12 research outputs found

    Educating Cancer Prevention Researchers in Emerging Biobehavioral Models: Lessons Learned

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    To increase the adoption of transdisciplinary research methods among future cancer prevention investigators, faculty members from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center developed a graduate-level course in biobehavioral methods in cancer prevention research. Two instructors paired by topic and area of expertise offered an hour-long lecture-based seminar every week for 15 weeks during the spring semester of 2010. Students and presenters both evaluated the overall course content and delivery method, as well as each session. A total of 11 students and 22 presenters participated in the course. In each class session, one presenter was from a behavioral science background,and the other was from a biological sciences background. Both presenters and students expressed overall satisfaction with the content and format of the course. The presentation of topics from a transdisciplinary perspective and interaction with presenters from both biological and behavioral sciences are valuable and can help junior researchers prepare to meet the emerging challenges in cancer prevention research

    Prevalence of depressive symptoms among Hispanic women attending a public health clinic

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    Background. Estimates of perinatal depression have ranged from 5% to more than 25% of women (Gavin et al. 2005). Although Hispanics have one of the highest birthrates, few studies have looked at the prevalence of depression among this population. This study aims to describe the prevalence of depressive symptoms among a sample of Hispanic women. Methods. A convenience sample of 439 Hispanic women were screened for depression using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Sociodemographic data relating to pregnancy were also collected. Results. Although bivariate analysis found several variables to be significant, multivariate analysis found only marital and pregnancy status to be significant in predicting depression. Conclusions. While marital and pregnancy status proved to the strongest predictors for depression, future research would benefit from collecting information on timing of pregnancy and postpartum to further explore the role of pregnancy status and depressive symptoms

    Risk and protective factors associated with depression among racial and ethnic mothers of adolescents

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    The central paradigm linking disadvantaged social status and mental health has been the social stress model (Horwitz, 1999), the assumption being that individuals residing in lower social status groups are subjected to greater levels of stress not experienced by individuals from higher status groups. A further assumption is that such individuals have fewer resources to cope with stress, in turn leading to higher levels of psychological disorder, including depression (Pearlin, 1989). Despite these key assumptions, there is a dearth of literature comparing the social patterning of stress exposure (Hatch & Dohrenwend, 2007; Meyer, Schwartz, & Frost, 2008; Kessler, Mickelson, & Williams, 1999; Turner & Avison, 2003; Turner & Lloyd, 1999; Turner, Wheaton, & Lloyd, 1995), and the distribution and contribution of protective factors, posited to play a role in the low rates of depression found among African- and Latino-Americans (Alegria et al., 2007; Breslau, Aguilar-Gaxiola, Kendler, Su, Williams, & Kessler, 2006; Breslau, Borges, Hagar, Tancredi, Gilman, 2009; Gavin, Walton, Chae, Alegria, Jackson, & Takeuchi, 2010; Williams, & Neighbors, 2006). Thus, this study sought to describe both the distribution and contribution of risk and protective factors in relation to depression among a sample of African-, European-, and Latina-American mothers of adolescents, including testing a hypothesized mechanism through which social support, an important protective factor specific to women and depression, operates. Despite the finding that the levels of depression were not statistically different across all three groups of women, surprising results were found in describing the distribution of both risk and protective factors, in that results reported among all women who were mothers when analyzed masked differences within each ethnic group when SES was assessed, a point made explicit by Williams (2002) regarding racial and ethnic variations in women\u27s health. In the final analysis, while perceived social support was found to partially mediate the effect of social isolation on depression, among African-Americans, the direct effect of social isolation and depression was lower among this group of women, as was the indirect effect of social isolation and perceived social support when compared to European- and Latina-American mothers. Or, put differently, higher levels of social isolation were not found to be as associated with more depression or lower social support among African-American mothers when compared to their European- and Latina-American counterparts. Women in American society occupy a number of roles, i.e., that of being female, married or single, mother, homemaker or employee. In addition, to these roles, ethnicity and SES also come into play, such that the intersection of all these roles and the social contexts that they occupy are equally important and must be taken into consideration when making predictions drawn from the social stress model. Based on these findings, it appears that the assumptions of the social stress model need to be revisited to include the variety of roles that intersect among individuals from differing social groups. More specifically, among women who are mothers and occupy a myriad of other roles, i.e., that of being female, married or single, African- or Latina-American, mother, homemaker or employee, the intersection of all the roles and the social contexts that women occupy are equally important and must be taken into consideration when looking at both the types and distribution of stressors across women. Predictions based on simple, mutually exclusive categories of social groups may lead to erroneous assumptions and misleading results

    Monitoring child mental health related emergency department visits in New York City

