81 research outputs found

    Robustness or Efficiency, A Test to Solve the Dilemma

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    When dealing with the presence of outliers in a dataset, the problem of choosing between the classical ordinary least squares and robust regression methods is sometimes addressed inadequately. In this article, we propose using a Hausman-type test to determine whether a robust S- estimator is more appropriate than an ordinary least squares one in a multiple linear regression framework, on the basis of the trade-off betewen robustness and efficiency. An economic example is provided to illustrate the usefulness of the test.Efficiency, Hausman Test, Linear Regression, Robustness, S- estimator

    The Tragedy of the Commons or the Curse of Federalism

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    It has been suggested that 
scal federalism is a good way to induce decentralized entities to behave parsimoniously, but this has been largely criticized in the literature, in particular because of the Common-Pool problem. In this paper, we present an extra facet of the latter problem. We present a simple theoretical model con
rmed by empirical evidence suggesting that vertical imbalance induces govenments to substitute redistributive spending for non-distributive expenditures. This drives 
scal policies to be less efficient in reducing income inequality.Federalism, Income Inequality, Common Pool, Redistribution

    Human Development and Electoral Systems

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    The aim of this paper is to test if electoral systems and human development are linked. Using high quality data and very simple panel data econometric techniques, we show that electoral systems play a critical role in explaining the difference in the levels of human development between countries. We find that countries which have proportional systems enjoy higher levels of human development than those with majoritarian ones, thanks to more redistributive fiscal policies. We also find that when the degree of proportionality, based on electoral district size, increases, so does human development.

    Verschuivingen in het stemgedrag in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest tussen de regionale verkiezingen van juni 2009 en de federale stembusgang van 13 juni 2010

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    Binnen de Brusselse politieke ruimte heeft de federale verkiezing van 13 juni 2010 niet zulke spectaculaire verschuivingen in stemgedrag teweeg gebracht als in Vlaanderen of in WalloniĂ« wanneer we vergelijken met de verkiezingen van 2007. Desalniettemin zijn er belangrijke veranderingen vast te stellen, voornamelijk de vooruitgang van de Parti Socialiste (PS) en het electorale verlies van de Mouvement RĂ©formateur (MR). Binnen het kader van de timing van het politieke en electorale leven is het toch interessant te kijken naar de laatste stembusgang – de Brusselse regionale verkiezingen van 2009 – om de bewegingen te analyseren die hebben plaatsgevonden op politiek “korte” termijn, terwijl het politieke leven eigenlijk toch geritmeerd wordt door evenementen en veranderingen die soms zeer snel de percepties en de representaties rond de partijen en rond het politieke leven beĂŻnvloeden. Het zijn de verschuivingen tussen de regionale verkiezing van 2009 en de federale verkiezing van 2010 die we in deze bijdrage analyseren. Deze analyse baseert zich op een “exit poll” die door het Centre d’étude de la vie politique van de UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles (ULB) afgenomen werd bij 3 000 Brusselaars.Dans l’espace politique bruxellois, l’élection fĂ©dĂ©rale du 13 juin 2010 n’a pas occasionnĂ© des mouvements de voix aussi spectaculaires qu’en Flandre ou qu’en Wallonie si l’on se rĂ©fĂšre aux Ă©lections intervenues en 2007. Des changements importants s’y donnent nĂ©anmoins Ă  voir, en particulier la progression du parti socialiste et le recul Ă©lectoral du Mouvement rĂ©formateur. Il est nĂ©anmoins intĂ©ressant, dans le timing de la vie politique et Ă©lectorale, de se reporter au dernier scrutin en date – les Ă©lections rĂ©gionales bruxelloises de 2009 – pour analyser les mouvements intervenus dans le temps « court » de la vie politique, oĂč cette derniĂšre est rythmĂ©e par des Ă©vĂ©nements et des changements qui affectent, parfois rapidement les perceptions et les reprĂ©sentations des partis et de la vie politique. Ce sont les mouvements entre l’élection rĂ©gionale 2009 et l’élection fĂ©dĂ©rale de 2010 que nous analysons dans cette contribution. Le travail se fonde sur une enquĂȘte « sortie des urnes » organisĂ©e par le Centre d’étude de la vie politique de l’UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles (ULB) auprĂšs de 3 000 Bruxellois.In the Brussels political area, the 13 June 2010 federal elections did not bring about shifts in the electorate which were as spectacular as those seen in Flanders or Wallonia if we refer to the 2007 elections. Significant changes may nevertheless be seen, in particular the progress made by the Socialist Party and the Reform Movement’s loss of ground during the elections. It is nevertheless interesting, in the timing of political and electoral life, to turn to the last elections – the 2009 Brussels regional elections – in order to analyse the shifts which occurred in the Brussels spectrum in the “short” period of political life, punctuated by events and changes which affect – sometimes quickly – the perceptions and the representations of parties and political life. The shifts which took place between the 2009 regional elections and the 2010 federal elections are analysed in this article. The work is based on an exit poll organised by the Centre d’étude de la vie politique (CEVIPOL) at UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles (ULB), with 3 000 inhabitants of Brussels

