8 research outputs found

    Serum and urinary soluble α-Klotho as markers of kidney and vascular impairment

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    This study was designed to investigate the controversy on the potential role of sKlotho as an early biomarker in Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD), to assess whether sKlotho is a reliable marker of kidney α-Klotho, to deepen the effects of sKlotho on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) osteogenic differentiation and to evaluate the role of autophagy in this process. Experimental studies were conducted in CKD mice fed a normal phosphorus (CKD+NP) or high phosphorus (CKD+HP) diet for 14 weeks. The patients\u27 study was performed in CKD stages 2-5 and in vitro studies which used VSMCs exposed to non-calcifying medium or calcifying medium with or without sKlotho. The CKD experimental model showed that the CKD+HP group reached the highest serum PTH, P and FGF23 levels, but the lowest serum and urinary sKlotho levels. In addition, a positive correlation between serum sKlotho and kidney α-Klotho was found. CKD mice showed aortic osteogenic differentiation, together with increased autophagy. The human CKD study showed that the decline in serum sKlotho is previous to the rise in FGF23. In addition, both serum sKlotho and FGF23 levels correlated with kidney function. Finally, in VSMCs, the addition of sKlotho prevented osteogenic differentiation and induced autophagy. It can be concluded that serum sKlotho was the earliest CKD-MBD biomarker, a reliable indicator of kidney α-Klotho and that might protect against osteogenic differentiation by increasing autophagy. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to investigate the mechanisms of this possible protective effect

    MicroRNA-145 and microRNA-486 are potential serum biomarkers for vascular calcification

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    INTRODUCTION: MicroRNAs (miRs) regulate vascular calcification (VC), and their quantification may contribute to suspicion of the presence of VC. METHODS: The study was performed in four phases. Phase 1: miRs sequencing of rat calcified and non-calcified aortas. Phase 2: miRs with the highest rate of change, plus miR-145 [the most abundant miR in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs)], were validated in aortas and serum from rats with and without VC. Phase 3: the selected miRs were analyzed in epigastric arteries from kidney donors and recipients, and serum samples from general population. Phase 4: VSMCs were exposed to different phosphorus concentrations, and miR-145 and miR-486 were overexpressed to investigate their role in VC. RESULTS: miR-145, miR-122-5p, miR-486 and miR-598-3p decreased in the rat calcified aortas, but only miR-145 and miR-486 were detected in serum. In human epigastric arteries, miR-145 and miR-486 were lower in kidney transplant recipients compared with donors. Both miRs inversely correlated with arterial calcium content and with VC (Kauppila index). In the general population, the severe VC was associated with the lowest serum levels of both miRs. The receiver operating characteristic curve showed that serum miR-145 was a good biomarker of VC. In VSMCs exposed to high phosphorus, calcium content, osteogenic markers (Runx2 and Osterix) increased, and the contractile marker (α-actin), miR-145 and miR-486 decreased. Overexpression of miR-145, and to a lesser extent miR-486, prevented the increase in calcium content induced by high phosphorus, the osteogenic differentiation and the loss of the contractile phenotype. CONCLUSION: miR-145 and miR-486 regulate the osteogenic differentiation of VSMCs, and their quantification in serum could serve as a marker of VC

    Role of Klotho and AGE/RAGE-Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway on the development of cardiac and renal fibrosis in diabetes

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    Fibrosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of long-term diabetic complications and contributes to the development of cardiac and renal dysfunction. The aim of this experimental study, performed in a long-term rat model, which resembles type 1 diabetes mellitus, was to investigate the role of soluble Klotho (sKlotho), advanced glycation end products (AGEs)/receptor for AGEs (RAGE), fibrotic Wnt/β-catenin pathway, and pro-fibrotic pathways in kidney and heart. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin. Glycaemia was maintained by insulin administration for 24 weeks. Serum and urine sKlotho, AGEs, soluble RAGE (sRAGE) and biochemical markers were studied. The levels of Klotho, RAGEs, ADAM10, markers of fibrosis (collagen deposition, fibronectin, TGF-β1, and Wnt/β-catenin pathway), hypertrophy of the kidney and/or heart were analysed. At the end of study, diabetic rats showed higher levels of urinary sKlotho, AGEs and sRAGE and lower serum sKlotho compared with controls without differences in the renal Klotho expression. A significant positive correlation was found between urinary sKlotho and AGEs and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (uACR). Fibrosis and RAGE levels were significantly higher in the heart without differences in the kidney of diabetic rats compared to controls. The results also suggest the increase in sKlotho and sRAGE excretion may be due to polyuria in the diabetic rats

