152 research outputs found


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    For about 10 years intense research work has been going on for the modification of the properties of polyolefins. The effect of surfactants, elastomers and filling materials has primarily been investigated upon semicrystalline polyolefins. Studies on interfacial interactions as well as on deformation mechanisms enabled the prediction of the properties of polymers. By determining the rules of modification, the interfacial interactions and the structure of the interfacial layer new polymer compositions called MODYLEN product family with favourable properties have been developed

    Investigation of drug distribution in tablets using surface enhanced Raman chemical imaging

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    This paper reports the first application of surface enhanced Raman chemical imaging on pharmaceutical tablets containing the active ingredient (API) in very low concentrations.Taking advantage of the extremely intensive Raman signals in the presence of silver colloids,image aquisition time was radically decreased. Moreover, the investigation of drug distribution below the detection limit of regular micro-Raman spectrometry was made feasible. The characteristics of different manufacturing technologies could be revealed at very low API concentrations by using chemometric methods for processing and evaluating the large number of varying spectra provided with this imaging method

    Quantitative Evaluation of Drug Distribution in Tablets of Various Structures via Raman Mapping

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    Hyperspectral imaging was applied to provide quantitative spatial information about pharmaceutical samples. The aim was to characterize the distribution of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in manufactured samples quantitatively. Two kind of API, imipramine and spironolactone were applied in three conventional and two continuous processing technologies. The homogeneity of distributions of 10% API was determined through Raman maps applying macropixel analysis method. Non-overlapping macropixel analysis (Poole-index) and calculation of distributional homogeneity indices (DHIs) were compared as a measure of homogeneity. Non-overlapping macropixel approach proved to be more sensible than DHI evaluation. For enhancing efficacy of DHI we suggest a correction by weighting scores and considering relative standard deviations. This way the capability of DHI can be improved significantly. The very slight differences between the continuous methods (the homogeneity of which are much higher than that of conventional technologies) could be quantified


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    Two connected computer controlled batch model reactor of flexible hardware and software system have been developed. The system supports the education and the development of chemical technologies, being appropriate for controlling and simulating a wide range of processes as well as for measurement of the heat effects. Model and acid-base experiments were carried out for testing the operation of the systems

    Balmazújváros önkormányzata pénzügyi gazdálkodásának jogi és pénzügyi aspektusai 2020-tól napjainkig = The Legal and Financial Aspects of the Municipality of Balmazújváros from 2020 to the Present

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    Az önkormányzati közszolgáltatási kötelezettségek minden településnek lényeges részét képezik. Ezek azok a feladatok, felelősségek és szolgáltatások, amelyeket az önkormányzat köteles polgárai számára biztosítani. Ezeket a kötelezettségeket jellemzően állami és helyi törvények határozzák meg, és azokat időben, hatékonyan, biztonságosan, méltányosan, megfizethetően és értékalapú módon kell biztosítani. Az önkormányzat feladata, hogy ezeket a szolgáltatásokat úgy nyújtsák, hogy azok megfeleljenek a polgárok igényeinek és tükrözzék a közösség értékeit. Tanulmányom alaphipotézise, hogy az önkormányzati közszolgáltatási kötelezettségek elengedhetetlenek egy közösség jólétének biztosításához. A második hipotézis, hogy összefüggés mutatható ki az önkormányzat működésében arra vonatkozóan, hogy a növekvő közfeladat-ellátási kötelezettség nem vonta magával a források, vagy a forrásbevonási lehetőségek bővülését, és az állami beavatkozás elmaradása katasztrofális következményekkel járt volna. | Municipal public service obligations are an essential part of every settlement. These are the tasks, responsibilities and services that the municipality is obliged to provide to its citizens. These obligations are typically defined by state and local laws and must be provided in a timely, efficient, safe, fair, affordable and value-based manner. The municipality has to provide these services in such a way that they meet the needs of the citizens and reflect the values of the community. The basic hypothesis of my study is that municipal public service obligations are essential for ensuring the well-being of a community. The second hypothesis is that a correlation can be shown in the operation of the local government, that the increasing obligation to perform public tasks did not entail the expansion of resources or the possibilities of attracting resources, and that the lack of state intervention would have had catastrophic consequences

    Flax fibre reinforced PLA/TPS biocomposites flame retarded with multifunctional additive system

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    Fully biodegradable composites were developed, possessing prominent mechanical performance and reduced flammability at the same time. The manufactured composites consisted of PLA/TPS biopolymer matrices reinforced with chopped flax fibres. The flammability of the prepared biocomposites was reduced by a newly synthesized multifunctional additive system. Glycerol phosphate (GP), a plasticizer of starch with flame retardant potential, and a novel phosphorous-silane (PSil), applied as a surface treating agent of the reinforcing biofibres, were successfully combined in order to reduce the flammability of the prepared biocomposites. Owing to the beneficial effect of the applied multifunctional additive system, a loading of as low as 10 wt% of ammonium polyphosphate (APP) proved to be sufficient to provide prominent levels of flame retardancy to the composites, i.e. V-0 rating according to UL94, 33 vol% LOI and a 40% reduction of heat emission were achieved. Furthermore, the combined application of the surface treated reinforcing flax fibres and plasticizer in the biodegradable, flame retarded biocomposites resulted in well-balanced strength and stiffness
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