12 research outputs found

    Tracking electricity losses and their perceived causes using nighttime light and social media

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    Urban environments are intricate systems where the breakdown of critical infrastructure can impact both the economic and social well-being of communities. Electricity systems hold particular significance, as they are essential for other infrastructure, and disruptions can trigger widespread consequences. Typically, assessing electricity availability requires ground-level data, a challenge in conflict zones and regions with limited access. This study shows how satellite imagery, social media, and information extraction can monitor blackouts and their perceived causes. Night-time light data (in March 2019 for Caracas, Venezuela) is used to indicate blackout regions. Twitter data is used to determine sentiment and topic trends, while statistical analysis and topic modeling delved into public perceptions regarding blackout causes. The findings show an inverse relationship between nighttime light intensity. Tweets mentioning the Venezuelan President displayed heightened negativity and a greater prevalence of blame-related terms, suggesting a perception of government accountability for the outages

    Reducing Irradiation Damage in a Long-Life Fast Reactor with Spectral Softening

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    Long-life fast reactors receive considerable attention for their potential of using uranium efficiently, and because they can operate for extended periods without refueling. However, the main obstacle to achieving maximum operating times and fuel burnup is the neutron radiation damage that accumulates in the cladding and structural materials. Simulations of metal-fueled high-burnup fast reactors showed that the damage in these reactors’ cladding material reached 200 displacements per atom (dpa) long before the maximum burnup was achieved. One possibility for overcoming this problem is spectral softening, which would reduce the kinetic energy imparted to reactor materials when neutrons collide with them. In this work, we compared the peak irradiation damage in metal- and oxide-fueled fast reactors with that in equivalent reactors containing beryllium in the fuel and reflectors. We showed that the peak damage to the cladding in a metal-fueled reactor was reduced from 273 dpa to 230 dpa when beryllium was included in the core. In an oxide-fueled reactor, the peak damage to the cladding was reduced from 225 dpa to 203 dpa. All four reactors were operated with a core-average burnup of 112 MWd/kg of initial heavy metal (IHM), without reshuffling or refueling, and contained the same initial actinide mass profiles

    Method to Estimate Thermal Transients in Reactors and Determine Their Parameter Sensitivities without a Forward Simulation

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    Thermal response time is an important parameter for the control of fast reactors. Modern thermal hydraulic codes allow for the modeling of transient responses and can also be used to understand the dominant factors that affect them. However, simulations can be computationally expensive, particularly for performing parametric analyses of how thermophysical properties affect transient behavior. Here, we present a method for using linear stability analysis to estimate thermal response time and determine the key parameters that affect transient behavior without performing a forward simulation. The approach can also be used to corroborate simulation results and is tested against simulation results produced with a 2D finite difference model. The results show that this approach produces time-dependent temperature profiles that are within 2 × 10−5–0.1% of the numerical results for a single node perturbation. Changes in temperature have the greatest effect on thermal response time, followed by changes to thermal conductivity


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    Transient behavior in nuclear reactors is important in accidents and with reactivity control systems that are driven by thermal feedback. Here, we describe a transient finite difference model for a pin cell system. The fidelity of the model is shown by validation against the thermocouple measurements of the CABRI BI1 experiment and the Safety Analysis System-Sodium Fast Reactor model of the experiment. In the BI1 experiment, a sodium-cooled mixed oxide fuel pin was subject to a loss of flow transient to coolant boiling within a sodium test loop positioned in the center of the CABRI research reactor. Comparisons to the initial steady-state coolant temperature profile, coolant temperature profile at twenty seconds into the transient, and at four axial locations within the coolant show agreement of the simple model with the experimental results better than or similar to those of the Safety Analysis System-Sodium Fast Reactor model. The model can be used to determine the thermal response times of coolant in fast reactors currently operating or in the design phase when subject to loss of flow accidents or other transients. Here, we investigate the difference in coolant thermal response for metal fueled and mixed oxide fueled sodium fast reactors when subject to transient overpower and loss of flow events. Additionally, we determine the effect of pin pitch on outlet coolant temperatures during the overpower event. Finally, we return to the CABRI experiment and show the importance of porosity in fuel temperature calculations


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    Transient behavior in nuclear reactors is important in accidents and with reactivity control systems that are driven by thermal feedback. Here, we describe a transient finite difference model for a pin cell system. The fidelity of the model is shown by validation against the thermocouple measurements of the CABRI BI1 experiment and the Safety Analysis System-Sodium Fast Reactor model of the experiment. In the BI1 experiment, a sodium-cooled mixed oxide fuel pin was subject to a loss of flow transient to coolant boiling within a sodium test loop positioned in the center of the CABRI research reactor. Comparisons to the initial steady-state coolant temperature profile, coolant temperature profile at twenty seconds into the transient, and at four axial locations within the coolant show agreement of the simple model with the experimental results better than or similar to those of the Safety Analysis System-Sodium Fast Reactor model. The model can be used to determine the thermal response times of coolant in fast reactors currently operating or in the design phase when subject to loss of flow accidents or other transients. Here, we investigate the difference in coolant thermal response for metal fueled and mixed oxide fueled sodium fast reactors when subject to transient overpower and loss of flow events. Additionally, we determine the effect of pin pitch on outlet coolant temperatures during the overpower event. Finally, we return to the CABRI experiment and show the importance of porosity in fuel temperature calculations

    Method to Estimate Thermal Transients in Reactors and Determine Their Parameter Sensitivities without a Forward Simulation

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    Thermal response time is an important parameter for the control of fast reactors. Modern thermal hydraulic codes allow for the modeling of transient responses and can also be used to understand the dominant factors that affect them. However, simulations can be computationally expensive, particularly for performing parametric analyses of how thermophysical properties affect transient behavior. Here, we present a method for using linear stability analysis to estimate thermal response time and determine the key parameters that affect transient behavior without performing a forward simulation. The approach can also be used to corroborate simulation results and is tested against simulation results produced with a 2D finite difference model. The results show that this approach produces time-dependent temperature profiles that are within 2 × 10−5–0.1% of the numerical results for a single node perturbation. Changes in temperature have the greatest effect on thermal response time, followed by changes to thermal conductivity

    Cady, K. Bingham

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    Also available as a printed booklet and from the Dean of Faculty website https://theuniversityfaculty.cornell.edu/Memorial Statement for K. Bingham Cady, who died in 2020. The memorial statements contained herein were prepared by the Office of the Dean of the University Faculty of Cornell University to honor its faculty for their service to the university