42 research outputs found

    A perda de tradição e a falta de ação social na indústria da construção

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    A Engenharia apresente boa saúde relativamente aos aspetos de desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico. No entanto, ela parece atualmente frágil no que respeita aos aspetos da tradição e da ação social no setor da construção. O panorama geral relativamente à preservação de técnicas tradicionais na construção mostra-se bastante desanimador, e por outro lado, é identificada a falta de movimento social no setor da construção

    Potencialidades de construção e projeto de edifícios em alvenaria simples

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    A alvenaria é a mais tradicional tipologia de construção em Portugal. No entanto, a simplicidade de utilização de betão armado e um receio pouco fundamentado sobre a resistência aos sismos rapidamente fizeram esquecer a alvenaria como solução estrutural. Recentemente, têm sido tomadas diligências no sentido de reanimar a construção com alvenaria resistente, nomeadamente através do desenvolvimento de sistemas de alvenaria modernos eficientes e sismo-resistentes e de estudos de viabilidade desta solução. Neste artigo avaliam-se as potencialidades de construção de edifícios com alvenaria simples em Portugal, nomeadamente a possibilidade de construção em altura, e com arrojo arquitectónico com referência a um caso real. Paralelamente, potencia-se a utilização de dois softwares de cálculo comerciais no projecto sísmico de edifícios em alvenaria

    Unreinforced and confined masonry buildings in seismic regions : validation of macro-element models and cost analysis

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    Modern design of buildings requires accounting for sustainability aspects using a life-cycle perspective, but also the early design phase where earthquake actions have a significant influence concerning the structural design. Recently, the seismic evaluation of masonry buildings using macro-element modeling approaches became popular, by applying performance-based assessment procedures through nonlinear static (pushover) analysis methodologies. This work addresses the validation for these approaches referring to two full-scale masonry structures tested under quasi-static lateral loading and almost unknown in the literature. The experimental behavior of tested unreinforced masonry (URM) and confined masonry (CM) structures is compared against the pushover response of the corresponding computational models. Then, referring to typical housing in southern Europe and its usual design with a reinforced concrete (RC) structure, the validated assessment tools are employed to evaluate the earthquake-resistant possibilities of URM and CM solutions, namely in terms of maximum applicable ground accelerations. The masonry solutions are also compared in terms of construction costs against the RC typology. The considered analysis tools present a good agreement when predicting, satisfactorily, the experimental test behavior, thus being able to be used in performance-based design. With respect to the studied housing, the predicted pushover responses for the masonry structures denote capacity to resist earthquakes adequately. These structures allow also a significant cost reduction (up to 25%) against the RC, thus appearing to be competing alternatives.The first author acknowledges the financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Ph.D. Grant SFRH/BD/41221/2007. This paper is in honor of Engineer Angel San Bartolome Ramos, Professor and Researcher of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, for his contribution in the field of masonry structures

    Verificação da segurança sísmica de edifícios em alvenaria através de metodologias simplificadas

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    Este artigo introduz conceitos de base para o cálculo sísmico de edifícios sustentáveis em alvenaria simples de pequeno porte (até 2 pisos), usando metodologias de análise estrutural a nível global e simplificadas. Estas metodologias, ainda que relativamente simples e passíveis de utilização através de um cálculo manual, foram desenvolvidadas em países com sismicidade média a alta, e ainda assim com forte tradição de construção em alvenaria simples moderna (i.e. unidades robustas e estruturas com paredes bem ligadas e dispostas em ambas as direcções). O desempenho sísmico de edifícios assim dimensionados mostrou-se bastante satisfatório

    Benchmarking of commercial software for the seismic assessment of masonry buildings

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    In the present work a comparative study on the evaluation of the seismic response prediction of two buildings was made, using two Italian computer codes based on macro-elements and pushover analysis, seeking to gather knowledge on the needs for national applications. The buildings response to the earthquakes predicted by the two programs, characterized by the base shear, the deformation capacity and also the maximum ground acceleration supported was compared. The results obtained show the good performance of the methods based on modelling by macro-elements, which provide realistic predictions of the structure response to the earthquake with regard the base shear. In some cases good agreement is also found in terms of deformation capacity. In correspondence to the modelling by macro-elements, the non-linear static analysis used by the two computer codes evaluated seems to be a good and easily understandable approach

