622 research outputs found

    Dispersive properties of high order nedelec/edge element approximation of the time-harmonic Maxwell equations

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    The dispersive behaviour of high-order Næ#169;dæ#169;lec element approximation of the time harmonic Maxwell equations at a prescribed temporal frequency ω on tensor-product meshes of size h is analysed. A simple argument is presented, showing that the discrete dispersion relation may be expressed in terms of that for the approximation of the scalar Helmholtz equation in one dimension. An explicit form for the one-dimensional dispersion relation is given, valid for arbitrary order of approximation. Explicit expressions for the leading term in the error in the regimes where ωh is small, showing that the dispersion relation is accurate to order 2p for a pth-order method; and in the high-wavenumber limit where 1«ωh, showing that in this case the error reduces at a super-exponential rate once the order of approximation exceeds a certain threshold, which is given explicitly

    Fully computable a posteriori error bounds for hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximations

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    We derive a posteriori error estimates for the hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods, including both the primal and mixed formulations, for the approximation of a linear second-order elliptic problem on conforming simplicial meshes in two and three dimensions. We obtain fully computable, constant free, a posteriori error bounds on the broken energy seminorm and the HDG energy (semi)norm of the error. The estimators are also shown to provide local lower bounds for the HDG energy (semi)norm of the error up to a constant and a higher-order data oscillation term. For the primal HDG methods and mixed HDG methods with an appropriate choice of stabilization parameter, the estimators are also shown to provide a lower bound for the broken energy seminorm of the error up to a constant and a higher-order data oscillation term. Numerical examples are given illustrating the theoretical results