11 research outputs found

    Calculation of 3-D Magnetic Fields Produced by MHD Active Control Systems in Fusion Devices

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    An accurate control of the magnetic boundary of a thermonuclear plasma is an important issue in magnetic confinement research. The development of methods for the active control of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities and correction of error fields is mandatory in view of fusion reactors or experimental test reactors under design. Recently, a very effective control scheme, named clean mode control (CMC), has been proposed in a reversed field pinch experiment (RFX-mod). The CMC is based on the real-time correction (cleaning), under simplifying hypothesis, of the sideband harmonics in the magnetic field produced by the discrete local active coils. In this paper, we focus on the problem of carefully computing the penetration of sidebands through a realistic load assembly, but still with a simplified cylindrical geometry, to allow for a detailed comparison with the crude CMC algorithm without the additional complication of the coupling between the poloidal harmonics due to the toroidal geometry

    3D electromagnetic analysis of the MHD control system in RFX-mod upgrade

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    RFX-mod is a device equipped with a state-of-the-art system for active control of MHD instabilities, which consists of 192 saddle coils and 192 radial field sensors. In order to further extend its operational space an upgrade of its magnetic front-end is now being studied. In this paper we focus on the implementation of fast and efficient algorithms for the 3D electromagnetic analysis of the effect of the designed magnetic front-end on the MHD control system in RFX-mod2, in the presence of complex conducting structures surrounding the plasma. \ua9 2017 Elsevier B.V

    The Reversed Field Pinch

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    This paper reviews the research on the reversed field pinch (RFP) in the last three decades. Substantial experimental and theoretical progress and transformational changes have been achieved since the last review (Bodin 1990 Nucl. Fusion 30 1717-37). The experiments have been performed in devices with different sizes and capabilities. The largest are RFX-mod in Padova (Italy) and MST in Madison (USA). The experimental community includes also EXTRAP-T2R in Sweden, RELAX in Japan and KTX in China. Impressive improvements in the performance are the result of exploration of two lines: the high current operation (up to 2 MA) with the spontaneous occurrence of helical equilibria with good magnetic flux surfaces and the active control of the current profile. A crucial ingredient for the advancements obtained in the experiments has been the development of state-of-art active feedback control systems allowing the control of MHD instabilities in presence of a thin shell. The balance between achievements and still open issues leads us to the conclusion that the RFP can be a valuable and diverse contributor in the quest for fusion electricity

    Design concepts of machine upgrades for the RFX-mod experiment

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    After 10 years of operation since its major modification, an upgrade of the RFX-mod experiment is presently under design. The scientific objective is the improvement of 3D physics studies through a more robust transition to higher confinement regimes in both Reversed Field Pinch (RFP) and Tokamak configuration obtained thanks to an advanced system for the active control of MHD instabilities. The main design driver requirements for this machine upgrade are the removal of the present resistive vacuum vessel and the enhancement of the 'shell-plasma proximity', to reduce the deformation of the last close magnetic surface and to improve the self-organized helical plasma regimes. The fulfillment of these requirements implies a major change of the internal components of the machine such as the replacement of the whole first wall, the change of the support system of the stabilizing shell and the modification of the present toroidal support structure to provide the function of vacuum barrier. In combination, other components of the machine will be upgraded, such as magnets and power supply, diagnostic systems and a NBI will be integrated. The paper presents an overview of the engineering design of the new components and highlights the critical aspects of the new torus assembly

    Overview of the RFX-mod fusion science activity

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    This paper reports the main recent results of the RFX-mod fusion science activity. The RFX-mod device is characterized by a unique exibility in terms of accessible magnetic con gurations. Axisymmetric and helically shaped reversed- eld pinch equilibria have been studied, along with tokamak plasmas in a wide range of q(a) regimes (spanning from 4 down to 1.2 values). The full range of magnetic con gurations in between the two, the so-called ultra-low q ones, has been explored, with the aim of studying speci c physical issues common to all equilibria, such as, for example, the density limit phenomenon. The powerful RFX-mod feedback control system has been exploited for MHD control, which allowed us to extend the range of experimental parameters, as well as to induce speci c magnetic perturbations for the study of 3D effects. In particular, transport, edge and isotope effects in 3D equilibria have been investigated, along with runaway mitigations through induced magnetic perturbations. The rst transitions to an improved con nement scenario in circular and D-shaped tokamak plasmas have been obtained thanks to an active modi cation of the edge electric eld through a polarized electrode. The experiments are supported by intense modeling with 3D MHD, gyrokinetic, guiding center and transport codes. Proposed modi cations to the RFX-mod device, which will enable further contributions to the solution of key issues in the roadmap to ITER and DEMO, are also brie y presented