58 research outputs found

    Habitar el cielo: ensayos residenciales: la Torre de viviendas : de la vanguardia a la utopía tecnológica

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    Recopilación de los ensayos más atrevidos de una residencia colectiva, autónoma y vertical; desde los desafios planteados por la utopía metropolitana de principios del XX, hasta los dispositivos habitables, fruto de la iconografía de la era espacial de los años 60 y 70. La tesis comienza examinando la tectónica vertical de la vivienda, dibujada casi exclusivamente SOBRE PAPEL, de las vanguardias expresionista, futurista y constructivista. Continúa analizando algunos proyectos surgidos COMO PRETEXTO para apilar viviendas en altura. Recoge cuatro proyectos de CIUDADES con TORRES como único argumento residencial, ideadas por Garnier, Wijdeveld, Leonidov y Le Corbusier. Prosigue con tres prototipos verticales implantados FUERA de SITIO: el desierto, el planeta y el cosmos, imaginados por Wright, Fuller y Krutikov. Y Finalmente estudia los artefactos tecnológicos de la utopía lúdico-cibernética posbélica, imaginados para vivir en una imprecisa TIERRA de NADIE. ValladolidDepartamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos ArquitectónicosDoctorado en Arquitectur

    El "hameau" vertical de Le Corbusier. Una alternativa residencial al bloque lineal

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    [EN] The vertical " hameau" of Le Corbusier is a prototype of collective housing, developed as a plastic alternative to “Unité d’habitation de grandeur conforme", perhaps his most synthetic work. The residential tower is generated from urban doctrine of 7V theory through the shape of one of the elementary forms: the cylindrical volume. The towers keep capacity, shape and dimensions unchanged in any urban environments where they are inserted: the unbuilt urban projects in his last stage in Europe. Far from being a genuine type, is based in other previous constructions; the children's summer camps sponsored by the Fiat factory in the 30s, and some residential experiments by French architect Auguste Bossu erected by those years in the city of Saint-Etienne. The article describes the relationship between these structures and the cylindrical villages for singles and analyzes the peculiarities of their formal structure and the dynamic of their internal organization in order to check how those constructions were adapted by Le Corbusier for the constitution of a new collective type dwelling which still remains in the shadow of his most famous projects[ES] El " hameau" vertical de Le Corbusier es un prototipo de alojamiento colectivo, desarrollado como alternativa plástica a la " Unité d'habitation de grandeur conforme", quizás su obra más sintética. La torre residencial se concreta a partir de las teorías urbanas de la regla de las 7V, a través de la impronta de una de las formas elementales: el volumen cilíndrico, manteniendo prácticamente inalteradas capacidad, forma y dimensiones en cualquiera de los entornos urbanos donde se inserta, los proyectos no construidos de su última etapa para Europa. Lejos de ser un modelo genuino es deudor de otras construcciones previas, los albergues para las colonias infantiles italianas, promovidas por la fábrica FIAT en los años 30, y algunos experimentos residenciales del arquitecto francés Auguste Bossu, erigidos también por esos años en la ciudad de Saint-Étienne. El artículo traza las relaciones entre estas construcciones y las aldeas cilíndricas para solteros, analizando las particularidades de su estructura formal y la dinámica de su organización interna, para comprobar cómo son adoptadas por Le Corbusier en la constitución de la identidad de un nuevo tipo de vivienda colectiva que permanece todavía a la sombra de sus proyectos más reconocidosMartínez Domingo, Y.; González Cubero, J. (2016). El "hameau" vertical de Le Corbusier. Una alternativa residencial al bloque lineal. En LE CORBUSIER. 50 AÑOS DESPUÉS. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1348-1363. https://doi.org/10.4995/LC2015.2015.778OCS1348136

