22 research outputs found

    Thrombin activation of the factor XI dimer is a multistaged process for each subunit

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    Background: Factor (F)XI can be activated by proteases, including thrombin and FXIIa. The interactions of these enzymes with FXI are transient in nature and therefore difficult to study. Objectives: To identify the binding interface between thrombin and FXI and understand the dynamics underlying FXI activation. Methods: Crosslinking mass spectrometry was used to localize the binding interface of thrombin on FXI. Molecular dynamics simulations were applied to investigate conformational changes enabling thrombin-mediated FXI activation after binding. The proposed trajectory of activation was examined with nanobody 1C10, which was previously shown to inhibit thrombin-mediated activation of FXI. Results: We identified a binding interface of thrombin located on the light chain of FXI involving residue Pro520. After this initial interaction, FXI undergoes conformational changes driven by binding of thrombin to the apple 1 domain in a secondary step to allow migration toward the FXI cleavage site. The 1C10 binding site on the apple 1 domain supports this proposed trajectory of thrombin. We validated the results with known mutation sites on FXI. As Pro520 is conserved in prekallikrein (PK), we hypothesized and showed that thrombin can bind PK, even though it cannot activate PK. Conclusion: Our investigations show that the activation of FXI is a multistaged procedure. Thrombin first binds to Pro520 in FXI; thereafter, it migrates toward the activation site by engaging the apple 1 domain. This detailed analysis of the interaction between thrombin and FXI paves a way for future interventions for bleeding or thrombosis

    Platelets in Patients with Premature Coronary Artery Disease Exhibit Upregulation of miRNA340* and miRNA624*

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of human morbidity and mortality worldwide, underscoring the need to improve diagnostic strategies. Platelets play a major role, not only in the process of acute thrombosis during plaque rupture, but also in the formation of atherosclerosis itself. MicroRNAs are endogenous small non-coding RNAs that control gene expression and are expressed in a tissue and disease-specific manner. Therefore they have been proposed to be useful biomarkers. It remains unknown whether differences in miRNA expression levels in platelets can be found between patients with premature CAD and healthy controls. In this case-control study we measured relative expression levels of platelet miRNAs using microarrays from 12 patients with premature CAD and 12 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Six platelet microRNAs were significantly upregulated (miR340*, miR451, miR454*, miR545:9.1. miR615-5p and miR624*) and one miRNA (miR1280) was significantly downregulated in patients with CAD as compared to healthy controls. To validate these results, we measured the expression levels of these candidate miRNAs by qRT-PCR in platelets of individuals from two independent cohorts; validation cohort I consisted of 40 patients with premature CAD and 40 healthy controls and validation cohort II consisted of 27 patients with artery disease and 40 healthy relatives. MiR340* and miR624* were confirmed to be upregulated in patients with CAD as compared to healthy controls in both validation cohorts. Two miRNAs in platelets are significantly upregulated in patients with CAD as compared to healthy controls. Whether the two identified miRNAs can be used as biomarkers and whether they are cause or consequence of the disease remains to be elucidated in a larger prospective stud

    Development, characterization, and in vivo validation of a humanized C6 monoclonal antibody that Inhibits the membrane attack complex

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    Damage and disease of nerves activates the complement system. We demonstrated that activation of the terminal pathway of the complement system leads to the formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC) and delays regeneration in the peripheral nervous system. Animals deficient in the complement component C6 showed improved recovery after neuronal trauma. Thus, inhibitors of the MAC might be of therapeutic use in neurological disease. Here, we describe the development, structure, mode of action, and properties of a novel therapeutic monoclonal antibody, CP010, against C6 that prevents formation of the MAC in vivo. The monoclonal antibody is humanized and specific for C6 and binds to an epitope in the FIM1-2 domain of human and primate C6 with sub-nanomolar affinity. Using biophysical and structural studies, we show that the anti-C6 antibody prevents the interaction between C6 and C5/C5b by blocking the C6 FIM1-2:C5 C345c axis. Systemic administration of the anti-C6 mAb caused complete depletion of free C6 in circulation in transgenic rats expressing human C6 and thereby inhibited MAC formation. The antibody prevented disease in experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis and ameliorated relapse in chronic relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in human C6 transgenic rats. CP010 is a promising complement C6 inhibitor that prevents MAC formation. Systemic administration of this C6 monoclonal antibody has therapeutic potential in the treatment of neuronal disease

    A FRET-based assay for the quantitation of the thrombin-factor XI interaction

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    Background: Thrombin-mediated activation of FXI supports clot stability and protects the clot from fibrinolysis. This generally poor activation could be enhanced to stimulate coagulation, which might serve patients experiencing bleeding, for example due to FXI deficiency. Objectives: To establish a reliable assay that can monitor FXI-thrombin binding and is suitable for high throughput screening. Methods: A time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay was set up to measure binding between FXI and thrombin in a dose-dependent manner. This assay was subjected to varying concentration of NaCl, MgCl2, and DMSO to test the robustness of the output signal. Moreover, the stability of the signal was tested after going through various freeze-thaw cycles. Results: The assay produces a stable signal that meets the sensitivity and robustness criteria for application in high-throughput screening. Moreover, it was possible to measure modulation of the interaction with non-labelled FXI. Conclusions: We have established and validated a time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay that can quantify the thrombin-FXI interaction. We propose that the assay is compatible with high-throughput screening. Thus, the assay could be used to screen for small molecules that interfere with the interaction on a high-throughput scale

    Evolutionary conservation of the lipopolysaccharide binding site of β₂-glycoprotein I

