42 research outputs found

    Clustering clinical departments for wards to achieve a prespecified blocking probability

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    When the number of available beds in a hospital is limited and fixed, it can be beneficial to cluster several clinical departments such that the probability of not being able to admit a patient is acceptably small. The clusters are then assigned to the available wards such that enough beds are available to guarantee a blocking probability below a prespecified value. We first give an exact formulation of the problem to be able to achieve optimal solutions. To reduce computation times, we also introduce two heuristic solution methods. The first heuristic is similar to the exact solution method, however, the number of beds needed is approximated by a linear function. The second heuristic uses a local search approach to determine the assignment of clinical departments to clusters and a restricted version of the exact solution method to determine the assignment of clusters to wards

    A framework for health care planning and control

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    Rising expenditures spur health care organizations to organize their processes more efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately, health care planning and control lags far behind manufacturing planning and control. Successful manufacturing planning and control concepts can not be directly copied, because of the unique nature of health care delivery. We analyze existing planning and control concepts or frameworks for health care operations management, and find that they do not properly address various important planning and control problems. We conclude that they only focus on hospitals, and are too narrow, focusing on a single managerial area, such as resource capacity planning, or ignoring hierarchical levels. We propose a modern framework for health care planning and control. Our framework integrates all managerial areas involved in health care delivery operations and all hierarchical levels of control, to ensure completeness and coherence of responsibilities for every managerial area. The framework can be used to structure the various planning and control functions, and their interaction. It is applicable broadly, to an individual department, an entire health care organization, and to a complete supply chain of cure and care providers. The framework can be used to identify and position various types of managerial problems, to demarcate the scope of organization interventions, and to facilitate a dialogue between clinical staff and managers. We illustrate the application of the framework with examples

    Healthcare Logistics: the art of balance

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    Healthcare management is a very complex and demanding business. The pro - cesses involved – operational, tactical and strategic – are extremely divers, sophisticated, and we see medical-technological advancements following on each other’s heels at breathtaking speed. And then there is the constant great pressure exerted from many sides: ever-increasing needs and demands from patients and society, thinking about organizations, growing competition, necessity to incorporate these rapidly succeeding medical-technological advancements into the organization, strict cost containment, growing demand for healthcare, and a constant tightening of budgets. These developments force healthcare managers in the individual organizations to find a balance between said developments, the feasibilities of organization in question, and the desired healthcare outcomes in an ever-changing world. The search for individual organizational balances requires that the world of professional competencies, i.e. the clinicians, and the world of healthcare managers should speak the same language when weighing the various developments and translating the outcomes into organizational choices. For the clinicians to make the right choices they must be facilitated to appraise the effects of their choices on organizational outcomes. Likewise, the healthcare managers’ decision- making process should include the effects on the medical policies pursued by the individual clinicians in the own organization. This thesis places a focus on developing methods for allocation of hospital resources within a framework that enables clinicians and healthcare managers to balance the developments on the various levels, thus providing a basis for policymaking

    Improve OR-schedule to reduce number of required beds

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    After surgery most of the surgical patients have to be admitted in a ward in the hospital. Due to financial reasons and an decreasing number of available nurses in the Netherlands over the years, it is important to reduce the bed usage as much as possible. One possible way to achieve this is to create an operating room (OR) schedule that spreads the usage of beds nicely over time, and thereby minimizes the number of required beds. An OR-schedule is given by an assignment of OR-blocks to specific days in the planning horizon and has to fulfill several resource constraints. Due to the stochastic nature of the length of stay of patients, the analytic calculation of the number of required beds for a given OR-schedule is a complex task involving the convolution of discrete distributions. In this paper, two approaches to deal with this complexity are presented. First, a heuristic approach based on local search is given, which takes into account the detailed formulation of the objective. A second approach reduces the complexity by simplifying the objective function. This allows modeling and solving the resulting problem as an ILP. Both approaches are tested on data provided by Hagaziekenhuis in the Netherlands. Furthermore, several what-if scenarios are evaluated. The computational results show that the approach that uses the simplified objective function provides better solutions to the original problem. By using this approach, the number of required beds for the considered instance of HagaZiekenhuis can be reduced by almost 20%

    An analytical comparison of the patient-to-doctor policy and the doctor-to-patient policy in the outpatient clinic

