1,742 research outputs found

    L'Estat espanyol, paradís fiscal?

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    Transparència, integritat i grups d’interès. Deu lliçons apreses de l’aplicació de la Llei 19/2014, del 29 de desembre

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    Interest groups must conduct their activities before public administrations transparently, guaranteeing the integrity of public servants and the interest groups themselves. They must also ensure equality in their access to public institutions, so this activity can have a positive impact on public decision-making and the drafting of legislation, promoting good governanceand good administration overall. This article offers a detailed analysis of the concept of the interest group as it is defined by the regulations in force in Catalonia and the mechanisms derived from them to guarantee the transparency of interest groups’ activities and the integrity of their relations with senior officials. The article also evaluates the regulations in forcein view of the experience acquired since their entry into force. Last, by way of conclusion, it identifies ten elements that should be taken into account when regulating the activity of interest groups, and at the time these regulations are applied.Los grupos de interés han de desarrollar su actividad ante las administraciones públicas con transparencia i garantizando la integridad tanto de los servidores públicos como de los mismos grupos de interés, como también la igualdad en su acceso a las instituciones públicas, para que esta actividad pueda tener un impacto positivo en la toma de decisiones públicas y la elaboración de normas y, en general, promover el buen gobierno y la buena administración. Este artículo analiza en detalle el concepto de grupo de interés que se deriva de la normativa vigente en Cataluña y expone los mecanismos que prevé la regulación catalana para garantizar la transparencia de la actividad de los grupos de interés y la integridad en las relaciones entre los altos cargos y los grupos de interés. El artículo también hace una valoración de la normativa vigente en vista de la experiencia alcanzada desde su entrada en vigor. Finalmente, a modo de conclusión, identifica diez elementos que se tendrían que tener bien presentes a la hora de regular la actividad de los grupos de interés y en el momento de aplicar esta regulación. Els grups d’interès han de desenvolupar la seva activitat davant les administracions públiques amb transparència i garantint la integritat tant dels servidors públics com dels mateixos grups d’interès, com també la igualtat en el seu accés a les institucions públiques, perquè aquesta activitat pugui tenir un impacte positiu en la presa de decisions públiques i l’elaboració de normes i, en general, promoure el bon govern i la bona administració. Aquest article analitza en detall el concepte de grup d’interès que es deriva de la normativa vigent a Catalunya i exposa els mecanismes que preveu la regulació catalana per garantir la transparència de l’activitat dels grups d’interès i la integritat en les relacions entre els alts càrrecs i els grups d’interès. L’article també fa una valoració de la normativa vigent en vista de l’experiència assolida des de la seva entrada en vigor. Finalment, a mode de conclusió, identifica deu elements que s’haurien de tenirben presents a l’hora de regular l’activitat dels grups d’interès i en el moment d’aplicar aquesta regulació.

    Is the utilization of methane gas, the sollution of air pollution in difuse sectors?. The case of port of Castellón

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    Within an scenario of highly sensitivity on environmental questions, followed by an international regulation body, that is restricting the emission levels from ships in ports with the future possibilit y of more stringent local regulations; the challenge for the world’s fleet are not only technical but economic and logistical. From one side, there are different technical alternatives affording to accomplish the nowadays international regulations. Even avoiding on board modifications, the owner can decide to use low sulphur content fuels, together with slight changes in engines to reduce the levels of nitrogen oxides. But the question posed in this paper is how to support the decision to use high quality oil derivatives, because environment questions, but with a favorable economic balance. That superior cost will be translated in a higher transport chain cost. Additionally regarding coastal navigation, it is possible in the future that some new regulations could penalize elevated rates of CO2 emissions, not yet considered by MARPOL convention. This paper will analyze the availability of the use of methane as ideal fuel to get compliment of the nowa days and even future, local and international regulations of CO2 and NOX, regarding the fuel derivatives and no emissions of sulphur oxides and ashes.Postprint (published version

    Novena campanya d'excavacions a la ciutat romana de Lesera

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    En aquesta nota presentem un avanç dels resultats de la campanya d'excavacions de 2015 realitzada a la ciutat romana de Lesera, que fou finançada per la Mancomunitat Comarcal dels Ports en el marc del Pla Formatiu d'auxiliars en Arqueologia del Taller d'Ocupació, i es desenvolupà de manera discontínua entre els dies 16 de març i 22 de juliol. Les excavacions es feren en el marc de les pràctiques dels alumnes d'aquest taller1. L'actuació consistí en la continuació dels treballs començats en els anys 2008-2009 als sondeigs 6 i 8 (Arasa 2009a), situats al sector N de la plataforma inferior del jaciment. Les conclusions que exposem tenen un caràcter provisional, atés que encara no ha finalitzat l'estudi dels materials recuperats

