in supply chain, as well as innovation in the approach for predicting the modernized concept of the supply chain. The results of this thesis conclude the usage of models for demand forecasting, which confirm applicative cognition on specific practical benefits of application of forecasts in the business - the application of business intelligence

    The influence of key factors of visual merchandising on impulsive buying

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    Background: Modern retail is experiencing an accelerated transformation with online sales growth, further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, physical stores, especially grocery stores, are still the key to retail business and are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Competition among retailers is becoming more pronounced and aggressive, and the expectations of modern consumers from retailers are stronger and more precise - they require the creativity of retailers in attracting and motivating them to enter their stores and return. Once consumers are in the store, the goal of retailers is to make them buy as much as possible. In modern retail, visual merchandising has become one of the crucial factors on the supply side by achieving a comfortable in-store environment and directing customers toward targeted shopping behaviour. The aim of this paper is to investigate which factors of visual merchandising are successful in encouraging impulsive consumer buying. Methods: The article conducted an extensive review of the previous literature, while the primary research was conducted on 226 respondents, people who participated in purchases in large retail grocery stores (primarily hypermarkets), to conclude the factors influencing visual merchandising on impulsive consumer buying. Results: The results of the regression analysis indicate that there is a statistically significant positive impact of secondary displays, price promotional labels, and in-store music on impulsive purchases, while the availability of prices over the Internet and weekly promotional catalogs have a negative impact on impulsive purchases. Conclusions: This research provides clear instructions to grocery retailers, and their suppliers (manufacturers and distributors) who place their products in their stores about elements of visual merchandising that can significantly affect consumers’ impulsive buying and generate additional revenue. Although retailers receive direct positive feedback, it is also of equal importance for manufacturers (manufacturing brands), as they often participate in in-store visual merchandising processes