    Les mouvements de voix dans la RĂ©gion de Bruxelles-Capitale entre l’élection rĂ©gionale de juin 2009 et le scrutin fĂ©dĂ©ral du 13 juin 2010

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    Dans l’espace politique bruxellois, l’élection fĂ©dĂ©rale du 13 juin 2010 n’a pas occasionnĂ© des mouvements de voix aussi spectaculaires qu’en Flandre ou qu’en Wallonie si l’on se rĂ©fĂšre aux Ă©lections intervenues en 2007. Des changements importants s’y donnent nĂ©anmoins Ă  voir, en particulier la progression du parti socialiste et le recul Ă©lectoral du Mouvement rĂ©formateur. Il est nĂ©anmoins intĂ©ressant, dans le timing de la vie politique et Ă©lectorale, de se reporter au dernier scrutin en date – les Ă©lections rĂ©gionales bruxelloises de 2009 – pour analyser les mouvements intervenus dans le temps « court » de la vie politique, oĂč cette derniĂšre est rythmĂ©e par des Ă©vĂ©nements et des changements qui affectent, parfois rapidement les perceptions et les reprĂ©sentations des partis et de la vie politique. Ce sont les mouvements entre l’élection rĂ©gionale 2009 et l’élection fĂ©dĂ©rale de 2010 que nous analysons dans cette contribution. Le travail se fonde sur une enquĂȘte « sortie des urnes » organisĂ©e par le Centre d’étude de la vie politique de l’UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles (ULB) auprĂšs de 3 000 Bruxellois.Binnen de Brusselse politieke ruimte heeft de federale verkiezing van 13 juni 2010 niet zulke spectaculaire verschuivingen in stemgedrag teweeg gebracht als in Vlaanderen of in WalloniĂ« wanneer we vergelijken met de verkiezingen van 2007. Desalniettemin zijn er belangrijke veranderingen vast te stellen, voornamelijk de vooruitgang van de Parti Socialiste (PS) en het electorale verlies van de Mouvement RĂ©formateur (MR). Binnen het kader van de timing van het politieke en electorale leven is het toch interessant te kijken naar de laatste stembusgang – de Brusselse regionale verkiezingen van 2009 – om de bewegingen te analyseren die hebben plaatsgevonden op politiek “korte” termijn, terwijl het politieke leven eigenlijk toch geritmeerd wordt door evenementen en veranderingen die soms zeer snel de percepties en de representaties rond de partijen en rond het politieke leven beĂŻnvloeden. Het zijn de verschuivingen tussen de regionale verkiezing van 2009 en de federale verkiezing van 2010 die we in deze bijdrage analyseren. Deze analyse baseert zich op een “exit poll” die door het Centre d’étude de la vie politique van de UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles (ULB) afgenomen werd bij 3 000 Brusselaars.In the Brussels political area, the 13 June 2010 federal elections did not bring about shifts in the electorate which were as spectacular as those seen in Flanders or Wallonia if we refer to the 2007 elections. Significant changes may nevertheless be seen, in particular the progress made by the Socialist Party and the Reform Movement’s loss of ground during the elections. It is nevertheless interesting, in the timing of political and electoral life, to turn to the last elections – the 2009 Brussels regional elections – in order to analyse the shifts which occurred in the Brussels spectrum in the “short” period of political life, punctuated by events and changes which affect – sometimes quickly – the perceptions and the representations of parties and political life. The shifts which took place between the 2009 regional elections and the 2010 federal elections are analysed in this article. The work is based on an exit poll organised by the Centre d’étude de la vie politique (CEVIPOL) at UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles (ULB), with 3 000 inhabitants of Brussels

    Two-dimensional rounding for a quasi-proportional representation

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    Biproportional Delegations: a Solution for Two Dimensional Proportional Representation

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    This paper deals with the problem of two-dimensional proportional representation most commonly encountered when seats are to be allocated in a region where voters are classified according to the double cleavage of the constituency in which they vote and the party of their choice. A priority is set here on marginal proportionality: seats are dealt out to constituencies and to parties at the global level first. It is proven that, under a very weak condition, a biproportional delegation always exists, i.e. a representation matrix matching imposed margins and which is a controlled rounding of the corresponding solution to the well-known biproportional problem. Two versions of a construction process for such a biproportional delegation are proposed and they are simulated on Belgian electoral data covering the last four general elections. Though no perfect system exists for this type of representation, comparisons with the current system plead in favor of the use of biproportional delegations. © 1991, Sage Publications. All rights reserved.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe


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    SHUM1, DES gestion, DEC2 sc. Ă©con. - MATH-D-104info:eu-repo/semantics/published

    Pourquoi vous ĂȘtes toujours mal reprĂ©sentĂ©s lors d'Ă©lections ?

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