6 research outputs found

    Влияние сортовых особенностей капусты белокочанной на качество продукции при квашении после длительного хранения

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    Relevance. Fermentation of cabbage is a common way of processing, which allows to preserve and strengthen its useful qualities. To date, breeders have proposed a significant number of varieties and hybrids of cabbage, each of which has its own individual biochemical characteristics. Traditional sauerkraut is carried out after harvest. Long storage can affect the change in the content of organic acids and sugars in cabbage.Methods. The aim of the work was to study the parameters of the fermentation process of eight varieties and hybrids of cabbage by selection in the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center by the intensity of sugar reduction, accumulation of organic acids, organoleptic parameters and activity of lactic acid microorganisms. Fermentation was carried out after a 5-month period of storage of heads.Results. The results showed that the storage period did not affect the fermentation result of most of the studied varieties and hybrids of cabbage. There are varietal differences in the initial content of mono-and disaccharides, organic acids, which affected the fermentation process. The increased content of malic acid in the variety population Podarok, F1 Severyanka contributed to the slowdown of the first stage of fermentation. Varietal features of the Parus population contributed to the slowdown of the first and second stages of fermentation, which was manifested in a decrease in the rate of destruction of sugars. Variety Zymovka 1474 in the process of processing by fermentation accumulates a significant amount of succinic acid, which can characterize its special difference among the studied varieties and hybrids. The best organoleptic characteristics were distinguished by hybrids of fermented cabbage F1 Likova, F1 Natali, F1 Mechta and F1 Snezhinka. The results of the study suggest that the processing of cabbage by fermentation should take into account its individual varietal biochemical features. This will not only preserve the valuable nutritional properties of the cabbage itself, but also strengthen them by optimizing the natural process of lactic acid fermentation. The result will be the best organoleptic effect achieved by an optimal combination of lactic and citric acids and mono-sugars. Актуальность. Ферментация (квашение) капусты белокочанной – распространенный способ переработки, позволяющий сохранить и усилить ее полезные качества. К настоящему времени селекционерами предложено значительное число сортов и гибридов капусты белокочанной, каждый из которых имеет свои индивидуальные биохимические особенности. Традиционное квашение капусты проводят после сбора урожая. Длительное хранение может отразиться на изменении содержания органических кислот и сахаров в капусте.Материал и методы. Целью работы было изучение параметров процесса квашения восьми сортов и гибридов капусты белокочанной селекции ФГБНУ ФНЦО по интенсивности ферментирвоания сахаров, накоплению органических кислот, органолептическим показателям и активности молочнокислых микроорганизмов. Квашение проводили после 5 месячного периода хранения кочанов.Результаты. Результаты показали, что период хранения не отразился на результате ферментации большинства изученных сортов и гибридов капусты. Есть сортовые различия в исходном содержании моно- и дисахаридов, органических кислот, которые отразились на процессе ферментирования. Повышенное содержание яблочной кислоты в сортопопуляции Подарок и F1 Северянка способствовало замедлению первой стадии ферментации. Сортовые особенности популяции Парус способствовали замедлению первой и второй стадии ферментации, что проявилось в снижении скорости деструкции сахаров. Сорт Зимовка 1474 в процессе переработки путем квашения накапливает значительное количество янтарной кислоты, что может характеризовать ее особое отличие среди изученных сортов и гибридов. Наилучшими органолептическими характеристиками отличались гибриды ферментированной капусты белокочанной F1 Ликова, F1 Натали, F1 Мечта и F1 Снежинка. Результаты исследования позволяют заключить, что при переработке капусты белокочанной путем квашения следует учитывать ее индивидуальные сортовые биохимические особенности. Это позволит не только сохранить ценные пищевые свойства самой капусты, но и усилить их за счет оптимизации естественного процесса молочнокислого брожения. Итогом будет наилучший органолептический эффект, достигнутый оптимальным сочетанием молочной и лимонной кислот и моно-сахаров.

    Influence of varietal characteristics the cabbage in the quality of the products used for pickling after a long storage period

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    Relevance. Fermentation of cabbage is a common way of processing, which allows to preserve and strengthen its useful qualities. To date, breeders have proposed a significant number of varieties and hybrids of cabbage, each of which has its own individual biochemical characteristics. Traditional sauerkraut is carried out after harvest. Long storage can affect the change in the content of organic acids and sugars in cabbage.Methods. The aim of the work was to study the parameters of the fermentation process of eight varieties and hybrids of cabbage by selection in the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center by the intensity of sugar reduction, accumulation of organic acids, organoleptic parameters and activity of lactic acid microorganisms. Fermentation was carried out after a 5-month period of storage of heads.Results. The results showed that the storage period did not affect the fermentation result of most of the studied varieties and hybrids of cabbage. There are varietal differences in the initial content of mono-and disaccharides, organic acids, which affected the fermentation process. The increased content of malic acid in the variety population Podarok, F1 Severyanka contributed to the slowdown of the first stage of fermentation. Varietal features of the Parus population contributed to the slowdown of the first and second stages of fermentation, which was manifested in a decrease in the rate of destruction of sugars. Variety Zymovka 1474 in the process of processing by fermentation accumulates a significant amount of succinic acid, which can characterize its special difference among the studied varieties and hybrids. The best organoleptic characteristics were distinguished by hybrids of fermented cabbage F1 Likova, F1 Natali, F1 Mechta and F1 Snezhinka. The results of the study suggest that the processing of cabbage by fermentation should take into account its individual varietal biochemical features. This will not only preserve the valuable nutritional properties of the cabbage itself, but also strengthen them by optimizing the natural process of lactic acid fermentation. The result will be the best organoleptic effect achieved by an optimal combination of lactic and citric acids and mono-sugars

    Vitamin d status during winter months among children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis living in southern Russia

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    The article presents the results of vitamin D tests in children with cystic fibrosis and in healthy children living in the South of Russia. The study showed the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and inadequate levels in patients with cystic fibrosis (86.7%). 25(OH) D level characterizing the vitamin D status decreases progressively in patients and healthy children. With regard to the above mentioned, it is significantly lower in patients with cystic fibrosis than in healthy children in all age periods. The correlation between the serum calcidiol level and the age of patients with cystic fibrosis was r = -0.44 (p = 0.015). Intake of prophylactic (500--1000 IU/day) and therapeutic (1500--3000 IU/day) doses of cholecalciferol results in a less significant increase in calcidiol levels in patients with cystic fibrosis compared with healthy children. A significantly lower 25(OH)D level was detected in patients with cystic fibrosis infected with Staph. aureus. The 25(OH)D levels are significantly lower in children with cystic fibrosis and hypocholesterolemia, than in patients with normal cholesterol levels. Risk factors for the development of severe hypovitaminosis D in children with cystic fibrosis are age, physical developmental delay, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, presence of chronic Staph. Aureus bronchopulmonary infection. Given the conducted study, the dosage of cholecalciferol in patients with cystic fibrosis should be at least 2 times higher than that in healthy children