1,561 research outputs found

    Strongly ergodic actions have local spectral gap

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    We show that an ergodic measure preserving action Γ(X,μ)\Gamma \curvearrowright (X,\mu) of a discrete group Γ\Gamma on a σ\sigma-finite measure space (X,μ)(X,\mu) satisfies the local spectral gap property (introduced by Boutonnet, Ioana and Salehi Golsefidy) if and only if it is strongly ergodic. In fact, we prove a more general local spectral gap criterion in arbitrary von Neumann algebras. Using this criterion, we also obtain a short and elementary proof of Connes' spectral gap theorem for full II1\mathrm{II}_1 factors as well as its recent generalization to full type III\mathrm{III} factors.Comment: 6 page

    Fullness of crossed products of factors by discrete groups

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    Let MM be an arbitrary factor and σ:ΓM\sigma : \Gamma \curvearrowright M an action of a discrete group. In this paper, we study the fullness of the crossed product MσΓM \rtimes_\sigma \Gamma. When Γ\Gamma is amenable, we obtain a complete characterization: the crossed product factor MσΓM \rtimes_\sigma \Gamma is full if and only if MM is full and the quotient map σ:ΓOut(M)\overline{\sigma} : \Gamma \rightarrow \mathrm{Out}(M) has finite kernel and discrete image. This answers a question of Jones from 1981. When MM is full and Γ\Gamma is arbitrary, we give a sufficient condition for MσΓM \rtimes_\sigma \Gamma to be full which generalizes both Jones' criterion and Choda's criterion. In particular, we show that if MM is any full factor (possibly of type III\mathrm{III}) and Γ\Gamma is a non-inner amenable group, then the crossed product MσΓM \rtimes_\sigma \Gamma is full.Comment: 9 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1611.0791

    Solidity of type III Bernoulli crossed products

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    We generalize a theorem of Chifan and Ioana by proving that for any, possibly type III, amenable von Neumann algebra A0A_0, any faithful normal state φ0\varphi_0 and any discrete group Γ\Gamma, the associated Bernoulli crossed product von Neumann algebra M=(A0,φ0)ˉΓΓM=(A_0,\varphi_0)^{\mathbin{\bar{\otimes}}\Gamma}\rtimes \Gamma is solid relatively to L(Γ)\mathcal{L}(\Gamma). In particular, if L(Γ)\mathcal{L}(\Gamma) is solid then MM is solid and if Γ\Gamma is non-amenable and A0CA_0 \neq \mathbb{C} then MM is a full prime factor. This gives many new examples of solid or prime type III\mathrm{III} factors. Following Chifan and Ioana, we also obtain the first examples of solid non-amenable type III\mathrm{III} equivalence relations.Comment: 18 page

    Stability of products of equivalence relations

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    An ergodic p.m.p. equivalence relation R \mathcal{R} is said to be stable if RR×R0\mathcal{R} \cong \mathcal{R} \times \mathcal{R}_0 where R0\mathcal{R}_0 is the unique hyperfinite ergodic type II1\mathrm{II}_1 equivalence relation. We prove that a direct product R×S\mathcal{R} \times \mathcal{S} of two ergodic p.m.p. equivalence relations is stable if and only if one of the two components R\mathcal{R} or S\mathcal{S} is stable. This result is deduced from a new local characterization of stable equivalence relations. The similar question on McDuff II1\mathrm{II}_1 factors is also discussed and some partial results are given.Comment: 14 page

    Spectral gap characterization of full type III factors

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    We give a spectral gap characterization of fullness for type III\mathrm{III} factors which is the analog of a theorem of Connes in the tracial case. Using this criterion, we generalize a theorem of Jones by proving that if MM is a full factor and σ:GAut(M)\sigma : G \rightarrow \mathrm{Aut}(M) is an outer action of a discrete group GG whose image in Out(M)\mathrm{Out}(M) is discrete then the crossed product von Neumann algebra MσGM \rtimes_\sigma G is also a full factor. We apply this result to prove the following conjecture of Tomatsu-Ueda: the continuous core of a type III1\mathrm{III}_1 factor MM is full if and only if MM is full and its τ\tau invariant is the usual topology on R\mathbb{R}.Comment: 13 page

    Full factors, bicentralizer flow and approximately inner automorphisms

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    We show that a factor MM is full if and only if the CC^*-algebra generated by its left and right regular representations contains the compact operators. We prove that the bicentralizer flow of a type III1\mathrm{III}_1 factor is always ergodic. As a consequence, for any type III1\mathrm{III}_1 factor MM and any λ]0,1]\lambda \in ]0,1], there exists an irreducible AFD type IIIλ\mathrm{III}_\lambda subfactor with expectation in MM. Moreover, any type III1\mathrm{III}_1 factor MM which satisfies MMRλM \cong M \otimes R_\lambda for some λ]0,1[\lambda \in ]0,1[ has trivial bicentralizer. Finally, we give a counter-example to the characterization of approximately inner automorphisms conjectured by Connes and we prove a weaker version of this conjecture. In particular, we obtain a new proof of Kawahigashi-Sutherland-Takesaki's result that every automorphism of the AFD type III1\mathrm{III}_1 factor is approximately inner.Comment: 16 page

