71 research outputs found

    Regionalization of Serbia as an instrument of balanced regional development and reduction of regional inequalities

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    Regionalization of Serbia in the second half of the 20th century was characterized by the dominance of the traditional approach, based on classical understanding of region as a static physiognomic spatial unit, with some attempts at economic regionalization. Such regionalizations were largely inapplicable in practice, so that they did not become part of legislative related to the planning of a balanced development of the territory of Serbia. Decentralization in socialism did not yield expected results, and after political changes in the late 20th century, Serbia became a highly centralized state. The modern concept of regionalization is relatively new in Serbia. Regional dimension of development has become the subject of scientific research in the last few decades, which is conditioned by the growing economic and demographic disparities between different parts of the state. Creating a NUTS regions in Serbia in 2009 was the first step towards modern regionalization. However, NUTS regions in Serbia do not have autonomy in regional governance and can not be able to decrease developmental disparities and support long-term economic and social development. It is therefore necessary that these territorial units get appropriate competencies in governance and decision-making, which would ensure de facto decentralization of the state and give a clear sense to the newly formed regions

    Indicators of regional inequality in Serbia

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    The diversity of spatial units of the Republic of Serbia is caused by several types of regional inequality. Only some of indicators of inequality between the regions can be considered developmental problems. In this paper indicators are distinguished by which it is possible to isolate and compare the regions of Serbia according to different criteria. This approach required use of several different methodologies from the domain of geography, economics and environmental protection. Results point to Republic of Serbia as a polarized space with a trend of concentration of population and economic activity in certain regions, and at the same time, lagging of other regions

    Tourism climatic index in the valorisation of climate in tourist centers of Montenegro

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    Climate is one of the main factors for the development of recreational forms of tourism in Montenegro. It affects the temporal arrangement and spatial distribution of tourists throughout the year. It determines the context of the environment in which the activities of tourists take place and represents the tourism resources. It is important for the planning and construction of tourism facilities and infrastructure, as well as the organization of tourism activities. This paper presents the tourism climatic index as a bioclimatic indicator for determining the conditions suitable for recreational tourism throughout the year. Research results according to the case study indicate the comparative advantages and also the lack of climate as the resource in tourism of Montenegro. There is an apparent underutilization of periods with climate conditions that work in favour of recreational forms of tourism. The uneven spatial and temporal arrangement of suitable climatic conditions in the tourist centres is the factor of the formation of seasonality of tourism trends. However, the results of linear correlation of tourism climatic index and monthly visits point to the incompatibility of potentials with capacity utilization. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008

    Historical hydropower projects and demographic processes Case study municipality of Mali Zvornik

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    Construction of dams and creation of artificial water reservoirs affect the transformation of landscape and socioeconomic structure of geospace. Some of the most significant changes are related to demographic processes, manifested by the resettlement of people from submerged parts of the settlement and changes in the demographic structure. The article analyzes the impact of the building of the hydropower plant 'Zvornik' and artificial Zvornik Lake on demographic processes in Municipality of Mali Zvornik in the period 1948-1961. Analysis of statistical data shows that the changes of population, population density, number of households, average household size, sex ratio, ethnicity and economic structure deviate from the usual demographic trends. Changes were detect in settlements that, after the construction of the dam, were located on the shore of the newly formed Zvornik Lake. These changes were directly related to geographical and socio-economic transformation during the construction of HPP 'Zvornik'

    Present and future of new regional geography in the education school's system and scientific discipline's position at the University of Belgrade

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    The classical division of space into regions has been retained in textbooks for primary and secondary schools, as well as for the universities. Regional scholars from the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography follow world geography, as well as develop a critical opinion on the role of the regions (formal and functional regions), regional geography as spatial science, regional development, regional identity, and research problematic issues related to the regions. Teaching regional geography students recognize spatial problems that burden the regions, as well as acquire education and knowledge transfer skills in new situations, develop critical thinking etc. In order to achieve this, regional geography curriculum are quantitatively and qualitatively transformed and summarized, thereby replacing the extensive factual material with a problematic approach to the study of the region. The aim of article is to determine the role of regional scholars from the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography in modern geographic research, as well as to improve the position of new regional geography, whose task is to inform the scientific and professional public with the pluralistic nature of the world and contemporary trends that link the global level and levels of regional and local communities. Scientific and practical affirmation of the region takes place from a local to a global level, as a result of the new regional development paradigm, based on the knowledge and the changes in the economy, technology, and policies emerged in the last thirty years

    Obnovljivi izvori energije u depopulacionim regijama Srbije

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    Izolovane regije Srbije se odavno suočavaju sa razvojnim problemima. Među njima, postoje prostori koji su skoro u potpunosti izgubili stanovniÅ”tvo, ekonomiju i funkcije kao Å”to je to slučaj sa napuÅ”tenim klasterima ā€“ katastarskim opÅ”tinama na teritorijama Zaječarskog, Pirotskog, Jablaničkog, Topličkog, Pčinjskog, RaÅ”kog i Zlatiborskog okruga. Novi popis stanovniÅ”tva je ukazao na dalje proređivanje naseljenog prostora u navedenim okruzima, odnosno proÅ”irivanje depopulacionog prostora. Međutim, iako retko naseljeni ili nenaseljeni, na njima i dalje postoji resursna osnova za pojedine privredne grane kao Å”to je energetika. Dva cilja ovog rada su bila: a. da se analiziraju i izdvoje lokacije sa najvećim potencijalom za dobijanje energije iz OIE putem solarnih elektrana i vetrogeneratora na depopulacionim prostorima kao i b. utvrđivanje ograničenja za takve projekte iz ugla zaÅ”tite životne sredine u zaÅ”tićenim prirodnim dobrima koja se nalaze na depopulacionim prostorima. U radu, pored GIS tehnika izdvajanja prostora sa potencijalom za dobijanje energije od sunca i vetra, koriŔćene je i indeks homogenizacije napuÅ”tenog prostora kako bi se utvrdilo teritorijalno proÅ”irenje nakon popisa iz 2022

    Depopulacioni prostori u Srbiji u 21. veku ā€“ od lokalnog do nacionalnog problema

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    Depopulacioni ili napuÅ”teni prostori nastaju kao posledica pražnjenja naselja i potpunog iŔčezavanja ljudskog faktora u koriŔćenju prostora. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje veličine i strukture prostora ā€“ klastera koji se može smatrati napuÅ”tenim na regionalnom nivou, odnosno nivou administrativnih okruga. U radu je izdvojen prostor na nivou okruga u Srbiji u okviru kojeg su se desile značajne promene u koriŔćenju zemljiÅ”ta u periodu 2000-2018. Analizirane su vremenske serije formalnih baza podataka i podataka dobijenih GIS alatima kako bi se uočile promene u strukturi povrÅ”ina i definisao trend srastanja odnosno povećanja praznog prostora tokom poslednje dve decenije. U radu su analizirani planski dokumenti i strategije kako bi se utvrdilo sa kojim problemima država identifikuje napuÅ”tene prostore i kakva planska reÅ”enja su moguća

    NapuŔtena sela Srbije: studija slučaja sela Vukojevac (opŔtina KurŔumlija)

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    Depopulacija ruralnog prostora i migracije selo ā€“ grad kao savremeni fenomeni u svom ekstremnom obliku dovode do potpunog demografskog gaÅ”enja pojedinih seoskih naselja i iŔčezavanja ljudskog faktora u koriŔćenju prostora. Ovaj proces u izolovanim i saobraćajno teÅ”ko dostupnim brdsko-planinskim delovima Srbije prisutan je joÅ” 1980-ih godina, a prema popisu iz 2011. godine 13 seoskih naselja (bez Kosova i Metohije) ostalo je bez stanovniÅ”tva. Na primeru napuÅ”tenog sela Vukojevac (OpÅ”tina KurÅ”umlija), u radu su defi nisani uzroci napuÅ”tanja ruralnog prostora u Srbiji, demografske, ekonomske, geopolitičko-bezbednosne i ekoloÅ”ke posledice tog napuÅ”tanja i promene u koriŔćenju povrÅ”ina. Na osnovu sagledavanja trenutnih demografskih i ekonomskih trendova u brdsko-planinskim ruralnim delovima opÅ”tine KurÅ”umlija, ali i nepovoljne bezbednosne situacije (položaj u tzv. Kopnenoj zoni bezbednosti) nameće se zaključak da je u postojećim uslovima revitalizacija (ruralna obnova) Vukojevca apsolutno nemoguća. Buduće upravljanje ovim i drugim sličnim ruralnim prostorima u Srbiji mora se bazirati na reÅ”avanju postojećih bezbednosnih problema i iznalaženju smernica njihovog budućeg statusa, kako bi se stvorile mogućnosti za eventualno koriŔćenje prostora niskog intenziteta (organska poljoprivreda, turizam itd.)

    NapuŔtena sela Srbije: studija slučaja sela Vukojevac (opŔtina KurŔumlija)

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    Depopulacija ruralnog prostora i migracije selo ā€“ grad kao savremeni fenomeni u svom ekstremnom obliku dovode do potpunog demografskog gaÅ”enja pojedinih seoskih naselja i iŔčezavanja ljudskog faktora u koriŔćenju prostora. Ovaj proces u izolovanim i saobraćajno teÅ”ko dostupnim brdsko-planinskim delovima Srbije prisutan je joÅ” 1980-ih godina, a prema popisu iz 2011. godine 13 seoskih naselja (bez Kosova i Metohije) ostalo je bez stanovniÅ”tva. Na primeru napuÅ”tenog sela Vukojevac (OpÅ”tina KurÅ”umlija), u radu su defi nisani uzroci napuÅ”tanja ruralnog prostora u Srbiji, demografske, ekonomske, geopolitičko-bezbednosne i ekoloÅ”ke posledice tog napuÅ”tanja i promene u koriŔćenju povrÅ”ina. Na osnovu sagledavanja trenutnih demografskih i ekonomskih trendova u brdsko-planinskim ruralnim delovima opÅ”tine KurÅ”umlija, ali i nepovoljne bezbednosne situacije (položaj u tzv. Kopnenoj zoni bezbednosti) nameće se zaključak da je u postojećim uslovima revitalizacija (ruralna obnova) Vukojevca apsolutno nemoguća. Buduće upravljanje ovim i drugim sličnim ruralnim prostorima u Srbiji mora se bazirati na reÅ”avanju postojećih bezbednosnih problema i iznalaženju smernica njihovog budućeg statusa, kako bi se stvorile mogućnosti za eventualno koriŔćenje prostora niskog intenziteta (organska poljoprivreda, turizam itd.)
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