7 research outputs found
Biosynthesis of puromycin in Streptomyces alboniger. Possible precursors of the antibiotic in a commercial sample
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Asthma due to inhaled chemical agents-tolylene di-isocyanate
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Beijing Urban Spatial Distribution and Resulting Impacts on Heat Islands
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Comparison of Mono-dopaminergic and Multi-target Pharmacotherapies in Primary Parkinson Syndrome and Assessment Tools to Evaluate Motor and Non-motor Symptoms
- Author
- Ammari R.
- Ansah T.A.
- Antonelli T.
- Berlanga M.L.
- Bogenpohl J.W.
- Buxton D.
- Chase T.N.
- Diguid I.C.
- Felix-Martin Werner
- Fergusson M.C.
- Fergusson M.C.
- FitzGerald J.J.
- Gajcy K.
- Garzorz N.
- Govindaiah G.
- Herring W.J.
- Huang L.Z.
- Huang Y.H.
- Jenner P.
- Kataoka H.
- Katunina E.
- Lim K.
- Lindemann L.
- Litim N.
- Liu Q.R.
- Ljundahl A.
- Maranis S.
- Markham A.
- McGinty J.F.
- Michel A.
- Millage B.
- PĂ©rez L.M.
- Rafael Coveñas
- Rascol O.
- Riahi G.
- Saeed U.
- Sako W.
- Shi J.
- Thornton E.
- Wang X.
- Werner F.M.
- Werner F.M.
- Werner F.M.
- Werner F.M.
- Werner F.M.
- Wyman-Chick K.A.
- Publication venue
- 'Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Protective action of ascorbic acid and sulfur compounds against acetaldehyde toxicity: Implications in alcoholism and smoking
- Author
- A. Lemoine
- A. Mohammad
- A. Weissman
- A.D. Horton
- A.D. Thomson
- A.K. Sim
- A.S. Banner
- B. Vennesland
- B.M. Maletzky
- C.R. Spittle
- Clarence M. Parker
- D. Hioco
- D. Lester
- D.G. Spaeth
- D.S. Murdock
- E. Majchrowicz
- E. Rubin
- E.A. Kabat
- E.A. Kabat
- E.B. Truitt
- E.B. Truitt Jr.
- E.W. Martin
- F.P. Turner
- G. Cohen
- G. Niblo
- G.E. Burch
- G.E. Burch
- G.I. Yezriyelev
- G.J. Martin
- G.M. Green
- G.M. Powell
- George G. Smith
- H. Casier
- H. Eagle
- H. Sprince
- H. Sprince
- H. Sprince
- H. Wortis
- H.J. Debey
- H.P.T. Ammon
- H.P.T. Ammon
- H.S. Loh
- Herbert Sprince
- J. Akabane
- J. Shafar
- J.A. Ewing
- J.D. Markham
- J.G. Jacobsen
- J.J. Ballenger
- J.L. Egle Jr.
- L.F. Hewitt
- Leon J. Gonzales
- M. Friedman
- M. Friedman
- M. Fujiwara
- M.H. Bilimoria
- N.H. Raskin
- O. Auerbach
- O. Pelletier
- P.A. Tomasulo
- P.M. Dreyfus
- R. Guillerm
- R. Rylander
- R.A. Deitrich
- R.G. Walton
- S. Gudbjarnason
- S. Kaufman
- S. Sament
- S.S. Schreiber
- T. Matsukawa
- T. N. James
- T.J. Regan
- T.N. James
- T.N. James
- V.E. Davis
- V.K.H. Ibragimov
- W.C. Hueper
- W.O. Read
- Z.G. Bánhidi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Economics of Professional Team Sports: A Survey of Theory and Evidence
- Author
- Bergmann T.J.
- Bien D.D.
- Blum M.P.
- Canes M.E.
- Cottle R.L.
- Dabscheck B.
- Davis L.
- Davis L.E.
- Demmert H.G.
- Dworkin J.
- Dworkin J.B
- Dworkin J.B.
- El Hodiri M.
- Financial Intelligence
- Gartner M.
- Gilroy T.P.
- Glick J.
- Gratton C
- Gratton C.
- Greenstein T.N.
- Gregory P.
- Hart R.A.
- Heilmann R.L.
- Hill J.R.
- Hill J.R.
- Hochberg P.
- Horowitz I.
- Horowitz I.
- Hunt J.W.
- J. Cairns
- Jennett N.
- Johnson A.T.
- Jones J.C.H.
- Koch J.V.
- Koch J.V.
- Koch J.V.
- Krasnow E.
- Krohn G.A.
- Lazaroff D.E.
- Lehn K.
- Loy J.W.
- Loy J.W.
- Madura J.
- Malenfant C
- Markham J.W.
- Mason T.
- Meade J.
- Medoff J.L.
- Medoff M.H.
- Mogull R.C.
- Morris J.P.
- N. Jennett
- Noll R.G.
- Noll R.G.
- Noll R.G.