    Novel Biomarkers of Bone Metabolism

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    Bone represents a metabolically active tissue subject to continuous remodeling orchestrated by the dynamic interplay between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. These cellular processes are modulated by a complex interplay of biochemical and mechanical factors, which are instrumental in assessing bone remodeling. This comprehensive evaluation aids in detecting disorders arising from imbalances between bone formation and reabsorption. Osteoporosis, characterized by a reduction in bone mass and strength leading to heightened bone fragility and susceptibility to fractures, is one of the more prevalent chronic diseases. Some epidemiological studies, especially in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), have identified an association between osteoporosis and vascular calcification. Notably, low bone mineral density has been linked to an increased incidence of aortic calcification, with shared molecules, mechanisms, and pathways between the two processes. Certain molecules emerging from these shared pathways can serve as biomarkers for bone and mineral metabolism. Detecting and evaluating these alterations early is crucial, requiring the identification of biomarkers that are reliable for early intervention. While traditional biomarkers for bone remodeling and vascular calcification exist, they suffer from limitations such as low specificity, low sensitivity, and conflicting results across studies. In response, efforts are underway to explore new, more specific biomarkers that can detect alterations at earlier stages. The aim of this review is to comprehensively examine some of the emerging biomarkers in mineral metabolism and their correlation with bone mineral density, fracture risk, and vascular calcification as well as their potential use in clinical practice

    Experimental Models to Study Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications: Limitations and New Opportunities

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    Preclinical biomedical models are a fundamental tool to improve the knowledge and management of diseases, particularly in diabetes mellitus (DM) since, currently, the pathophysiological and molecular mechanisms involved in its development are not fully clarified, and there is no treatment to cure DM. This review will focus on the features, advantages and limitations of some of the most used DM models in rats, such as the spontaneous models: Bio-Breeding Diabetes-Prone (BB-DP) and LEW.1AR1-iddm, as representative models of type 1 DM (DM-1); the Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) and Goto-kakizaki (GK) rats, as representative models of type 2 DM (DM-2); and other models induced by surgical, dietary and pharmacological—alloxan and streptozotocin—procedures. Given the variety of DM models in rats, as well as the non-uniformity in the protocols and the absence of all the manifestation of the long-term multifactorial complications of DM in humans, the researchers must choose the one that best suits the final objectives of the study. These circumstances, added to the fact that most of the experimental research in the literature is focused on the study of the early phase of DM, makes it necessary to develop long-term studies closer to DM in humans. In this review, a recently published rat DM model induced by streptozotocin injection with chronic exogenous administration of insulin to reduce hyperglycaemia has also been included in an attempt to mimic the chronic phase of DM in humans

    Serum and Urinary Soluble alfa-Klotho as Markers of Kidney and Vascular Impairment

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    This study was designed to investigate the controversy on the potential role of sKlotho as an early biomarker in Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD), to assess whether sKlotho is a reliable marker of kidney alpha-Klotho, to deepen the effects of sKlotho on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) osteogenic differentiation and to evaluate the role of autophagy in this process. Experimental studies were conducted in CKD mice fed a normal phosphorus (CKD+NP) or high phosphorus (CKD+HP) diet for 14 weeks. The patients' study was performed in CKD stages 2-5 and in vitro studies which used VSMCs exposed to non-calcifying medium or calcifying medium with or without sKlotho. The CKD experimental model showed that the CKD+HP group reached the highest serum PTH, P and FGF23 levels, but the lowest serum and urinary sKlotho levels. In addition, a positive correlation between serum sKlotho and kidney alpha-Klotho was found. CKD mice showed aortic osteogenic differentiation, together with increased autophagy. The human CKD study showed that the decline in serum sKlotho is previous to the rise in FGF23. In addition, both serum sKlotho and FGF23 levels correlated with kidney function. Finally, in VSMCs, the addition of sKlotho prevented osteogenic differentiation and induced autophagy. It can be concluded that serum sKlotho was the earliest CKD-MBD biomarker, a reliable indicator of kidney alpha-Klotho and that might protect against osteogenic differentiation by increasing autophagy. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to investigate the mechanisms of this possible protective effect

    Redox Metabolism and Vascular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Vascular calcification (VC) is a common complication in patients with chronic kidney disease which increases their mortality. Although oxidative stress is involved in the onset and progression of this disorder, the specific role of some of the main redox regulators, such as catalase, the main scavenger of H2O2, remains unclear. In the present study, epigastric arteries of kidney transplant recipients, a rat model of VC, and an in vitro model of VC exhibiting catalase (Cts) overexpression were analysed. Pericalcified areas of human epigastric arteries had increased levels of catalase and cytoplasmic, rather than nuclear runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2). In the rat model, advanced aortic VC concurred with lower levels of the H2O2-scavenger glutathione peroxidase 3 compared to controls. In an early model of calcification using vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), Cts VSMCs showed the expected increase in total levels of RUNX2. However, Cts VMSCs also exhibited a lower percentage of the nucleus stained for RUNX2 in response to calcifying media. In this early model of VC, we did not observe a dysregulation of the mitochondrial redox state; instead, an increase in the general redox state was observed in the cytoplasm. These results highlight the complex role of antioxidant enzymes as catalase by regulation of RUNX2 subcellular location delaying the onset of VC