790 research outputs found


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    The use of English in communication becomes important nowadays in facing the challenges of globalization. English is one of the school subjects that helps students in preparing their abilities to be part of global citizens. Speaking skills in English subject is one of way in preparing the students, meanwhile learn English also becomes one of the challenges for students. This quantitative research aimed to identify the influence of self efficacy, learning motivation and reading interest on speaking learning outcomes. Data collection uses questionnaires distributed to 76 grade X students and interview. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The finding shows that self-efficacy had positive influence on speaking learning outcomes. Learning motivation had a positive influence on learning outcomes of speaking, and reading interest had a positive influence on speaking learning outcomes. The R-Square value of the three variables indicates a silmutant strong influence on learning outcomes of speaking skills. Penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam berkomunikasi dirasakan penting dalam menghadapai tantangan global sekarang ini, khususnya dalam dunia pendidikan, Bahasa Inggris menjadi salah satu matapelajaran untuk membekali kemampuan siswa menjadi bagian dari warga global. Keterampilan berbicara “speaking skill†dalam bahasa Inggris juga menjadi salah satu tantangan bagi para sisw. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh efikasi diri, motivasi belajar dan minat baca terhadap hasil belajar speaking siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran tiga kuesioner kepada 76 siswa kelas X, dan wawancara kepada siswa, serta nilai hasil belajar speaking siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa efikasi diri, motivasi belajar, serta minat baca secara parsial berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar speaking. Berdasarkan nilai R-Square, ketiga variabel tersebut secara simultan berpengaruh kuat terhadap hasil belajar speaking

    Adaptively Informed Trees (AIT*): Fast Asymptotically Optimal Path Planning through Adaptive Heuristics

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    Informed sampling-based planning algorithms exploit problem knowledge for better search performance. This knowledge is often expressed as heuristic estimates of solution cost and used to order the search. The practical improvement of this informed search depends on the accuracy of the heuristic. Selecting an appropriate heuristic is difficult. Heuristics applicable to an entire problem domain are often simple to define and inexpensive to evaluate but may not be beneficial for a specific problem instance. Heuristics specific to a problem instance are often difficult to define or expensive to evaluate but can make the search itself trivial. This paper presents Adaptively Informed Trees (AIT*), an almost-surely asymptotically optimal sampling-based planner based on BIT*. AIT* adapts its search to each problem instance by using an asymmetric bidirectional search to simultaneously estimate and exploit a problem-specific heuristic. This allows it to quickly find initial solutions and converge towards the optimum. AIT* solves the tested problems as fast as RRT-Connect while also converging towards the optimum.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020, 6 + 2 pages, 5 figures, video available at https://youtu.be/twM723QM9T

    Integrated Pest Management—Stalk Borer Ecology and Pest Management Options in Corn and Soybean

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    Stalk borers can heavily infest crops that are adjacent to grass terraces, fence lines, or grass waterways and cornfields. Cultural and chemical management techniques are discussed.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_ag_pubs/1182/thumbnail.jp

    Spider mites are burning soybean fields

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    Twospotted spider mites can become serious pests of soybean whenever hot, dry weather persists. We have confirmed reports from Lee and Wapello counties in southeastern Iowa where fields have been sprayed because spider mites are burning the leaves and causing plant defoliation. The twospotted spider mite is named for the two dark spots on the sides of the abdomen, which are digested food visible through the insect\u27s translucent body. Three or four spots may be apparent and are most prominent on adult mites

    Advanced BIT* (ABIT*): Sampling-Based Planning with Advanced Graph-Search Techniques

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    Path planning is an active area of research essential for many applications in robotics. Popular techniques include graph-based searches and sampling-based planners. These approaches are powerful but have limitations. This paper continues work to combine their strengths and mitigate their limitations using a unified planning paradigm. It does this by viewing the path planning problem as the two subproblems of search and approximation and using advanced graph-search techniques on a sampling-based approximation. This perspective leads to Advanced BIT*. ABIT* combines truncated anytime graph-based searches, such as ATD*, with anytime almost-surely asymptotically optimal sampling-based planners, such as RRT*. This allows it to quickly find initial solutions and then converge towards the optimum in an anytime manner. ABIT* outperforms existing single-query, sampling-based planners on the tested problems in R4\mathbb{R}^{4} and R8\mathbb{R}^{8}, and was demonstrated on real-world problems with NASA/JPL-Caltech.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020, 6 + 1 pages, 3 figures, video available at https://youtu.be/VFdihv8Lq2

    Soybean aphid scouting and management

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    Management activities for most soybean insect pests consist of scouting, use of thresholds, insecticide applications when necessary, and prevention through cultural activities. Probably the most practical scouting method for soybean producers is to take soybean aphid counts on leaves. This method is useful for pest detection when insect densities are low

    Asymptotically Optimal Sampling-Based Motion Planning Methods

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    Motion planning is a fundamental problem in autonomous robotics that requires finding a path to a specified goal that avoids obstacles and takes into account a robot's limitations and constraints. It is often desirable for this path to also optimize a cost function, such as path length. Formal path-quality guarantees for continuously valued search spaces are an active area of research interest. Recent results have proven that some sampling-based planning methods probabilistically converge toward the optimal solution as computational effort approaches infinity. This survey summarizes the assumptions behind these popular asymptotically optimal techniques and provides an introduction to the significant ongoing research on this topic.Comment: Posted with permission from the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, Volume 4. Copyright 2021 by Annual Reviews, https://www.annualreviews.org/. 25 pages. 2 figure
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