16 research outputs found

    Time-resolved PIV measurement of influence of upstream roughness on separated and reattached turbulent flows over a forward-facing step

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    This study reports an experimental investigation of the effects of upstream roughness on a low Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer over a forward-facing step. Two types of upstream roughness were investigated, including a transitionally rough 16-grit sandpaper (ks+ ≈ 69) and fully rough staggered cubes (ks+ ≈ 500). A two-dimensional two-component time-resolved particle image velocimetry (2D-2C TR-PIV) method was used to measure the time-averaged mean velocities, Reynolds stresses, temporal auto-correlations and frequency spectra of the flow field to quantify the influence of upstream roughness on the downstream evolution of the turbulence over the step. The results indicate that upstream roughness decreased the vortex shedding frequency. Roughness also decreased the reattachment length by enhancing the streamwise turbulence intensity level, reducing the magnitude of backflow and suppressing the vortex shedding frequency in comparison to the smooth wall. In the recirculation region, upstream roughness reduced the mean streamwise velocity only in the outer layer. The Reynolds stresses remained relatively unchanged by the sandpaper roughness but were significantly modified by the cube roughness. Downstream of the leading edge, the staggered cubes increased the streamwise Reynolds stress both near the wall and outside the shear layer but decreased the wall-normal Reynolds stress and Reynolds shear stress within the shear layer. These modifications are inversely proportional to distance in the recirculation region. The life times of the streamwise and wall-normal velocity fluctuations increase with streamwise distance and are much longer in the redevelopment region than in the recirculation region. Quadrant decomposition and joint probability density functions of the velocity fluctuations were also measured to characterize upstream roughness effects on the downstream evolution of the dominant motions producing the Reynolds shear stress


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    ABSTRACT An experimental study was conducted to investigate low Reynolds number effects on open channel flow over a transverse square rib. Particle image velocimetry technique was used to perform detailed velocity measurement in the upstream and recirculation region of a square rib of height, h = 12 mm. The Reynolds number based on the freestream velocity and rib height, Re h = 1510, 2650 and 3950 and the ratio of the boundary layer thickness to step height, /h = 2.5 ± 0.2. The results showed that the reattachment length of Re h = 2650 and 3950 increased by 5.7% compared with corresponding value of Re h = 1510. The mean velocities were independent of Reynolds number in the recirculation region but at the reattachment point, Re h = 3650 reduced the streamwise mean velocity and enhanced the wall-normal mean velocity in the region adjacent to the wall. The turbulent kinetic energy beyond the center of the recirculation region increased with increasing Reynolds number

    Flow Relaxation Past a Transverse Square Rib in Pressure Gradients

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    Effect of Discharge and Upstream Jam Angle on the Flow Distribution beneath a Simulated Ice Jam

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    The velocity field beneath simulated rough ice jams under various upstream jam angles and discharge were investigated using a particle image velocimetry system. Three discharges were examined at 2.3 L/s, 3.4 L/s, and 4.0 L/s and two upstream ice jam angles were tested at 4° and 6°. Increasing the discharge resulted in high turbulence production beneath the jam. The adverse pressure gradient exerted on the flow increased the levels of the Reynolds shear stress. The measured velocities beneath the jam were used to assess the performances of three traditional field measurement techniques as well as the validity of the two-parameter power law. The two-point measurement technique performed remarkably well with the least mean bias error of 2.0%. The error associated with the different techniques showed their inability to accurately predict the average velocity under high discharge. The two-parameter power law accurately predicted velocity profiles within the equilibrium section of the jam, but failed within the boundary layers when the flow was subjected to a pressure gradient.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author