    Wheel shape optimization approaches to reduce railway rolling noise

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    [EN] A wheel shape optimization of a railway wheel cross section by means of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is presented with the aim of minimizing rolling noise radiation. Two different approaches have been implemented with this purpose, one centred on direct Sound poWer Level (SWL) minimization, calculated using TWINS methodology, and another one emphasizing computational efficiency, focused on natural frequencies maximization. Numerical simulations are carried out with a Finite Element Method (FEM) model using general axisymmetric elements. The design space is defined by a geometric parametrization of the wheel cross section with four parameters: wheel radius, a web thickness factor, fillet radius and web offset. For all wheel candidates a high-cycle fatigue analysis has been performed according to actual standards, in order to assure structural feasibility. Rolling noise reductions have been achieved, with a decrease of up to 5 dB(A) when considering the wheel component. Response surfaces have been also computed to study the dependency of the objective functions on the geometric parameters and to test the adequacy of the optimization algorithm applied.This study was financially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, European Regional Development Fund (project TRA2017-84701-R), and Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana, project Prometeo/2016/007).García-Andrés, FX.; Gutiérrez-Gil, J.; Martínez Casas, J.; Denia, FD. (2020). Wheel shape optimization approaches to reduce railway rolling noise. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 62(5):2555-2570. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-020-02700-6S25552570625Beranek LL (2007) Basic acoustical quantities: levels and decibels, chapter 1 pp 1–24, John Wiley & Sons, LtdBouvet P, Vincent N, Coblentz A, Demilly F (2000) Optimization of resilient wheels for rolling noise control. J Sound Vib 231(3):765–777Bühler S (2006) Methods and results of field testing of a retrofitted freight train with composite brake blocks. J Sound Vib 293(3-5):1041–1050Cigada A, Manzoni S, Vanali M (2008) Vibro-acoustic characterization of railway wheels. Appl Acoust 69(6):530–545Clausen U, Doll C, Franklin FJ, Franklin GV, Heinrichmeyer H, Kochsiek J, Rothergatter W, Sieber N (2012) Reducing railway noise pollution. Technical Report, Policy Department Structural and Cohesion Policies, European ParliamentCoello CAC (2002) Theoretical and numerical constraint-handling techniques used with evolutionary algorithms: a survey of the state of the art. Comput Method in Appl M 191(11-12):1245–1287Cui D, Wang R, Allen P, An B, Li L, Wen Z (2019) Multi-objective optimization of electric multiple unit wheel profile from wheel flange wear viewpoint. Struct Multidiscipl Optim 59(1):279–289de Vos P (2016) Railway noise in Europe. Technical Report, International Union of RailwaysDIN (2017) Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Monobloc wheels. Design assessment procedure. Part 1: forged and rolled wheels DIN-prEN-13979-1:2017. Technical standard, DIN Standards Committee RailwayEfthimeros GA, Photeinos DI, Diamantis ZG, Tsahalis DT (2002) Vibration/noise optimization of a FEM railway wheel model. Eng Computation 19(7-8):922–931Fahy F, Gardonio P (2007) Sound and structural vibration, 2nd edition. Academic Press, OxfordGarcia-Andrés X, Gutiérrez-Gil J, Martínez-Casas J, Denia FD (2019) Sound power minimization of a railway wheel by means of a modal-based geometric optimization technique. In: Proceedings of 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control EngineeringGrassie SL, Gregory RW, Harrison D, Johnson KL (1982) The dynamic response of railway track to high frequency vertical excitation. 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Vehicle Syst Dyn 23(1):115–132Nielsen JCO (2000) Acoustic optimization of railway sleepers. J Sound Vib 231(3):753–764Nielsen JCO, Fredö CR (2006) Multi-disciplinary optimization of railway wheels. J Sound Vib 293(3-5):510–521Petyt M (2010) Vibration of solids, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeRemington PJ (1976) Wheel/rail noise part IV: rolling noise. J Sound Vib 46(3):419–436Remington PJ (1987) Wheel/rail rolling noise, II: validation of the theory. J Acoust Soc Am 81 (6):1824–1832Rios LM, Sahinidis NV (2013) Derivative-free optimization: a review of algorithms and comparison of software implementations. J Global Optim 56(3):1247–1293Thompson DJ (1988) Predictions of acoustic radiation from vibrating wheels and rails. J Sound Vib 120(2):275–280Thompson DJ (1991) Wheel-rail noise: theoretical modelling of the generation of vibrations. PhD thesis, University of SouthamptonThompson DJ (1993a) Wheel-rail noise generation, part I: introduction and interaction model. 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    The Early Cretaceous coastal lake Konservat-Lagerstätte of La Pedrera de Meià (Southern Pyrenees)

