4 research outputs found

    Učinkovitost liječenja niskoenergetskim laserom u sindromu pekućih usta ā€“ probno istraživanje

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    The aim of this clinical study was to compare low-level laser therapy (LLLT) switched on and switched off in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). BMS is a debilitating condition for patients and highly demanding for physicians, characterized by burning symptoms in the oral cavity. Despite extensive research, so far only cognitive behavioral therapy and clonazepam have been proven successful for its treatment in randomized controlled trials. Forty-four patients with BMS were randomly assigned to the study laser group (LLLT) or the sham laser group. LLLT was performed with the GaAlAs laser (830 nm) used in non-contact mode on the site in the mouth where burning symptoms were present; study patients received 10 sessions (10 days). Each participant fi lled out the visual analog scale (VAS) and oral health impact on the quality of life scale (OHIP-CRO 14) before and after either therapy protocol. Th ere were no signifi cant diff erences between the groups before and after LLLT (switched on and off ) in the quality of life (OHIP CRO 14 scores) (p>0.05). There was signifi cant decrease in pain symptoms (VAS) in both LLLT switched on and LLLT switched off groups (p0,05). Utvrđeno je značajno smanjenje simptoma boli (VAS) u objema skupinama liječenim laserom (upaljen i ugaÅ”en) (p<0,05). Upaljen i ugaÅ”en laser je doveo do smanjenja simptoma boli u bolesnika s SPU, doduÅ”e, niti jedan način liječenja laserom (upaljen ili ugaÅ”en) nije doveo do poboljÅ”anja rezultata utjecaja oralnog zdravlja na kvalitetu života

    Unilateralna ureteralna opstrukcija u tvora - prikaz slučaja.

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    A four-year old castrated male ferret (Mustela putorius furo) was presented with a 1-week history of gastrointestinal signs. The ultrasonographic findings showed mild right pelvic dilatation and hydroureter with obstruction at the ureterovesical junction. Conservative treatment resulted in clinical but no ultrasonography improvement. Three months later the ferret was presented with signs of gastrointestinal disease. Ultrasonography revealed progression of the process to mild hydronephrosis and further dilatation of the right ureter. Excretory urography confirmed the finding. Laboratory findings indicated renal failure with proteinuria. Ureteroneocystotomy was performed. A small amount of sludgy material was found at the ureteropelvic junction. The ferret died 4 months later due to pneumonia. Necropsy revealed multifocal tubulointerstitial lymphoplasmacytic nephritis.ČetverogodiÅ”nji kastrirani muÅ”ki tvor (Mustela putorius furo) doveden je na kliniku zbog gastrointestinalnih simptoma. Ultrazvučni nalaz pokazao je blagu dilataciju desne bubrežne zdjelice i hidroureter s opstrukcijom na razini ureterovezikalnog spoja. Provedeno je konzervativno liječenje koje je dovelo do kliničkog poboljÅ”anja, ali ne i do poboljÅ”anja nalaza dobiveno ultrazvukom. Nakon tri mjeseca tvor je ponovno doveden na kliniku zbog općih znakova bolesti. Pri ponovljenoj ultrazvučnoj pretrazi utvrđena je progresija procesa u blagu hidronefrozu i izraženiju dilataciju desnog uretera. Dijagnoza je potvrđena i ekskrecijskom urografijom. Laboratorijski su nalazi jednoznačno upućivali na zatajenje bubrega s proteinurijom. Da bi se spriječila daljnja oÅ”tećenja desnoga bubrega učinjena je ureteroneocistotomija. Na mjestu opstrukcije pronađena je mala količina gustoga muljavog materijala. Tvor je otpuÅ”ten na kućnu njegu, a četiri mjeseca poslije uginuo je od upale pluća. PatohistoloÅ”ki je nalaz utvrdio multifokani tubulointersticijski limfoplazmacitni nefritis

    Employeesā€™ Perceptions on the Relationship of Intellectual Capital and Business Performance of ICT Companies

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    The ICT sector has been recognized as a sector with great potential for the growth and development of the economy of the Republic of Serbia. This initiated the need to analyze the strategic aspect of the ICT sector intellectual capital concept. The purpose of the paper is to empirically test the impact of intellectual capital on business performance within the ICT sector. The research was conducted on a sample of 611 employees in ICT sector companies in the Republic of Serbia. The partial least squares method was used to model the structural equations for analysis of the primary data and testing of the hypotheses. The findings show a positive and statistically significant relationship between individual components of intellectual capital and the business performance of ICT companies, which confirms the hypotheses. Human capital proved to have the strongest influence on the business performance of ICT companies. This paper provides new scientific knowledge which can contribute to creating long-term strategies that shall focus on more sophisticated management of intellectual capital, compared to the traditional tasks of allocating resources of the organization. The findings may be of interest to other sectors stakeholders to provide deeper understanding on intellectual capital as an essential source of companiesā€™ competitive advantage that can positively impact business performance

    The Efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Burning Mouth Syndrome ā€“ A Pilot Study

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    The aim of this clinical study was to compare low-level laser therapy (LLLT) switched on and switched off in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). BMS is a debilitating condition for patients and highly demanding for physicians, characterized by burning symptoms in the oral cavity. Despite extensive research, so far only cognitive behavioral therapy and clonazepam have been proven successful for its treatment in randomized controlled trials. Forty-four patients with BMS were randomly assigned to the study laser group (LLLT) or the sham laser group. LLLT was performed with the GaAlAs laser (830 nm) used in non-contact mode on the site in the mouth where burning symptoms were present; study patients received 10 sessions (10 days). Each participant fi lled out the visual analog scale (VAS) and oral health impact on the quality of life scale (OHIP-CRO 14) before and after either therapy protocol. Th ere were no signifi cant diff erences between the groups before and after LLLT (switched on and off ) in the quality of life (OHIP CRO 14 scores) (p>0.05). There was signifi cant decrease in pain symptoms (VAS) in both LLLT switched on and LLLT switched off groups (p<0.05). Both LLLT switched on and switched off decreased pain symptoms (VAS) in patients with BMS; however, neither LLLT switched off or switched on improved the OHIP-CRO 14 scores