213 research outputs found

    Parisian Cycle

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    Prikazani radovi nastali su u jednom trenutku za vrijeme Sederova boravka u Parizu 1988. godine. Premda u kontekstu cjeline djela predstavljaju samo isječak, u njima se ipak iskazuju sve velike karakteristike Sederova slikarstva.The displayed works came about during Seder\u27s stay in Paris in 1988. Even though the works in the context of a whole present only a segment, all of the wider characteristics of Seder\u27s painting can be seen in them

    Mladi, gnjevni za budućnost spremni

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    Recenzija, prikaz izložbe "Likovna grupa BIAFRA 1970. ā€“ 1978.", Galerija Klovićevi dvori, 5. 10. ā€“ 5. 12. 2010

    Juraj Dalmatinac u književnom kontekstu

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    Hektorovićā€™s Measure: A Contribution to a Reading of a Well-Rounded Oeuvre

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    U ovom radu pozabavio sam se pjesnikovim poimanjem mjere kao svojevrsnim estetskim orijentirom i joÅ” određenijim etičkim korektivom. Naime, Hektorović kaže kako stihove piÅ”e po mjeri, to jest slijedeći strogi ritam i zadani raspon slogova (dakle: metriku), no joÅ” viÅ”e ističe mjeru koje se treba držati u ponaÅ”anju i postupanju, držeći se pritom podjednako načelnih stoičkih koliko i rigidno krŔćanskih načela. Dobar znalac antičke mudrosti (posebno pitagorejstva) i srednjovjekovne moralke, svoje stavove oprimjeruje i djelovanjem svojih suputnika na svojem ribolovnom i pjesmotvornom plovu, a u poslanicama prijateljima također se izričito zalaže za odmjerenost i umjerenost. Nizom izravnih navoda iz spjeva Ribanje i ribarsko prigovaranje te inih autorskih tekstova nastojao sam ukazati na pravu obuzetost količinama i brojevima kao Hektorovićevu metodu verificiranja zbiljnosti opisa, a pogotovo na njegovu brigu za mjerodavnim i primjerenim shvaćanjem kozmičkog poretka, bogomdane mjere.In this paper I have concerned myself with the poetā€™s concept of measure, a kind of point of reference and even more so a determined ethical corrective. Hektorović, that is, says he writes verses Ā»according to measureĀ«, in other words, following a strict rhythm and a set range of syllables (a metre, that is); but still more he lays stress on the measure that has to be kept in oneā€™s conduct and proceedings, abiding both by Stoic principles and rigidly Christian principles. Well versed in classical wisdom (particularly in Pythagoreanism) and in medieval moralism, he exemplifies his views by the actions of his travelling companions in his piscatorial and poeticising voyage, and in his epistles to friends also particularly advocates moderation and temperance. With a number of direct quotations from the poem Fishing and Fishermenā€™s Conversation as well as other writings of this author, I have endeavoured to suggest that his real absorption in quantities and numbers is Hektorovićā€™s method of verifying the reality of the description, particularly his concern for a competent and appropriate understanding of the cosmic order, the divinely appointed measure

    An unknown "Bather" by Vojin Bakić

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    U obitelji kolega sa studija, A. Å ojata i M. BoÅ”njak čuva se sadreni odljev ženskog akta Vojina Bakića, koji je bio izveden u kamenu (ili mramoru), a uniÅ”ten u velikom požaru umjetnikova ateljea 1956. godine. Kip dosad nije registriran ni objavljen, a zaslužuje pozornost zbog imanentnih oblikovnih vrijednosti - jezgrovitosti i čistoće modelacije - ali i zbog činjenice da je vrlo malo sačuvanih radova iz Bakićeve formativne faze. Usporedbom sa sličnim ostvarenjima autor zaključuje da je riječ o motivu "Kupačice ", te da je djelo nastalo najkasnije ranih četrdesetih godina.The family of Vojin Bakić\u27s university colleagues, A.Å ojat and M. BoÅ”njak, has in its possession a plaster cast of a female nude authored by Bakic. It was executed in stone (or marble) and subsequently destroyed in 1956 when the artist\u27s atelier caught fire. So far, the sculpture has never been either registered or displayed, and it deserves attention for the imminent values of its form ā€” its conciseness and the purity of modelling, but also for the fact that very few works from Bakic\u27s formative phase have been preserved. By comparing the east with similar works of art, the author concludes that it is one of the "Bathers" and that it dates back to the beginning of the 40\u27s
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