245 research outputs found
Mecenazgo y poder en el renacimiento italiano: los grandes mecenas de la familia Medici. (Giovanni di Bicci, Cosimo il Vecchio, Lorenzo il Magnifico y Cosimo I Granduca di Toscana).
El Renacimiento como ya sabemos, supuso un cambio en la concepción del hombre y del mundo tras la
Edad Media, pero también conllevó a un cambio en el desarrollo de la cultura, las ciencias y las
artes dando un papel protagonista a los artistas.
Dentro del movimiento renacentista y del desarrollo que esto supuso en las artes, surgió la labor
del mecenazgo. El mecenazgo es una actividad promovida por personas, familias pudientes o
instituciones que otorgaban patrocinio a los artistas, científicos o literatos
financiando sus proyectos para así fomentar su trabajo y concederles una posición más elevada en
la sociedad.
Para hablar de mecenazgo nos centraremos en la familia Medici de Florencia y, de cómo gracias a su
formación humanista, muchos de sus miembros practicaron esta labor, financiando a artistas
para que realizasen obras de arte como medio propagandístico de su poder.The Renaissance, as we already know, meant a change in the conception of man and the world after
the Middle Ages, but it also meant a change in the development of culture, science and the arts,
giving artists a leading role.
Within the Renaissance movement and the development that this entailed in the arts, the work of
patronage arose. Patronage is an activity promoted by people, wealthy families or institutions that
grant protection to artists, scientists or writers, financing their projects in order to promote
their work and grant them a higher position in society.
To talk about patronage, we will focus on the Medici family of Florence and how, thanks to their
humanistic training, many of its members practiced this work, financing artists to create works of
art as a means of propagandizing their power.Departamento de Historia del ArteGrado en Historia del Art
Las ciencias básicas en la formación del ingeniero : el caso del Álgebra Lineal
Ángela Mercedes Martín Sánchez (biografía): Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Universidad
de Camagüey, Cuba. Maestrías en Ciencias de la Educación, mención Enseñanza de
la Matemática Media Superior y en Matemática Pura, en las Universidades de Camagüey
y Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), respectivamente. Egresada de la Escuela
de Química de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UASD. Investigadora Titular del MESCyT en el área de
Matemática Educativa. Coautora de la investigación que obtuvo el Premio Nacional de la
Academia de Ciencias de Cuba 2009 y 2018. Miembro asociado del Comité Latinoamericano
de Matemática Educativa (CLAME). Coordinadora de la Cátedra de Algebra y profesora
de Matemática en UNAPEC.// Olga Lidia Pérez González (biografía): Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Premio Nacional Pablo Miquel de enseñanza de la Matemática, de la Sociedad Cubana de Matemática
y Computación; Premio Nacional Academia de Ciencias de Cuba 2009 y 2018.
Directora del Grupo de Investigaciones de Matemática Educativa de la UC. Presidente
del Comité Latinoamericano de Matemática Educativa (CLAME).El siglo XXI se ha caracterizado por profundas transformaciones en la educación superior, producto
de los crecientes cambios mundiales en los ámbitos económico, científico, social, cultural
y político. Entre esas transformaciones cabe destacar la implementación del enfoque basado
en competencias en las carreras de ingeniería, que ha creado gran expectativa y un movimiento
renovador en los profesores de las asignaturas del área de las ciencias básicas; lo que ha instado
a la comunidad académica del nivel superior a buscar una visión estratégica para el proceso
de formación, con el objetivo de prever el panorama en el cual se desempeñarán los ingenieros
en el futuro. La experiencia dice que no todos los aspectos de la asignatura Matemática tienen la misma
importancia para el futuro ingeniero; por tanto, es necesario, analizar convenientemente la
cuestión del ordenamiento racional de la información conceptual que éste necesita; lamentablemente,
falta la integración de los contenidos. Además, por lo general el proceso está orientado
al aprendizaje de cada uno de los conceptos por separado, al desarrollo de habilidades
de generalización y a la comprensión desde la relación parte/todo; de manera que se limita
el trabajo independiente y la creatividad de los estudiantes
Comparative analysis of intercultural education from the perspective of management teams. The case of Spain and France
The right to education for all people has been recognised worldwide for decades. Because of this, educational organisations and management teams, through pedagogical leadership, must work towards the construction of inclusive and intercultural schools that generate a plural, collaborative, and democratic space. Therefore, this research aims to analyse the importance of the role of management teams in the promotion of intercultural education in schools in Spain and France. To achieve the stated objective, a documentary analysis of the educational legislation of reference and international reports was carried out. The following indicators were compared: leadership of the management team, collaborative culture, self-efficacy, innovation, and educational practices related to cultural diversity. High rates of innovation and internal collaborative culture are evident in both countries. However, the data show that the management teams do not promote relations with the environment. Therefore, there is a need for better and continuous training of management and teaching staff in the promotion of equity and cultural diversity. In addition, the lack of training in pedagogical leadership within the French management team is highlighted. Following the results obtained, the transformation of schools requires enabling the creation of a collaborative culture that involves the educational community and the environment. To this end, it is necessary to provide initial and continuous training for the management team and teachers in intercultural competencies