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    β₂-Glycoprotein I (β₂GPI) is a highly abundant plasma protein and the major antigen for autoantibodies in the antiphospholipid syndrome. Recently, we have described a novel function of β₂GPI as scavenger of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). With this in mind we investigated the conservation of β₂GPI in vertebrates and set out to identify the binding site of LPS within β₂GPI. The genome sequences of 42 species were surveyed. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was performed with peptides to characterise the binding site of β₂GPI for LPS. β₂GPI could be identified in most tested vertebrates with a high overall amino acid homology of 80% or more in mammals. SPR revealed that a synthesised peptide (LAFWKTDA) from domain V of β₂GPI was able to compete for binding of β₂GPI to LPS. The AFWKTDA sequence was completely conserved in all mammals. The peptide containing the LPS binding site attenuated the inhibition by β₂GPI in a cellular model of LPS-induced tissue factor expression. Other important sites, such as the binding site for anionic phospholipids and the antiphospholipid antibody binding epitope, were also preserved. β₂GPI is highly conserved across the animal kingdom, which suggests that the function of β₂GPI may be more important than anticipate

    Chemical Footprinting Reveals Conformational Changes Following Activation of Factor XI

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    Coagulation factor XI is activated by thrombin or factor XIIa resulting in a conformational change that converts the catalytic domain into its active form and exposing exosites for factor IX on the apple domains. Although crystal structures of the zymogen factor XI and the catalytic domain of the protease are available, the structure of the apple domains and hence the interactions with the catalytic domain in factor XIa are unknown. We now used chemical footprinting to identify lysine residue containing regions that undergo a conformational change following activation of factor XI. To this end, we employed tandem mass tag in conjunction with mass spectrometry. Fifty-two unique peptides were identified, covering 37 of the 41 lysine residues present in factor XI. Two identified lysine residues that showed altered flexibility upon activation were mutated to study their contribution in factor XI stability or enzymatic activity. Lys357, part of the connecting loop between A4 and the catalytic domain, was more reactive in factor XIa but mutation of this lysine residue did not impact on factor XIa activity. Lys516 and its possible interactor Glu380 are located in the catalytic domain and are covered by the activation loop of factor XIa. Mutating Glu380 enhanced Arg369 cleavage and thrombin generation in plasma. In conclusion, we have identified novel regions that undergo a conformational change following activation. This information improves knowledge about factor XI and will contribute to development of novel inhibitors or activators for this coagulation protein

    Chemical Footprinting Reveals Conformational Changes Following Activation of Factor XI

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    Coagulation factor XI is activated by thrombin or factor XIIa resulting in a conformational change that converts the catalytic domain into its active form and exposing exosites for factor IX on the apple domains. Although crystal structures of the zymogen factor XI and the catalytic domain of the protease are available, the structure of the apple domains and hence the interactions with the catalytic domain in factor XIa are unknown. We now used chemical footprinting to identify lysine residue containing regions that undergo a conformational change following activation of factor XI. To this end, we employed tandem mass tag in conjunction with mass spectrometry. Fifty-two unique peptides were identified, covering 37 of the 41 lysine residues present in factor XI. Two identified lysine residues that showed altered flexibility upon activation were mutated to study their contribution in factor XI stability or enzymatic activity. Lys357, part of the connecting loop between A4 and the catalytic domain, was more reactive in factor XIa but mutation of this lysine residue did not impact on factor XIa activity. Lys516 and its possible interactor Glu380 are located in the catalytic domain and are covered by the activation loop of factor XIa. Mutating Glu380 enhanced Arg369 cleavage and thrombin generation in plasma. In conclusion, we have identified novel regions that undergo a conformational change following activation. This information improves knowledge about factor XI and will contribute to development of novel inhibitors or activators for this coagulation protein

    Chemical Footprinting Reveals Conformational Changes Following Activation of Factor XI

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    Coagulation factor XI is activated by thrombin or factor XIIa resulting in a conformational change that converts the catalytic domain into its active form and exposing exosites for factor IX on the apple domains. Although crystal structures of the zymogen factor XI and the catalytic domain of the protease are available, the structure of the apple domains and hence the interactions with the catalytic domain in factor XIa are unknown. We now used chemical footprinting to identify lysine residue containing regions that undergo a conformational change following activation of factor XI. To this end, we employed tandem mass tag in conjunction with mass spectrometry. Fifty-two unique peptides were identified, covering 37 of the 41 lysine residues present in factor XI. Two identified lysine residues that showed altered flexibility upon activation were mutated to study their contribution in factor XI stability or enzymatic activity. Lys357, part of the connecting loop between A4 and the catalytic domain, was more reactive in factor XIa but mutation of this lysine residue did not impact on factor XIa activity. Lys516 and its possible interactor Glu380 are located in the catalytic domain and are covered by the activation loop of factor XIa. Mutating Glu380 enhanced Arg369 cleavage and thrombin generation in plasma. In conclusion, we have identified novel regions that undergo a conformational change following activation. This information improves knowledge about factor XI and will contribute to development of novel inhibitors or activators for this coagulation protein

    A novel mutation in the F5 gene (factor V Amsterdam) associated with bleeding independent of factor V procoagulant function

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    We investigated a small Dutch family with a bleeding diathesis, prolonged prothrombin, and activated partial thromboplastin times, in whom no classifying diagnosis was made. The 2 affected relatives had severely decreased in vitro thrombin generation, and levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) were strongly increased. To identify the genetic cause of the bleeding diathesis, we performed whole exome sequencing analysis of all living relatives. We found a novel gain-of-function mutation in the F5 gene (c.C2588G), which leads to an aberrant splicing of F5 and ultimately to a short factor V protein (missing 623 amino acids from the B domain), which we called factor V Amsterdam. Factor V Amsterdam binds to TFPI, prolonging its half-life and concentration. This is the second report of an association between a shorter form of factor V and increased TFPI levels, resulting in severely reduced thrombin generation and a bleeding tendenc