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    Outpatient clinics traditionally organize processes such that the doctor remains in a consultation room, while patients visit for consultation, we call this the Patient-to-Doctor policy. A different approach is the Doctor-to-Patient policy, whereby the doctor travels between multiple consultation rooms, in which patients prepare for their consultation. In the latter approach, the doctor saves time by consulting fully prepared patients. We compare the two policies via a queueing theoretic and a discrete-event simulation approach. We analytically show that the Doctor-to-Patient policy is superior to the Patient-to-Doctor policy under the condition that the doctor’s travel time between rooms is lower than the patient’s preparation time. Simulation results indicate that the same applies when the average travel time is lower than the average preparation time. In addition, to calculate the required number of consultation rooms in the Doctor-to-Patient policy, we provide an expression for the fraction of consultations that are in immediate succession; or, in other words, the fraction of time the next patient is prepared and ready, immediately after a doctor finishes a consultation.We apply our methods for a range of distributions and parameters and to a case study in a medium-sized general hospital that inspired this research

    A norm utilisation for scarce hospital resources: Evidence from operating rooms in a Dutch university hospital

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    Background:\ud Utilisation of operating rooms is high on the agenda of hospital managers and researchers. Many efforts in the area of maximising the utilisation have been focussed on finding the holy grail of 100% utilisation. The utilisation that can be realised, however, depends on the patient mix and the willingness to accept the risk of working in overtime.\ud \ud Materials and methods:\ud This is a mathematical modelling study that investigates the association between the utilisation and the patient mix that is served and the risk of working in overtime. Prospectively, consecutively, and routinely collected data of an operating room department in a Dutch university hospital are used. Basic statistical principles are used to establish the relation between realistic utilisation rates, patient mixes, and accepted risk of overtime.\ud \ud Results:\ud Accepting a low risk of overtime combined with a complex patient mix results a low utilisation rate. If the accepted risk of overtime is higher and the patient mix is less complex, the utilisation rate that can be reached is closer to 100%.\ud \ud Conclusion:\ud Because of the inherent variability of health-care processes, the holy grail of 100% utilisation is unlikely to be found. The method proposed in this paper calculates a realistic benchmark utilisation that incorporates the patient mix characteristics and the willingness to accept risk of overtime

    Optimizing intensive care capacity using individual length-of-stay prediction models

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    Introduction Effective planning of elective surgical procedures requiring postoperative intensive care is important in preventing cancellations and empty intensive care unit (ICU) beds. To improve planning, we constructed, validated and tested three models designed to predict length of stay (LOS) in the ICU in individual patients. Methods Retrospective data were collected from 518 consecutive patients who underwent oesophagectomy with reconstruction for carcinoma between January 1997 and April 2005. Three multivariable linear regression models for LOS, namely preoperative, postoperative and intra-ICU, were constructed using these data. Internal validation was assessed using bootstrap sampling in order to obtain validated estimates of the explained variance (r2). To determine the potential gain of the best performing model in day-to-day clinical practice, prospective data from a second cohort of 65 consecutive patients undergoing oesophagectomy between May 2005 and April 2006 were used in the model, and the predictive performance of the model was compared with prediction based on mean LOS. Results The intra-ICU model had an r2 of 45% after internal validation. Important prognostic variables for LOS included greater patient age, comorbidity, type of surgical approach, intraoperative respiratory minute volume and complications occurring within 72 hours in the ICU. The potential gain of the best model in day-to-day clinical practice was determined relative to mean LOS. Use of the model reduced the deficit number (underestimation) of ICU days by 65 and increased the excess number (overestimation) of ICU days by 23 for the cohort of 65 patients. A conservative analysis conducted in the second, prospective cohort of patients revealed that 7% more oesophagectomies could have been accommodated, and 15% of cancelled procedures could have been prevented. Conclusion Patient characteristics can be used to create models that will help in predicting LOS in the ICU. This will result in more efficient use of ICU beds and fewe

    Eenduidige tijdregistratie operatiekamers:Definitiesysteem maakt onderlinge vergelijking mogelijk

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    Operatiekamercomplexen verschillen in werkwijze. Door OK-processen onder­ling te vergelijken, kan men van elkaar leren wat doelmatigheid betreft. Maar dan moeten er wel eenduidige defi­nities van prestaties worden gehanteerd. De universitair medische centra ontwikkelden samen met Universiteit Twente een model