    Possibilities and comparison of structural component models for the seismic assessment of modern unreinforced masonry buildings

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    This paper addresses the possibilities of structural component models for the seismic assessment of masonry buildings using pushover analysis. The ultimate goal is to allow efficient design of new unreinforced masonry buildings in seismic areas. Different modelling strategies are presented and the implementation of a simple design tool based on structural component models is described in detail. The different approaches are applied to a two-storey building with regular plan and elevation, allowing for a comparison between them. The results indicate that macro-modelling using structural component models and pushover analysis are adequate approaches for the seismic assessment and design of unreinforced masonry buildings, as the tools require very low computational resources, allow easy interpretation of results and provide satisfactory accuracy

    A new proposal for the design of confined masonry buildings

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    Confined masonry has been efficiently used for buildings in Latin-America, Northern-Africa and Asia, even in seismic areas. However, despite all the research on the seismic behaviour of this structural typology, mainly in Latin-America, the lack of clear criteria for confined masonry design limits its application in Europe. In this work, a semi-empirical strength criterion for confined masonry, based on the diagonal shear failure of confined walls, is proposed. For this purpose, data mining is applied to a database of confined walls under cyclic loading tests, in order to clarify the variables that influence the shear strength. This study showed that the shear strength can be acceptably predicted by a multiple regression of the normal stress, diagonal shear strength, slenderness and masonry cross-section ratio of the walls. The relevance of longitudinal reinforcement of the confinement columns is low, with a significant contribution only in the post-cracking stage

    Pushover seismic analysis of quasi-static tested confined masonry buildings through simplified model

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    The confined masonry typology has been traditionally used for building, and also selected for the reconstruction of recently earthquake-damaged cities, in developing countries responding to the seismic-economic couple. However, most of the procedures in design codes adopted for these countries are force-based, which appear to be inadequate for loading cases under severe earthquakes, where the response in displacement plays the essential role for ultimate (life preservation) limit state. In this work, a worldwide review is made of the experimental response of confined masonry buildings, from which a first storey, shear-dominated, mechanism is mostly identified. Then, two full-scale confined masonry structures with regular and irregular plan configurations, quasi-static tested, are analysed under push-over loading of simplified models of the buildings. The idealized models are based on the use of frame and discrete spring elements, allowing to consider the interaction between the masonry panel and the r.c. confining elements. A comparison between the results of tests and the analytical predictions is made, particularly concerning the base shear-displacement response and the damage patterns. The accuracy of the predictions is very satisfactory, allowing to capture the base shear-displacement response envelope and the general damage trend on the buildings, and thus making the method able for performance-based design procedures

    Pushover analysis of a modern aggregate of masonry buildings through macro-element modelling

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    The masonry building aggregates are a typology of construction typical of historical town centres, where a complex structural system with longitudinal and transversal walls is arranged at different ground and roof levels. Currently, the recuperation of the masonry as a structural solution will depend, in significant part, on its use in the construction of housing blocks, which can present many of the features of a typical building aggregate. The behaviour of this construction typology should be assessed under seismic loads, since it has been shown to be vulnerable to such type of loading. In this work, the case of a modern aggregate of masonry buildings, which is constituted by adjacent buildings at different levels, is studied under simulated seismic loading through nonlinear static (pushover) analysis on a macro-element model idealized for the aggregate. A developed concrete block masonry system is adopted as the structural solution. The aggregate is evaluated regarding its seismic performance by considering three different configurations: a set of dwellings with independent behaviour, a levelled conglomeration of buildings, and an unlevelled aggregate. A comparison between the predicted performances of solutions with unreinforced and truss type horizontally reinforced masonry is made in terms of both base shear-displacement response and damage pattern. The main conclusions are that the structural irregularity in elevation implies loss of displacement capacity, and that the horizontal truss reinforcement allows only qualitatively an improvement of the structural ductility, given a more distributed damage and a higher deformation capacity

    Artificial intelligence applied to compaction rules and management

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POCI/ECM/61114/200