6,163 research outputs found

    Quantum Superpositions Cannot be Epistemic

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    Quantum superposition states are behind many of the curious phenomena exhibited by quantum systems, including Bell non-locality, quantum interference, quantum computational speed-up, and the measurement problem. At the same time, many qualitative properties of quantum superpositions can also be observed in classical probability distributions leading to a suspicion that superpositions may be explicable as probability distributions over less problematic states, that is, a suspicion that superpositions are \emph{epistemic}. Here, it is proved that, for any quantum system of dimension d>3d>3, this cannot be the case for almost all superpositions. Equivalently, any underlying ontology must contain ontic superposition states. A related question concerns the more general possibility that some pairs of non-orthogonal quantum states ψ,ϕ|\psi\rangle,|\phi\rangle could be ontologically indistinct (there are ontological states which fail to distinguish between these quantum states). A similar method proves that if ϕψ2(0,14)|\langle\phi|\psi\rangle|^{2}\in(0,\frac{1}{4}) then ψ,ϕ|\psi\rangle,|\phi\rangle must approach ontological distinctness as dd\rightarrow\infty. The robustness of these results to small experimental error is also discussed.Comment: Updated to published version with slgihtly extended discussion and corrected mistakes. 6 + 7 pages, Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations. Online First. (2015

    Treating Time Travel Quantum Mechanically

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    The fact that closed timelike curves (CTCs) are permitted by general relativity raises the question as to how quantum systems behave when time travel to the past occurs. Research into answering this question by utilising the quantum circuit formalism has given rise to two theories: Deutschian-CTCs (D-CTCs) and "postselected" CTCs (P-CTCs). In this paper the quantum circuit approach is thoroughly reviewed, and the strengths and shortcomings of D-CTCs and P-CTCs are presented in view of their non-linearity and time travel paradoxes. In particular, the "equivalent circuit model"---which aims to make equivalent predictions to D-CTCs, while avoiding some of the difficulties of the original theory---is shown to contain errors. The discussion of D-CTCs and P-CTCs is used to motivate an analysis of the features one might require of a theory of quantum time travel, following which two overlapping classes of new theories are identified. One such theory, the theory of "transition probability" CTCs (T-CTCs), is fully developed. The theory of T-CTCs is shown not to have certain undesirable features---such as time travel paradoxes, the ability to distinguish non-orthogonal states with certainty, and the ability to clone or delete arbitrary pure states---that are present with D-CTCs and P-CTCs. The problems with non-linear extensions to quantum mechanics are discussed in relation to the interpretation of these theories, and the physical motivations of all three theories are discussed and compared.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. Edited in response to peer revie

    A Stronger Theorem Against Macro-realism

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    Macro-realism is the position that certain "macroscopic" observables must always possess definite values: e.g. the table is in some definite position, even if we don't know what that is precisely. The traditional understanding is that by assuming macro-realism one can derive the Leggett-Garg inequalities, which constrain the possible statistics from certain experiments. Since quantum experiments can violate the Leggett-Garg inequalities, this is taken to rule out the possibility of macro-realism in a quantum universe. However, recent analyses have exposed loopholes in the Leggett-Garg argument, which allow many types of macro-realism to be compatible with quantum theory and hence violation of the Leggett-Garg inequalities. This paper takes a different approach to ruling out macro-realism and the result is a no-go theorem for macro-realism in quantum theory that is stronger than the Leggett-Garg argument. This approach uses the framework of ontological models: an elegant way to reason about foundational issues in quantum theory which has successfully produced many other recent results, such as the PBR theorem.Comment: Accepted journal version. 10 + 7 pages, 1 figur

    Geometric phases in dressed state quantum computation

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    Geometric phases arise naturally in a variety of quantum systems with observable consequences. They also arise in quantum computations when dressed states are used in gating operations. Here we show how they arise in these gating operations and how one may take advantage of the dressed states producing them. Specifically, we show that that for a given, but arbitrary Hamiltonian, and at an arbitrary time {\tau}, there always exists a set of dressed states such that a given gate operation can be performed by the Hamiltonian up to a phase {\phi}. The phase is a sum of a dynamical phase and a geometric phase. We illustrate the new phase for several systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Gallery Characteristics and Life History of the Ambrosia Beetle Trypodendron betulae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Birch

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    Trypodendron betulae Swaine distributed attack entrance holes uniformly over the surface of standing stressed sub-canopy birch trees. Male and female pairs constructed galleries consisting of an entrance tunnel about 20 mm in length and then primary and secondary lateral tunnels averaging between 16 and 23 mm in length into the sapwood. Egg niches were constructed in the lateral tunnels after the symbiotic fungus was established in the galleries. Larvae enlarged the niches into cradles. Pupae and eventually teneral adults developed in the cradles. The sex ratio of resulting progeny adults was approximately one to one, and they emerged from galleries in September to overwinter in the litter

    Incorporating collateral information using an adaptive management framework for the regulation of transgenic crops:

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    "A lack of data often makes biological management decisions difficult and has been an area of contention in the debate over the approval of transgenic crops. Our knowledge of agricultural and natural systems is limited and our ability to gain additional information, quickly and effectively, is often handicapped by statistical complexity. To adequately cope with this requires new approaches and models that integrate decision-making and management. This paper describes one possible approach to the integration of decision-making and management, which may have application for the regulatory approval of transgenic crops. In many situations countries wishing to approve transgenic crops will have limited data on the environmental performance of the crop. The approach outlined in this paper looks at how related information, possibly collected from other countries, might be used to help inform decisions about the approval of transgenic crops. This is done within an integrated decision-making and management framework." Authors' AbstractTransgenic plants, Collateral data, Bayesian theory, Inference,

    Casimir Invariants for Systems Undergoing Collective Motion

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    Dicke states are states of a collection of particles which have been under active investigation for several reasons. One reason is that the decay rates of these states can be quite different from a set of independently evolving particles. Another reason is that a particular class of these states are decoherence-free or noiseless with respect to a set of errors. These noiseless states, or more generally subsystems, can avoid certain types of errors in quantum information processing devices. Here we provide a method for calculating invariants of systems of particles undergoing collective motions. These invariants can be used to determine a complete set of commuting observables for a class of Dicke states as well as identify possible logical operations for decoherence-free/noiseless subsystems. Our method is quite general and provides results for cases where the constituent particles have more than two internal states.Comment: 5 page

    Frequency precision of two-dimensional lattices of coupled oscillators with spiral patterns

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    Two-dimensional lattices of N synchronized oscillators with reactive coupling are considered as high-precision frequency sources in the case where a spiral pattern is formed. The improvement of the frequency precision is shown to be independent of N for large N, unlike the case of purely dissipative coupling where the improvement is proportional to N, but instead depends on just those oscillators in the core of the spiral that acts as the source region of the waves. Our conclusions are based on numerical simulations of up to N = 29 929 oscillators and analytic results for a continuum approximation to the lattice in an infinite system. We derive an expression for the dependence of the frequency precision on the reactive component of the coupling constant, depending on a single parameter given by fitting the frequency of the spiral waves to the numerical simulations