Effect of grafting on phenology, susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi and hormone profile of chestnut
Ink disease caused by the root-rot pathogen P. cinnamomi (Pc) threatens European sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) orchards, and growers increasingly graft susceptible C. sativa traditional varieties on Pc-resistant hybrid commercial rootstocks. The influence of the scion, the rootstock, and grafting per se on the vegetative budburst, growth, susceptibility to Pc and defence-related hormone profile of Castanea spp. are unknown. In a greenhouse experiment, these effects were evaluated by reciprocally grafting two Pc resistant C. crenata x C. sativa clones and two Pc susceptible C. sativa clones. Resistance to Pc and the hormone content of leaves and roots were rootstock-dependent, and survival rates of susceptible chestnuts strongly increased when grafted on resistant rootstocks. The scion had no effect on the resistance to Pc and the hormone profile of leaves and roots of grafted trees, but influenced vegetative budburst and primary growth. Grafting per se increased susceptibility to Pc and altered the defence-related phytohormone content of trees, especially in resistant rootstocks, but did not influence budburst and growth of trees. Grafting-induced alteration of the constitutive defense-related hormone profile could explain the increased susceptibility of resistant rootstocks to Pc. Nine days after infection, a dynamic hormonal response consisting of decreased jasmonates (JA and JA-Ile) in leaves and increased ABA and JA-Ile in roots was observed in resistant chestnuts. This is the first study addressing the role of grafting in modulating resistance to the soil-borne pathogen Pc in chestnut trees
¿Contribuye la didáctica del álgebra lineal a que los estudiantes identifiquen los espacios vectoriales como una estructura sistémica?
Considerando como antecedente que en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los espacios vectoriales existen dificultades con la concepción didáctica de los profesores para que los estudiantes identifiquen y utilicen los conceptos que se abordan en este tema, se realiza un diagnóstico para valorar los criterios de profesores y estudiantes en relación a la enseñanza de este tema. Se utiliza una metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, se realiza un estudio descriptivo. Se asume como marco teórico la relación entre conocimiento común, especializado y propedéutico del contenido. Se concluye que la didáctica que sustenta el trabajo de los docentes no contribuye a que los estudiantes identifiquen los espacios vectoriales como una estructura sistémica
Comunicar de otra manera: la escritura (auto)biográfica en contextos de investigación
Este artigo discute a escrita em abordagens qualitativas e as implicações da crise da representação etnográfica para o desenvolvimento de novos estilos de fazer pesquisa e intervenção. Revisa publicações que apresentam estilos inovadores de pesquisa e intervenção com abordagens etnográficas e (auto)biográficas a fim de: refletir sobre discurso, retórica e voz; promover uma escrita mais crítica em abordagens etnográficas e biográficas; aplicar essas discussões em contextos migrantes e inclusivos.This paper discusses writing in qualitative approaches and implications of the crisis of ethnographic representation for the development of new styles of research and intervention. Publications that present innovative styles of research and intervention with ethnographic and (auto)biographical approaches are reviewed to: reflect on discourse, rhetoric and voice; promote more critical writing in ethnographic and biographical approaches; apply these discussions in migrant and inclusive contexts.Este artículo discute la escritura en los enfoques cualitativos y las implicaciones de la crisis de la representación etnográfica para el desarrollo de nuevos estilos de investigación/intervención. Se revisan publicaciones innovadoras de investigación e intervención con enfoques etnográficos y (auto)biográficos para: reflexionar sobre el discurso, la retórica y la voz; promover una escritura más crítica en enfoques etnobiográficos; aplicar estas discusiones en contextos migratorios e inclusivos
Ser maestra en compañía. Entrevista a Carmen Cañabate
Entrevistar a Carmen Cañabate, maestra de educación primaria del CEIP Clara Campoamor (Huércal de Almería), no es una decisión baladí. Significa, por un lado, continuar cuidando el espacio de Márgenes como un lugar donde la educación pueda ser dialogada, pensada y compartida desde distintas miradas. Por otro, significa disponer de la oportunidad de aprender de la experiencia viva de una maestra -de su sentir, de su pensar, de su hacer- y de lo que acontece en las escuelas. En el caso de Carmen, nos interesa mostrar cómo, a lo largo de toda su trayectoria profesional, ha experimentado cambios y retos que le han hecho vivir el magisterio como un oficio de lo humano; un oficio cocinado a fuego lento, lleno de tensiones, pero también de pasiones. En la entrevista a esta maestra encontramos, sin duda, la visión de un oficio y de una escuela que crece en compañía, y de un equipo y una comunidad fundada en las relaciones. https://youtu.be/1azAhPAArV
Benefits for cardiovascular system, bone density, and quality of life of a long-term hormone therapy in hysterectomized women: a 20-year follow-up study
This study was supervised by Full Professor José
Luis Cuadros López, MD, PhD, who directed the menopause unit at
Hospital Universitario San Cecilio for more than 30 years. We would
like to express our gratitude to all women in his care who trusted him.
