738 research outputs found

    Critical behavior of a non-equilibrium interacting particle system driven by an oscillatory field

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    First- and second-order temperature driven transitions are studied, in a lattice gas driven by an oscillatory field. The short time dynamics study provides upper and lower bounds for the first-order transition points obtained using standard simulations. The difference between upper and lower bounds is a measure for the strength of the first-order transition and becomes negligible small for densities close to one half. In addition, we give strong evidence on the existence of multicritical points and a critical temperature gap, the latter induced by the anisotropy introduced by the driving field.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Europhys. Let

    Theoretical Characterization of the Interface in a Nonequilibrium Lattice System

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    The influence of nonequilibrium bulk conditions on the properties of the interfaces exhibited by a kinetic Ising--like model system with nonequilibrium steady states is studied. The system is maintained out of equilibrium by perturbing the familiar spin--flip dynamics at temperature T with completely--random flips; one may interpret these as ideally simulating some (dynamic) impurities. We find evidence that, in the present case, the nonequilibrium mechanism adds to the basic thermal one resulting on a renormalization of microscopic parameters such as the probability of interfacial broken bonds. On this assumption, we develop theory for the nonequilibrium "surface tension", which happens to show a non--monotonous behavior with a maximum at some finite T. It ensues, in full agreement with Monte Carlo simulations, that interface fluctuations differ qualitatively from the equilibrium case, e.g., the interface remains rough at zero--T. We discuss on some consequences of these facts for nucleation theory, and make some explicit predictions concerning the nonequilibrium droplet structure.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Re

    Exact solution of the one-dimensional deterministic Fixed-Energy Sandpile

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    In reason of the strongly non-ergodic dynamical behavior, universality properties of deterministic Fixed-Energy Sandpiles are still an open and debated issue. We investigate the one-dimensional model, whose microscopical dynamics can be solved exactly, and provide a deeper understanding of the origin of the non-ergodicity. By means of exact arguments, we prove the occurrence of orbits of well-defined periods and their dependence on the conserved energy density. Further statistical estimates of the size of the attraction's basins of the different periodic orbits lead to a complete characterization of the activity vs. energy density phase diagram in the limit of large system's size.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Functional Optimization in Complex Excitable Networks

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    We study the effect of varying wiring in excitable random networks in which connection weights change with activity to mold local resistance or facilitation due to fatigue. Dynamic attractors, corresponding to patterns of activity, are then easily destabilized according to three main modes, including one in which the activity shows chaotic hopping among the patterns. We describe phase transitions to this regime, and show a monotonous dependence of critical parameters on the heterogeneity of the wiring distribution. Such correlation between topology and functionality implies, in particular, that tasks which require unstable behavior --such as pattern recognition, family discrimination and categorization-- can be most efficiently performed on highly heterogeneous networks. It also follows a possible explanation for the abundance in nature of scale--free network topologies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Unequal Intra-layer Coupling in a Bilayer Driven Lattice Gas

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    The system under study is a twin-layered square lattice gas at half-filling, being driven to non-equilibrium steady states by a large, finite `electric' field. By making intra-layer couplings unequal we were able to extend the phase diagram obtained by Hill, Zia and Schmittmann (1996) and found that the tri-critical point, which separates the phase regions of the stripped (S) phase (stable at positive interlayer interactions J_3), the filled-empty (FE) phase (stable at negative J_3) and disorder (D), is shifted even further into the negative J_3 region as the coupling traverse to the driving field increases. Many transient phases to the S phase at the S-FE boundary were found to be long-lived. We also attempted to test whether the universality class of D-FE transitions under a drive is still Ising. Simulation results suggest a value of 1.75 for the exponent gamma but a value close to 2.0 for the ratio gamma/nu. We speculate that the D-FE second order transition is different from Ising near criticality, where observed first-order-like transitions between FE and its "local minimum" cousin occur during each simulation run.Comment: 29 pages, 19 figure

    Boundary-induced heterogeneous absorbing states

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    We study two different types of systems with many absorbing states (with and without a conservation law) and scrutinize the effect of walls/boundaries (either absorbing or reflecting) into them. In some cases, non-trivial structured absorbing configurations (characterized by a background field) develop around the wall. We study such structures using a mean-field approach as well as computer simulations. The main results are: i) for systems in the directed percolation class, a very fast (exponential) convergence of the background to its bulk value is observed; ii) for systems with a conservation law, power-law decaying landscapes are induced by both types of walls: while for absorbing walls this effect is already present in the mean-field approximation, for reflecting walls the structured background is a noise-induced effect. The landscapes are shown to converge to their asymptotic bulk values with an exponent equal to the inverse of the bulk correlation length exponent. Finally, the implications of these results in the context of self-organizing systems are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Reentrant Behavior of the Spinodal Curve in a Nonequilibrium Ferromagnet

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    The metastable behavior of a kinetic Ising--like ferromagnetic model system in which a generic type of microscopic disorder induces nonequilibrium steady states is studied by computer simulation and a mean--field approach. We pay attention, in particular, to the spinodal curve or intrinsic coercive field that separates the metastable region from the unstable one. We find that, under strong nonequilibrium conditions, this exhibits reentrant behavior as a function of temperature. That is, metastability does not happen in this regime for both low and high temperatures, but instead emerges for intermediate temperature, as a consequence of the non-linear interplay between thermal and nonequilibrium fluctuations. We argue that this behavior, which is in contrast with equilibrium phenomenology and could occur in actual impure specimens, might be related to the presence of an effective multiplicative noise in the system.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; Final version to appear in Phys. Rev. E; Section V has been revise

    Weakly disordered absorbing-state phase transitions

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    The effects of quenched disorder on nonequilibrium phase transitions in the directed percolation universality class are revisited. Using a strong-disorder energy-space renormalization group, it is shown that for any amount of disorder the critical behavior is controlled by an infinite-randomness fixed point in the universality class of the random transverse-field Ising models. The experimental relevance of our results are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures; (v2) references and discussion on experiments added; (v3) published version, minor typos corrected, some side discussions dropped due to size constrain

    Thresholds for epidemic spreading in networks

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    We study the threshold of epidemic models in quenched networks with degree distribution given by a power-law. For the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model the activity threshold lambda_c vanishes in the large size limit on any network whose maximum degree k_max diverges with the system size, at odds with heterogeneous mean-field (HMF) theory. The vanishing of the threshold has not to do with the scale-free nature of the connectivity pattern and is instead originated by the largest hub in the system being active for any spreading rate lambda>1/sqrt{k_max} and playing the role of a self-sustained source that spreads the infection to the rest of the system. The susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) model displays instead agreement with HMF theory and a finite threshold for scale-rich networks. We conjecture that on quenched scale-rich networks the threshold of generic epidemic models is vanishing or finite depending on the presence or absence of a steady state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure