1,157 research outputs found

    A competing order scenario of two-gap behavior in hole doped cuprates

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    Angle-dependent studies of the gap function provide evidence for the coexistence of two distinct gaps in hole doped cuprates, where the gap near the nodal direction scales with the superconducting transition temperature TcT_c, while that in the antinodal direction scales with the pseudogap temperature. We present model calculations which show that most of the characteristic features observed in the recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) as well as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) two-gap studies are consistent with a scenario in which the pseudogap has a non-superconducting origin in a competing phase. Our analysis indicates that, near optimal doping, superconductivity can quench the competing order at low temperatures, and that some of the key differences observed between the STM and ARPES results can give insight into the superlattice symmetry of the competing order.Comment: 9 pages, 7 fig

    Remnant Fermi Surfaces in Photoemission

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    Recent experiments have introduced a new concept for analyzing the photoemission spectra of correlated electrons -- the remnant Fermi surface (rFs), which can be measured even in systems which lack a conventional Fermi surface. Here, we analyze the rFs in a number of interacting electron models, and find that the results fall into two classes. For systems with pairing instabilities, the rFs is an accurate replica of the true Fermi surface. In the presence of nesting instabilities, the rFs is a map of the resulting superlattice Brillouin zone. The results suggest that the gap in Ca_2CuO_2Cl_2 is of nesting origin.Comment: 4 pages LaTex, 3 ps figure

    Pinned Balseiro-Falicov Model of Tunneling and Photoemission in the Cuprates

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    The smooth evolution of the tunneling gap of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 with doping from a pseudogap state in the underdoped cuprates to a superconducting state at optimal and overdoping, has been interpreted as evidence that the pseudogap must be due to precursor pairing. We suggest an alternative explanation, that the smoothness reflects a hidden SO(N) symmetry near the (pi,0) points of the Brillouin zone (with N = 3, 4, 5, or 6). Because of this symmetry, the pseudogap could actually be due to any of a number of nesting instabilities, including charge or spin density waves or more exotic phases. We present a detailed analysis of this competition for one particular model: the pinned Balseiro-Falicov model of competing charge density wave and (s-wave) superconductivity. We show that most of the anomalous features of both tunneling and photoemission follow naturally from the model, including the smooth crossover, the general shape of the pseudogap phase diagram, the shrinking Fermi surface of the pseudogap phase, and the asymmetry of the tunneling gap away from optimal doping. Below T_c, the sharp peak at Delta_1 and the dip seen in the tunneling and photoemission near 2Delta_1 cannot be described in detail by this model, but we suggest a simple generalization to account for inhomogeneity, which does provide an adequate description. We show that it should be possible, with a combination of photoemission and tunneling, to demonstrate the extent of pinning of the Fermi level to the Van Hove singularity. A preliminary analysis of the data suggests pinning in the underdoped, but not in the overdoped regime.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX, 26 ps. figure

    Dispersion of Ordered Stripe Phases in the Cuprates

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    A phase separation model is presented for the stripe phase of the cuprates, which allows the doping dependence of the photoemission spectra to be calculated. The idealized limit of a well-ordered array of magnetic and charged stripes is analyzed, including effects of long-range Coulomb repulsion. Remarkably, down to the limit of two-cell wide stripes, the dispersion can be interpreted as essentially a superposition of the two end-phase dispersions, with superposed minigaps associated with the lattice periodicity. The largest minigap falls near the Fermi level; it can be enhanced by proximity to a (bulk) Van Hove singularity. The calculated spectra are dominated by two features -- this charge stripe minigap plus the magnetic stripe Hubbard gap. There is a strong correlation between these two features and the experimental photoemission results of a two-peak dispersion in La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4, and the peak-dip-hump spectra in Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta}. The differences are suggestive of the role of increasing stripe fluctuations. The 1/8 anomaly is associated with a quantum critical point, here expressed as a percolation-like crossover. A model is proposed for the limiting minority magnetic phase as an isolated two-leg ladder.Comment: 24 pages, 26 PS figure

    Stripes, Pseudogaps, and Van Hove Nesting in the Three-band tJ Model

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    Slave boson calculations have been carried out in the three-band tJ model for the high-T_c cuprates, with the inclusion of coupling to oxygen breathing mode phonons. Phonon-induced Van Hove nesting leads to a phase separation between a hole-doped domain and a (magnetic) domain near half filling, with long-range Coulomb forces limiting the separation to a nanoscopic scale. Strong correlation effects pin the Fermi level close to, but not precisely at the Van Hove singularity (VHS), which can enhance the tendency to phase separation. The resulting dispersions have been calculated, both in the uniform phases and in the phase separated regime. In the latter case, distinctly different dispersions are found for large, random domains and for regular (static) striped arrays, and a hypothetical form is presented for dynamic striped arrays. The doping dependence of the latter is found to provide an excellent description of photoemission and thermodynamic experiments on pseudogap formation in underdoped cuprates. In particular, the multiplicity of observed gaps is explained as a combination of flux phase plus charge density wave (CDW) gaps along with a superconducting gap. The largest gap is associated with VHS nesting. The apparent smooth evolution of this gap with doping masks a crossover from CDW-like effects near optimal doping to magnetic effects (flux phase) near half filling. A crossover from large Fermi surface to hole pockets with increased underdoping is found. In the weakly overdoped regime, the CDW undergoes a quantum phase transition (TCDW→0T_{CDW}\to 0), which could be obscured by phase separation.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 18 PS figures Corrects a sign error: major changes, esp. in Sect. 3, Figs 1-4,6 replace

    Nematicity as a route to a magnetic field-induced spin density wave order; application to the high temperature cuprates

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    The electronic nematic order characterized by broken rotational symmetry has been suggested to play an important role in the phase diagram of the high temperature cuprates. We study the interplay between the electronic nematic order and a spin density wave order in the presence of a magnetic field. We show that a cooperation of the nematicity and the magnetic field induces a finite coupling between the spin density wave and spin-triplet staggered flux orders. As a consequence of such a coupling, the magnon gap decreases as the magnetic field increases, and it eventually condenses beyond a critical magnetic field leading to a field-induced spin density wave order. Both commensurate and incommensurate orders are studied, and the experimental implications of our findings are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Propolis changes the anticancer activity of temozolomide in U87MG human glioblastoma cell line

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    BACKGROUND: Propolis is a honey bee product which contains many active compounds, such as CAPE or chrysin, and has many beneficial activities. Recently, its anti-tumor properties have been discussed. We have tested whether the ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) interferes with temozolomide (TMZ) to inhibit U87MG cell line growth. METHODS: The U87MG glioblastoma cell line was exposed to TMZ (10-100 μM), EEP (10-100 μg/ml) or a mixture of TMZ and EEP during 24, 48 or 72 hours. The cell division was examined by the H(3)-thymidine incorporation, while the western blot method was used for detection of p65 subunit of NF-κB and ELISA test to measure the concentration of its p50 subunit in the nucleus. RESULTS: We have found that both, TMZ and EEP administrated alone, had a dose- and time-dependent inhibitory effect on the U87MG cell line growth, which was manifested by gradual reduction of cell viability and alterations in proliferation rate. The anti-tumor effect of TMZ (20 μM) was enhanced by EEP, which was especially well observed after a short time of exposition, where simultaneous usage of TMZ and EEP resulted in a higher degree of growth inhibition than each biological factor used separately. In addition, cells treated with TMZ presented no changes in NF-κB activity in prolonged time of treatment and EEP only slightly reduced the nuclear translocation of this transcription factor. In turn, the combined incubation with TMZ and EEP led to an approximately double reduction of NF-κB nuclear localization. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that EEP presents cytotoxic properties and may cooperate with TMZ synergistically enhancing its growth inhibiting activity against glioblastoma U87MG cell line. This phenomenon may be at least partially mediated by a reduced activity of NF-κB

    Bulk Fermi surface and momentum density in heavily doped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 using high resolution Compton scattering and positron annihilation spectroscopies

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    We have observed the bulk Fermi surface (FS) in an overdoped (xx=0.3) single crystal of La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 by using Compton scattering. A two-dimensional (2D) momentum density reconstruction from measured Compton profiles yields a clear FS signature in the third Brillouin zone along [100]. The quantitative agreement between density functional theory (DFT) calculations and momentum density experiment suggests that Fermi-liquid physics is restored in the overdoped regime. In particular the predicted FS topology is found to be in good accord with the corresponding experimental data. We find similar quantitative agreement between the measured 2D angular correlation of positron annihilation radiation (2D-ACAR) spectra and the DFT based computations. However, 2D-ACAR does not give such a clear signature of the FS in the extended momentum space in either the theory or the experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Flux Phase as a Dynamic Jahn-Teller Phase: Berryonic Matter in the Cuprates?

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    There is considerable evidence for some form of charge ordering on the hole-doped stripes in the cuprates, mainly associated with the low-temperature tetragonal phase, but with some evidence for either charge density waves or a flux phase, which is a form of dynamic charge-density wave. These three states form a pseudospin triplet, demonstrating a close connection with the E X e dynamic Jahn-Teller effect, suggesting that the cuprates constitute a form of Berryonic matter. This in turn suggests a new model for the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect as a form of flux phase. A simple model of the Cu-O bond stretching phonons allows an estimate of electron-phonon coupling for these modes, explaining why the half breathing mode softens so much more than the full oxygen breathing mode. The anomalous properties of O2−O^{2-} provide a coupling (correlated hopping) which acts to stabilize density wave phases.Comment: Major Revisions: includes comparisons with specific cuprate phonon modes, 16 eps figures, revte

    Phase Separation Models for Cuprate Stripe Arrays

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    An electronic phase separation model provides a natural explanation for a large variety of experimental results in the cuprates, including evidence for both stripes and larger domains, and a termination of the phase separation in the slightly overdoped regime, when the average hole density equals that on the charged stripes. Several models are presented for charged stripes, showing how density waves, superconductivity, and strong correlations compete with quantum size effects (QSEs) in narrow stripes. The energy bands associated with the charged stripes develop in the middle of the Mott gap, and the splitting of these bands can be understood by considering the QSE on a single ladder.Comment: significant revisions: includes island phase, 16 eps figures, revte
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