- Noll R.G.
- Okner B.A.
- P.J. Sloane
- Pascal A.H.
- Pascal A.H.
- Price B.
- Quirk J.
- Quirk J.
- Reisner C.L.
- Richmond B.M.
- Ruddock L.
- Schaffer W.A.
- Schofield J.A.
- Scoville J.G.
- Scoville J.G.
- Scully G.W.
- Scully G.W.
- Scully G.W.
- Seitz P.
- Siegfried J.T.
- Sigelman L.
- Sloane A.A.
- Sloane P.J.
- Sloane P.J.
- Sobel L.S.
- The Sunday Times
- Thomas S.M.
- Trussell P.
- Vamplew W.
- Vamplew W.
- Wiseman N.C.
- Wittman D.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Recent Drug-Repurposing-Driven Advances in the Discovery of Novel Antibiotics
- Author
- Abera B.
- Abraham R.J.
- Agrawal A.
- Ahmed E.F.
- Ananda Kumar Konreddy
- Annadurai S.
- Aryee A.
- Aschenbrenner D.S.
- Ashburn T.T.
- Aziz D.B.
- Bailey M.A.
- Benharroch D.
- Berdoukas V.
- Bernier C.
- Bishburg E.
- Bjarnsholt T.
- Brade K.D.
- Bradner W.T.
- Bryan P.
- Burnett B.P.
- Byfield J.E.
- Caffrey A.R.
- Caini S.
- Castanheira M.
- Castillo-Juárez I.
- Chabner B.A.
- Chan E.W.L.
- Chen F.
- Choi W.H.
- Chopra S.
- Christiansen S.H.
- Chua M-S.
- Corriden R.
- Cruz-Muñiz M.Y.
- Dai T.
- De Cremer K.
- Debnath A.
- Di Santo N.
- Dietert R.R.
- Dinos G.P.
- Doyle M.P.
- El-Gamal M.I.
- Ene C.I.
- Fattovich G.
- Feng J.
- Flamm R.K.
- Flores R.
- Foxman B.
- Fraser A.
- Frosini S-M.
- Gajadeera C.
- Garner S.E.
- Gau J-S.
- Gerits E.
- Gerits E.
- Grandhe Usha Rani
- Greig S.L.
- Gualerzi C.O.
- Gustafsson T.N.
- Gwisai T.
- Hannan T.J.
- Harbut M.B.
- Hendrix A.S.
- Hennessy E.
- Hickson J.
- Ho Sui S.J.
- Housden N.
- Jones A.M.
- Jordan V.C.
- Kang A.D.
- Kelloway J.S.
- Kennedy K.A.
- Kil J.
- Kim W-S.
- Ko H.H.T.
- Kristiansen J.E.
- Kwan B.W.
- Kyeong Lee
- Lam N.P.
- Lee C-C.
- Linsenmeyer K.
- Lipman A.G.
- Mandal R.S.
- Markham A.
- Markham A.
- Martinez F.D.
- McGowin C.L.
- McPhail G.L.
- Miller W.R.
- Mukherjee D.
- Nakka M.
- Nenoff P.
- Neu H. C.
- Ng S.M.S.
- Ngo H.X.
- Nightingale S.D.
- Ogunniyi A.D.
- Pandey P.
- Patel S.S.
- Pearson R.D.
- Podzamczer D.
- Price N.
- Quinto I.
- Rajamuthiah R.
- RamĂrez-Agudelo R.
- Rangel J.M.
- Rangel-Vega A.
- Reich E.
- Reznikov L.R.
- Richter K.
- Richter K.
- Rogers R.L.
- Rosenthal P.J.
- Rossignol J-F.
- Runci F.
- Rupnik M.
- Ryden R.
- Sahoo A.K.
- Sandrini M.P.
- Sawyer P.R.
- Sawyer P.R.
- Schneider E.K.
- Sharma B.
- Shrestha P.
- Shrivastava S.R.
- Smith K.P.
- Sneader W.
- Solosec F. A. S.
- Soo V.W.
- Strauss J.S.
- Su X-Z.
- Sukumaran V.
- Sun W.
- Szybalski W.
- Tan D.J.
- Tao L.
- Tatarkiewicz J.
- Taylor F.C.
- Taylor J.M.
- Taylor-Robinson D.
- Thakare R.
- Thangamani S.
- Thangamani S.
- Thangamani S.
- Tomasz M.
- Trapnell B.C.
- Tribe I.G.
- Tripathy K.
- van den Bent M.J.
- Veeraraghavan B.
- Walsh C.T.
- Walz J.M.
- Wei H-M.
- White C.A.
- White H.L.
- White N.J.
- Woodford N.
- Wu C-J.
- Yao Q.
- Yim J.
- Yongseok Choi
- Younis W.
- Yssel A.E.J.
- Yu W.
- Zarei O.
- Zhanel G.G.
- Zou L.
- Publication venue
- 'Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.'
- Publication date
- Field of study