2 research outputs found

    <p>Variasi normal lidah manusia pada subras Deutromelayu</p><p>Normal variation of human tongue on the Deutromelayu subrace</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Lidah merupakan suatu organ yang terdiri dari otot rangka dan dilapisi oleh membran mukosa. Organ ini merupakan salah satu indikator yang baik untuk diagnosis secara klinis dan karakteristiknya dapat dipengaruhi oleh ras. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran variasi normal lidah manusia pada subras Deutromelayu sebagai suatu karakteristik lidah. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan pada 96 mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran angkatan 2014 yang terdiri dari 87 wanita dan 9 laki-laki. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati lidah secara visual dalam keadaan protrusif dan tidak tegang. Lidah diamati berdasarkan bentuk dan tekstur permukaan kemudian difoto untuk dokumentasi. Hasil: Persentase bentuk lidah yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah persegi, membulat, persegi panjang, dan segitiga tajam sebanyak 46,87%, 44,79%, 5,20%, 3,12%, dan tidak ditemukan bentuk segitiga tumpul. Tekstur permukaan yang paling banyak muncul adalah tanpa fisura, diikuti oleh fisura vertikal sentral, vertikal lateral, sentral, dan horizontal sebanyak 54,17%, 18,75%, 14,58%, 8,33%, dan 4,17%. Simpulan: Variasi normal bentuk lidah yang paling sering muncul adalah persegi dan tekstur permukaan adalah tanpa fisura. Kata kunci: Variasi normal, lidah, subras deutromelayu.   ABSTRACT Introduction: Tongue is an organ composed of skeletal muscles and is coated by mucous membrane. This organ is a good indicator for clinical diagnosis and is affected by race. The aim of this research was to ascertain normal varieties description  of human tongues on the Deutero melayu sub race as a tongue characteristic. Methods: A descriptive method was used in this research, conducted on 96 Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran undergraduate students consisted of 87 females and 9 males. Sample were obtained by purposive sampling technique. This research was done by visually observing the relax and protrusive tongue. The tongue was observed based on its shape as well as surface texture and a picture was taken for documentation. Result: This research showed that the most common shape of the tongue were square, round, rectangular, acute triangular 46.87%, 44,79%, 5,20%, 3,12% respectively and there was no  obtuse triangular. The most common surface texture is without fissures, followed by vertical central fissures, vertical lateral fissures, central fissures and horizontal 54,17%, 18,75%, 14,58%,  8,33%, and 4,17% respectively. Conclusion: Square-shaped tongues was the most dominant shape, and no fissures was the most dominant surface texture on a normal variety tongue. Keywords: Normal variation, deutromelayu subrace, tongue

    <strong>Differences of Micro-CT evaluation of the obturation sealing capability between thermoplastic carrier-based condensing techniques and lateral heat condensation techniques</strong>

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    ABSTRACT  Introduction: Root canal filling is an important part of root canal treatment that aimed to seal the root canal system, to prevent bacterial penetration and their toxins into periradicular tissues and to provide favourable environment for periapical healing. Thermoplasticized technique were developed to produce filling with homogenous mass, to achieve optimal sealing ability and to increase the quality of root canal filling. The aim of this study is to analyzed differences of Micro-Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) evaluation of the obturation sealing capability between thermoplastic carrier-based condensing techniques and lateral heat condensation techniques. Methods: This study was conducted under an in-vitro quasi experimental methode to 36 specimens of maxillaris centralis incisivus which were divided to 3 groups, (A) thermoplasticized carrier-based technique (GuttaCore System), (B) warm lateral condensation technique (heat carrier SystemB), (C) cold lateral condensation as control group. Sealing ability is evaluated based on the measurement results of volume percentages of filling material and sealer, volume of void, and surface density, that which was calculated from the 3D volumetric image of Micro-CT device. Data were statistically analysed using Analisis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test. Result: The result showed significant difference of percentage filling material and sealer volume in apical third (p0.05). Conclusion: Thermoplastized carrier-based technique is not better than warm lateral technique. Keywords: sealing ability; root canal filling; thermoplasticized carrier-based technique; warm lateral technique