    Automàtica i sostenibilitat

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    L’ambientalització curricular és la integració entre les matèries pròpies d'una titulació i la conscienciació pel medi natural i les persones que l'habiten. Això suposa un canvi global en el plantejament, els continguts i el context de les titulacions i els estudis en general que depèn principalment de la voluntat i la dedicació de professors a ambientalitzar la seva assignatura. Tanmateix, l’ambientalització curricular es pot accelerar per mitjà d’un programa col·lectiu que la planifiqui i sistematitzi, i que li dóna visibilitat de conjunt. Els professionals, en aquest cas enginyers, han de ser capaços de tractar de manera ambiental o ambientalitzada els passos que hauran de seguir per tal de resoldre un problema d’enginyeria: formulació del problema, anàlisi del problema, recerca de possibles solucions, selecció de la solució desitjada. Per tal d’aconseguir els objectius plantejats, cal proporcionar uns coneixements multidisciplinars. Això vol dir que, sense deixar d’explicar els conceptes clau i la temàtica específica de cadascuna de les assignatures, aquestes s’han de poder tractar d’una manera sostenibilista. El llibre, objecte del projecte, forma part de l’organització i planificació de les eines de suport per al professorat per a l’ambientalització dels ensenyaments de primer i segon cicles, però es poden estendre més enllà, en cursos de postgrau i doctorat. Juntament amb aquesta edició en paper dels aspectes teòrics de l’ambientalització curricular de l’Enginyeria de Sistemes i Automàtica, els autors han editat i publicat un CD amb exercicis, problemes i tests d’autoavaluació

    The nurses´ experience on nursing students and their clinical learning process in hospital

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    Nursing studies program, and relationships between University academic program and Hospitals, all influence bedsides nurses´ experience on nursing clinical learning process

    Ambientalización Curricular de los Estudios de Informática Industrial. La experiencia en la UPC

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    Desde que la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, UPC, aprobó el segundo Plan de Medio Ambiente en 2002, 17 de sus 40 departamentos participan en la elaboración de un Plan de Ambientalización Curricular que les permite abordar sistemáticamente y ordenadamente la introducción de aspectos relacionados con el impacto sobre el medio dentro de sus actividades docentes, reconsiderando los contenidos y su didáctica. En este artículo se explica la metodología, acciones y materiales que ha llevado a cabo el Dpto. de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Automática e Informática Industrial, ESAII, para la ambientalización de los estudios de Informática Industrial, que imparte en diferentes centros de la UPC

    Clinical features and long-term follow-up of 70 cases of canine idiopathic eosinophilic lung disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Canine idiopathic eosinophilic lung disease (ELD) is sparsely documented in the literature. METHODS: Clinical presentation and outcome of dogs diagnosed with ELD (eosinophilic bronchitis or eosinophilic bronchopneumonia) were reviewed. Subgroups were made based on chronicity of clinical signs and findings of thoracic imaging: NCI (no changes in thoracic imaging), BRON (bronchial/peribronchial pattern), INT (bronchointerstitial/interstitial/alveolar). RESULTS: Seventy cases were included. There were more young to adult, crossbreed and female dogs. Compared with the other two groups NCI dogs showed lower bronchoalveolar lavage fluid eosinophilic pleocytosis and absence of circulating eosinophilia, bronchiectasis or death due to respiratory disease. All dogs responded clinically to corticosteroids. Median treatment duration was four months. Remission (no clinical signs after treatment discontinuation for >one month) and long-term remission (>six months) was achieved in 60 per cent, and 51 per cent of patients, respectively. Relapse occurred in 26 per cent of cases after remission but was rare (3 per cent) after long-term remission. The one-year, two-year and four-year survival to death due to respiratory disease was 98 per cent, 97 per cent and 91 per cent, respectively. CONCLUSION: Prognosis and initial clinical response for ELD was generally good although achievement of long-term remission was only seen in 51 per cent of dogs. Different outcomes based on chronicity of signs, corticosteroid dose, thoracic imaging abnormalities and other clinical variables were not appreciated

    Study of serum ctx in 50 oral surgical patients treated with oral bisphosphonates

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    Objectives: To determine whether there is a relationship between the total BP dose administered and the variations in serum CTX concentration. Study design: The study included 50 patients requiring dental implant surgery and treated with oral BPs, seen in an Oral Surgery and Implantology Unit between January 2007 and June 2009. The patients were divided into two groups: those in which the medication was not suspended before obtaining the laboratory test sample, and those patients referred from other dental clinics in which BPs was suspended before reporting to our Unit. The total drug dosage administered and the total dose per kilogram body weight were evaluated for comparison with serum CTX. The data obtained were correlated to the osteonecrosis risk table developed by Marx et al. in 2007. Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in relation to the total administered dose and the dose in mg/kg b.w. Likewise, in both groups no relationship was observed between the serum CTX value and the total administered dose or the dose in mg/kg b.w. No differences were found between the two patient groups regarding chemical osteonecrosis risk based on the criteria of Marx et al. Conclusions: No relationship was observed between the oral BP dose administered (total dose or expressed in mg/kg b.w.) and serum CTX concentration, and suspension of the medication did not influence the serum CTX levels