Sit tibi terra levis. We would like to acknowledge Natalia Aptsiauri,
PhD, for reviewing the manuscript.Objective
The safety, consequences, and dosage of long-term hormone therapy (HT) for postmenopausal women remain unclear. Our aim was to analyze the effects of HT after 20 years of therapy in women after hysterectomy, focusing on the symptoms of menopause, blood pressure, lipid profiles, and bone density.
A prospective observational longitudinal study was designed. The initial transdermal estradiol dose was reduced in half (0.025 mg/d) at 60 years of age. Different parameters including demographic, cardiovascular, bone density, and metabolic variables, as well as quality of life characteristics, were analyzed using bivariate analyses. Multivariate generalized estimating equations for longitudinal data were fitted for differences over time and between doses (<60 vs ≥60 y) using the R package geepack.
After 20 years of HT, the mean age of 56 studied hysterectomized women was 67.1 years. The mean Kupperman index score decreased from 26.7 to 12.0 (P < 0.001). A trend with total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol increase was observed over time. A decrease in very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P = 0.05) and an increase in T score vertebral densitometry (P = 0.014) were detected after HT. No changes in health outcome were detected in women older than 60 years with the reduced dose of HT. Breast cancer was the reason for dropouts in 0.02% women.
HT for up to 20 years after hysterectomy may be beneficial for bone and cardiovascular health and for the overall quality of life. Our data suggest the importance of evaluating the dose and the timing of HT.Projects FEDER and
A-BIO-470-UGR20 of University of GranadaFEDER and CAIXA2017/1
of “La Caixa” Foundatio
Salinity and Temperature Variations near the Freshwater-Saltwater Interface in Coastal Aquifers Induced by Ocean Tides and Changes in Recharge
The temperature distribution of shallow sectors of coastal aquifers are highly influenced
by the atmospheric temperature and recharge. However, geothermal heat or vertical fluxes due
to the presence of the saline wedge have more influence at deeper locations. In this study, using
numerical models that account for variable density, periodic oscillations of temperature have been
detected, and their origin has been attributed to the influence exerted by recharge and tides. The
combined analysis of field data and numerical models showed that the alternation of dry and wet
periods modifies heat distribution in deep zones (>100 m) of the aquifer. Oscillations with diurnal and
semidiurnal frequencies have been detected for groundwater temperature, but they show differences
in terms of amplitudes and delay with electrical conductivity (EC). The main driver of the temperature
oscillations is the forward and backward displacement of the freshwater–saltwater interface, and
the associated thermal plume generated by the upward flow from the aquifer basement. These
oscillations are amplified at the interfaces between layers with different hydraulic conductivity, where
thermal contours are affected by refraction.Spanish Government CGL2016-77503-R
IGME 10-1E-1284
IGME 15-CE3391European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU)Next-Generation EU MZSA03Junta de Andalucia RNM-36
Trabajar en común, pensar en común. Entrevista a Elisabetta Biffi
We interviewed Elisabetta Biffi, professoressa ordinaria at the Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione "Riccardo Massa", Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy).Entrevistamos a Elisabetta Biffi, professoressa ordinaria del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione “Riccardo Massa”, de la Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italia)
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