4 research outputs found

    Individual Particle Characteristics, Optical Properties and Evolution of an Extreme Long‐Range Transported Biomass Burning Event in the European Arctic (Ny‐Ålesund, Svalbard Islands)

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    This paper reports an exceptional biomass burning (BB) advection event from Alaska registered at Ny‐Ålesund from 10 to 17 July 2015 with particular interest on the influence of the airborne particle characteristics on the optical properties of the aerosol during the event. To this purpose we considered two DEKATI 12‐stage aerosol samples spanning the entire advection and analyzed them by scanning electron microscopy techniques. Aerosol chemical data and microphysical properties were also evaluated in order to correlate any change of individual particle characteristics with the bulk properties of the aerosol. The results of individual particle analysis depict a complex event characterized by a first phase (P1) of massive input of BB carbonaceous particles (i.e., tar balls, popcorn refractory particles, and organic particles), and by a second phase (P2) dominated by inorganic salts. The peculiar feature of this BB event is the exceptionally large grain size of the subspherical organic particles at the beginning of the event with respect to the background. At these conditions a significant increase of the scattering efficiency may occur even for a small increase of the size parameter. Results of the simulation of the complex refractive indices (n‐ik) confirm this evaluation. Aerosol evolution during the event resulted from the combination of three distinct occurrences: (a) progressive rotation of air mass circulation toward non‐BB source areas, (b) development of a thick fog layer in the planetary boundary layer, and (c) sea salt spray direct advection of local/regional provenance

    Radiative impact of an extreme Arctic biomass-burning event

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    The aim of the presented study was to investigate the impact on the radiation budget of a biomass-burning plume, transported from Alaska to the High Arctic region of Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, in early July 2015. Since the mean aerosol optical depth increased by the factor of 10 above the average summer background values, this large aerosol load event is considered particularly exceptional in the last 25 years. In situ data with hygroscopic growth equations, as well as remote sensing measurements as inputs to radiative transfer models, were used, in order to estimate biases associated with (i) hygroscopicity, (ii) variability of single-scattering albedo profiles, and (iii) plane-parallel closure of the modelled atmosphere. A chemical weather model with satellite-derived biomass-burning emissions was applied to interpret the transport and transformation pathways. The provided MODTRAN radiative transfer model (RTM) simulations for the smoke event (14:00 9 July–11:30 11 July) resulted in a mean aerosol direct radiative forcing at the levels of −78.9 and −47.0 W m ^-2 at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere, respectively, for the mean value of aerosol optical depth equal to 0.64 at 550 nm. This corresponded to the average clear-sky direct radiative forcing of −43.3 W/m ^2, estimated by radiometer and model simulations at the surface. Ultimately, uncertainty associated with the plane-parallel atmosphere approximation altered results by about 2 W m^−2. Furthermore, model-derived aerosol direct radiative forcing efficiency reached on average −126 W m^−2/τ550 and −71 W^m−2/τ550 at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere, respectively. The heating rate, estimated at up to 1.8 K day^−1 inside the biomass-burning plume, implied vertical mixing with turbulent kinetic energy of 0.3 m^2s^−

    International Workshop Atmospheric Studies in the Arctic Book of Abstracts

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    The International workshop on Atmospheric Studies in the Arctic was held at the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot, Poland on 28. and 29. January 2016. The workshop is a joint effort of the iAREA team, the Alfred Wegener Institute and the University of Florence in cooperation with the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Center for Polar Studies. The workshop is a contribution to the Ny-Aalesund Atmosphere Flagship Programme. This book of abstract includes the contributions building on the iAREA campaigns in 2014 and 2015 held in Ny-Aalesund, Spitsbergen

    Morphochemical characteristics and mixing state of long range transported wildfire particles at Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Islands)

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    A prolonged and exceptionally intense air mass advection event transporting biomass burning aerosols generated in Alaska affected Ny-Ålesund in the mid of July 2015. This paper reports the morphochemical characteristics and mixing state of individual aerosol particles collected during the event. To this aim aerosol samples were collected on nucleopore polycarbonate membrane filters using a DEKATI 12-stage low volume impactor and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Results of SEM investigations depict a complex aerosol characterized by an external mixing between a main part of carbonaceous organic particles (tar balls and organic particles), lower ammonium sulfate and minor potassium chloride and mineral dust amounts. The carbonaceous particles are spherical to slightly elongated and the organic particles show an internal mixing of low density organics and/or ammonium sulfate upon denser nuclei. Most particles are in the accumulation mode size range although the size and the morphology of the chloride and the sulfate salts evidence the growth of these species both in the air and upon the sampling membranes. Individual particle analyses were complemented by aerosol size distribution (Aerodynamic Particle Sizer, Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) and optical (Particle Soot Absorption Photometer, nephelometer) measurements at ground level in order to retrieve the optical and radiative properties of the aerosol in the atmosphere and to predict the fate and behaviour of particles upon deposition at ground level. Individual particle analyses were also compared with bulk chemical analyses on daily sampling filters and back-trajectory analyses of the air mass movement in order to enucleate distinct sources of the aerosol during the long range transport