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    A state of the art of the Barremian Konservat-Lagerstätte of la Pedrera de Meià site (Southern Pyrenees) is compiled here including the acquisition of new geological data. The relevance of this site, together with the nearby la Cabroa site, is due to its paleobiotic richness and the fact that 113 holotypes and paratypes of flora and fauna have already been defined. Since its discovery at the end of the 19th century and its exploitation as a lithographic limestone quarry, the site has been the object of paleontological interest by national and foreign research teams that are summarized here (including the catalogue of 224 publications). A survey of the existing type specimens in collections all over Europe is also provided, being France and Germany, the countries where more fossils are hosted other than Spain.The geological frame of this site is also reviewed, by revisiting unpublished geological mappings (mainly that of Krusat, 1966) and integrating it in a comprehensive map that includes 4 revisited outcrops of lithographic limestone which could be potential paleontological sites. Previous stratigraphic sections did allow the precise framing of paleontological data and findings, that now can be allocated in new stratigraphic sections accounting for 50m and that contain a minimum of 40.000 laminae, being a minimum estimation of the years represented in the la Pedrera de Meià site

    Sports-related lower limb muscle injuries: pattern recognition approach and MRI review

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    Muscle injuries of the lower limbs are currently the most common sport-related injuries, the impact of which is particularly significant in elite athletes. MRI is the imaging modality of choice in assessing acute muscle injuries and radiologists play a key role in the current scenario of multidisciplinary health care teams involved in the care of elite athletes with muscle injuries. Despite the frequency and clinical relevance of muscle injuries, there is still a lack of uniformity in the description, diagnosis, and classification of lesions. The characteristics of the connective tissues (distribution and thickness) differ among muscles, being of high variability in the lower limb. This variability is of great clinical importance in determining the prognosis of muscle injuries. Recently, three classification systems, the Munich consensus statement, the British Athletics Muscle Injury classification, and the FC Barcelona-Aspetar-Duke classification, have been proposed to assess the severity of muscle injuries. A protocolized approach to the evaluation of MRI findings is essential to accurately assess the severity of acute lesions and to evaluate the progression of reparative changes. Certain MRI findings which are seen during recovery may suggest muscle overload or adaptative changes and appear to be clinically useful for sport physicians and physiotherapists

    Demandas cinemáticas de competición internacional en el hockey sobre hierba femenino.

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    Objective. To compare the kinematic demands on international women field hockey players during official competition matches. Materials and methods. Sixteen women players (age: 24.7 ± 2.8; weight: 57.9 ± 5.9 kg; height: 165.2 ± 4.9 cm) belonging to the Spanish national team were monitored during 5 matches of the European Championship using global positioning systems (GPS). The analyses were carried out according to the players’ positions (defenders, midfielders and forwards), the quarters in the game (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), and the number of minutes played. The data analysed included distances, accelerations and decelerations in different intensity ranges. Results. The defenders showed less high-intensity activity (speeds, accelerations and decelerations) than midfielders and forwards (9.4 ± 2.4%; ES: 0.78 with the midfielders and 33.1 ± 7.2%; ES: 2.1, with the defenders). The analysis by quarters showed that in Q4 activity was the highest for all positions. In terms of the number of minutes played, the cluster analysis grouped the players into 3 groups according to the number of minutes played (<32, 32-45 and >45 minutes). The athletes who played <32 covered the greatest distance at a sprint (>21 km/h) and high-intensity distance (>15 km/h) per minute of play compared to the group who played >45 minutes. Conclusions. The results of this study show that the physical demands on élite women hockey players depend on their position on the field, and that there is more activity in the last quarter and less relative high-intensity kinematic activity among the players who play more minutes during the match.Objetivo. Comparar las demandas cinemáticas de jugadoras internacionales de hockey sobre hierba durante partidos de competición oficial. Material y métodos. Dieciséis jugadoras (edad: 24.7 ± 2.8 años; peso: 57.9 ± 5.9 kg; altura: 165.2 ± 4.9 cm) pertenecientes a la selección absoluta española fueron monitorizadas mediante sistemas de posicionamiento global (GPS) durante 5 partidos del Campeonato de Europa. Los análisis fueron llevados a cabo en función de la demarcación de las jugadoras (defensas, medias y delanteras), de los cuartos de juego (C1, C2, C3, C4), y en base a los minutos jugados. Los datos analizados incluyeron distancias, aceleraciones y desaceleraciones en diferentes rangos de intensidad. Resultados. Las defensas presentaron menor actividad a alta intensidad (velocidades, aceleraciones y desaceleraciones) que medias y delanteras (9.4 ± 2.4%; TE: 0.78 con las medias y 33.1 ± 7.2%; TE: 2.1, con las defensas). El análisis por cuartos mostró que en el C4 la actividad fue mayor para todas las demarcaciones. En cuanto a minutos jugados, el análisis clúster agrupó a las jugadoras en 3 grupos en función de los minutos jugados ( 45 minutos). Las deportistas que jugaron < 32 cubrieron mayor distancia a esprint (> 21 km/h) y distancia a alta intensidad (> 15 km/h) por minuto de juego en comparación con el grupo de > 45 min jugados. Conclusiones. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que las demandas físicas en jugadoras de élite de hockey dependen de la demarcación en el campo, con mayor actividad en el último cuarto y con menor actividad cinemática de alta intensidad relativa en las jugadoras que acumulan más minutos durante el partido.post-print426 K
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