    Gregariousness in the giant sloth Lestodon (Xenarthra): multi-proxy approach of a bonebed from the Last Maximum Glacial of Argentine Pampas

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    Megamammals constituted an important component in the Pleistocene faunal communities of South America. Paleobiological and paleoecological studies involving different megamammal taxa have increased significantly in the last years, but there are still several poorly-known issues of its life history. In this work, we analyze an assemblage composed of 13 individuals of different ontogenetic stages, and possibly different sex, belonging to the giant ground sloth Lestodon armatus (Xenarthra, Folivora), recovered from Playa del Barco site (Pampean Region, Argentina). A dating of 19,849 years Cal BP allows assigning this assemblage to a period of the MIS (Marine Isotope Stage) 2 related to the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. Based on multiple lines of research (e.g. taphonomy, paleopathology, osteohistology, isotopy), we interpret the origin of the assemblage and diverse paleobiological and paleoecological aspects (e.g. social behavior, ontogenetic changes, sexual dimorphism, diseases, resource and habitat use, trophic relationships) of L. armatus. Evidence suggests that the assemblage was formed by a local single event of catastrophic mortality, which affected different members of a social group. This record represents the first accurate evidence of gregariousness for this ground sloth, providing new data on a poorly-known behavior among extinct Folivora

    Left ventricular Myocardial dysfunction in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy with left ventricular involvement: A door to improving diagnosis.

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    Background: Diagnostic Task Force Criteria (TFC) for arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC) exhibit poor performance for left dominant forms. TFC only include right ventricular (RV) dysfunction (akinesia, dyssynchrony, volumes and ejection fraction). Moreover, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) assessment of left ventricular (LV) dyssynchrony has hitherto not been described. Thus, we aimed to comprehensively characterize LV CMRI behavior in AC patients. Methods: Thirty-five AC patients with LV involvement and twenty-three non-affected family members (controls) were enrolled. Feature-tracking analysis was applied to cine CMRI to assess LV ejection fraction (LVEF), LV endsystolic and end-diastolic volume indexes, strain values and dyssynchrony. Regions with more frequent strain and dyssynchrony impairment were also studied. Results: Radial dyssynchrony and LVEF were selected (sensitivities 54.3% and 48.6%, respectively at 100% specificity), with a threshold of 70 ms for radial dyssynchrony and 48.5% for LVEF. 71.4% of patients exceeded these thresholds (31.4% both, 22.9% only dyssynchrony and 17.1% only LVEF). Considering these cut-off values as a novel combined criterion, 30% of patients with 'borderline' or 'possible' AC following 2010 TFC would move to a 'definite' AC diagnosis. Strain was globally impaired whereas dyssynchronous regions were more often apical and located at the inferolateral wall. Conclusions: Mirroring the RV evaluation, we suggest including LVEF and LV dyssynchrony to improve the diagnosis of AC. Two independent mechanisms can be claimed in AC patients with LV involvement: 1) decreased myocardial deformation with global LV affectation and 2) delayed myocardial contraction at localized regions

    Selección clonal de la Garnacha Blanca en el Valle del Ebro: situación actual

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    1 Pág. (Resumen ampliado)Durante el pasado año 2018 se ha continuado trabajando en la iniciativa surgida en el año 2015 en el Valle del Ebro en torno a la variedad Garnacha Blanca. Diferentes centros de las Comunidades Autónomas de La Rioja (SIV- ICVV), Navarra (EVENA), Aragón (CTA y CSIC) y Cataluña (INCAVI) comenzaron a trabajar de manera coordinada con el fin de aumentar la disponibilidad y diversidad en el mercado de material vegetal de esta variedad y realizar una selección clonal conjunta.Peer reviewe