4 research outputs found


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    Srotas are channels or pores which provides nourishment to the whole body and responsible for some particular function with respect to specific body parts. The Ayurveda samhitas described anatomical and physiological concepts of srotas broadly. Srotas mainly regulates process of circulation in human body. The srotas not only perform various functions but disturbance in srotas may also impart some pathological manifestation, therefore it is very essential to understand physiological concepts of srotas. This article presenting ayurveda perspective of Rasa vaha srotasa and their physiological considerations. Keywords: Ayurveda, Srotas, Rasa vaha srotasa, Dhatu, Circulation.&nbsp

    Ayurveda and Modern Perspective on Diseases Associated with Ahara: A Review

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    Ahara (food) is considered as one of the most important factor in life and it is believe that the normal & abnormal physiological functioning mainly depends upon the quality of food consumed. Consumption of proper diet in appropriate manner may offer good health status while intake of unwholesome food stuffs can lead to disease condition. Ahara provides strength, complexion and Oja to the body, it play vital role towards longevity & boost mental strength also. The Rasa, Guna, Virya and Vipaka of Ahara considered responsible for the equilibrium of the Dosha and Dhatu. The consumption of proper diet not only offers nutritional value but also acts as preventive measure towards many diseases. The Ahara if not taken in proper manner then various ailments may be observed including consequences of Virudha-Ahara, present article described importance of Ahara and diseases originated from bad food habits. Keywords: Ayurveda, Ahara, Diseases, Virudha-Ahara