    Tensor product decompositions and rigidity of full factors

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    We obtain several rigidity results regarding tensor product decompositions of factors. First, we show that any full factor with separable predual has at most countably many tensor product decompositions up to stable unitary conjugacy. We use this to show that the class of separable full factors with countable fundamental group is stable under tensor products. Next, we obtain new primeness and unique prime factorization results for crossed products coming from compact actions of higher rank lattices (e.g.\ SL(n,Z),n3\mathrm{SL}(n,\mathbb{Z}), \: n \geq 3) and noncommutative Bernoulli shifts with arbitrary base (not necessarily amenable). Finally, we provide examples of full factors without any prime factorization.Comment: 30 page

    Full factors and co-amenable inclusions

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    We show that if MM is a full factor and NMN \subset M is a co-amenable subfactor with expectation, then NN is also full. This answers a question of Popa from 1986. We also generalize a theorem of Tomatsu by showing that if MM is a full factor and σ ⁣:GM\sigma \colon G \curvearrowright M is an outer action of a compact group GG, then σ\sigma is automatically minimal and MGM^G is a full factor which has w-spectral gap in MM. Finally, in the appendix, we give a proof of the fact that several natural notions of co-amenability for an inclusion NMN\subset M of von Neumann algebras are equivalent, thus closing the cycle of implications given in Anantharaman-Delaroche's paper in 1995.Comment: 15 pages, Remark 3.6 is adde

    Strongly ergodic equivalence relations: spectral gap and type III invariants

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    We obtain a spectral gap characterization of strongly ergodic equivalence relations on standard measure spaces. We use our spectral gap criterion to prove that a large class of skew-product equivalence relations arising from measurable 11-cocycles with values into locally compact abelian groups are strongly ergodic. By analogy with the work of Connes on full factors, we introduce the Sd and τ\tau invariants for type III{\rm III} strongly ergodic equivalence relations. As a corollary to our main results, we show that for any type III1{\rm III_1} ergodic equivalence relation R\mathcal R, the Maharam extension c(R)\mathord{\text {c}}(\mathcal R) is strongly ergodic if and only if R\mathcal R is strongly ergodic and the invariant τ(R)\tau(\mathcal R) is the usual topology on R\mathbf R. We also obtain a structure theorem for almost periodic strongly ergodic equivalence relations analogous to Connes' structure theorem for almost periodic full factors. Finally, we prove that for arbitrary strongly ergodic free actions of bi-exact groups (e.g. hyperbolic groups), the Sd and τ\tau invariants of the orbit equivalence relation and of the associated group measure space von Neumann factor coincide.Comment: 28 pages. To appear in Ergodic Theory Dynam. System

    Conformal Fourth-Rank Gravity

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    We consider the consequences of describing the metric properties of space- time through a quartic line element ds4=Gμνλρdxμdxνdxλdxρds^4=G_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho}dx^\mu dx^\nu dx^\lambda dx^\rho. The associated "metric" is a fourth-rank tensor GμνλρG_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho}. We construct a theory for the gravitational field based on the fourth-rank metric GμνλρG_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho} which is conformally invariant in four dimensions. In the absence of matter the fourth-rank metric becomes of the form Gμνλρ=g(μνgλρ)G_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho}=g_{(\mu\nu}g_{\lambda\rho )} therefore we recover a Riemannian behaviour of the geometry; furthermore, the theory coincides with General Relativity. In the presence of matter we can keep Riemannianicity, but now gravitation couples in a different way to matter as compared to General Relativity. We develop a simple cosmological model based on a FRW metric with matter described by a perfect fluid. Our field equations predict that the entropy is an increasing function of time. For kobs=0k_{obs}=0 the field equations predict Ω4y\Omega\approx 4y, where y=pρy={p\over\rho}; for Ωsmall=0.01\Omega_{small}=0.01 we obtain ypred=2.5×103y_{pred}=2.5\times 10^{-3}. yy can be estimated from the mean random velocity of typical galaxies to be yrandom=1×105y_{random}=1\times10^{-5}. For the early universe there is no violation of causality for t>tclass1019tPlanck1024st>t_{class}\approx10^{19}t_{Planck}\approx 10^{-24}s.Comment: 39 pages, plain TE