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    ObjectiveTo assess the use of syndromic surveillance to assess trends inmental health-related emergency department (ED) visits amongschool-aged children and adolescents in New York City (NYC).IntroductionFrom 2001-2011, mental health-related hospitalizations and EDvisits increased among United States children nationwide [1]. Duringthis period, mental health-related hospitalizations among NYCchildren increased nearly 23% [2]. To estimate mental health-relatedED visits in NYC and assess the use of syndromic surveillance chiefcomplaint data to monitor these visits, we compared trends from anear real-time syndromic system with those from a less timely, codedED visit database.MethodsThe NYC ED syndromic surveillance system receives anonymizedpatient chief complaint and basic demographic data for nearly everyED visit citywide to provide timely surveillance information tohealth authorities. Using NYC ED syndromic surveillance datafrom 2003-2015, we applied previously developed definitions forgeneral psychiatric syndromes. We aggregated ED visits by agegroup (5-12 years, 13-17 years, and 18-20 years), geography, andtemporality. Syndromic data were compared with Statewide Planningand Research Collaborative System (SPARCS) data from 2006-2014which reported mental health diagnosis (ICD-9), treatment, service,and basic demographics for patients visiting facilities in NYC. Usingthese two data sources, we compared daily visit patterns and annualtrends overall as well as stratified by age group, area-based poverty(ZIP code), and time of visit.ResultsBoth syndromic surveillance and SPARCS data for NYC showedan increasing trend during the period. While both showed relativeincreases with similar slopes, mental health-related chief complaintdata captured fewer overall visits than the ICD-9 coded SPARCSdata. Trends in syndromic data during 2003-2015 differed by age-group and area-based poverty, e.g., among children ages 5-12 yearsthe annual proportion of mental health-related ED visits increasedroughly 3-fold from 1.2% to 3.8% in the poorest areas, which wasgreater than the increase in the richest areas (1.7% to 2.6%). Seasonal,day-of-week, and school holiday patterns found far fewer visits duringthe periods of NYC public school breaks (Figure).ConclusionsWe conclude that syndromic surveillance data can provide areliable indicator of mental health-related ED visit trends. Thesefindings suggest potential benefit of syndromic surveillance data asthey may help capture temporal and spatial clustering of events in amuch more timely manner than the >1 year delay in availability ofED discharge data. Next steps include a qualitative study exploringthe causes of these patterns and the role of various factors drivingthem, as well as use of patient disposition and matched data to bettercharacterize ED visit patient outcomes

    Monitoring child mental health related emergency department visits in New York City

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    ObjectiveTo assess the use of syndromic surveillance to assess trends inmental health-related emergency department (ED) visits amongschool-aged children and adolescents in New York City (NYC).IntroductionFrom 2001-2011, mental health-related hospitalizations and EDvisits increased among United States children nationwide [1]. Duringthis period, mental health-related hospitalizations among NYCchildren increased nearly 23% [2]. To estimate mental health-relatedED visits in NYC and assess the use of syndromic surveillance chiefcomplaint data to monitor these visits, we compared trends from anear real-time syndromic system with those from a less timely, codedED visit database.MethodsThe NYC ED syndromic surveillance system receives anonymizedpatient chief complaint and basic demographic data for nearly everyED visit citywide to provide timely surveillance information tohealth authorities. Using NYC ED syndromic surveillance datafrom 2003-2015, we applied previously developed definitions forgeneral psychiatric syndromes. We aggregated ED visits by agegroup (5-12 years, 13-17 years, and 18-20 years), geography, andtemporality. Syndromic data were compared with Statewide Planningand Research Collaborative System (SPARCS) data from 2006-2014which reported mental health diagnosis (ICD-9), treatment, service,and basic demographics for patients visiting facilities in NYC. Usingthese two data sources, we compared daily visit patterns and annualtrends overall as well as stratified by age group, area-based poverty(ZIP code), and time of visit.ResultsBoth syndromic surveillance and SPARCS data for NYC showedan increasing trend during the period. While both showed relativeincreases with similar slopes, mental health-related chief complaintdata captured fewer overall visits than the ICD-9 coded SPARCSdata. Trends in syndromic data during 2003-2015 differed by age-group and area-based poverty, e.g., among children ages 5-12 yearsthe annual proportion of mental health-related ED visits increasedroughly 3-fold from 1.2% to 3.8% in the poorest areas, which wasgreater than the increase in the richest areas (1.7% to 2.6%). Seasonal,day-of-week, and school holiday patterns found far fewer visits duringthe periods of NYC public school breaks (Figure).ConclusionsWe conclude that syndromic surveillance data can provide areliable indicator of mental health-related ED visit trends. Thesefindings suggest potential benefit of syndromic surveillance data asthey may help capture temporal and spatial clustering of events in amuch more timely manner than the >1 year delay in availability ofED discharge data. Next steps include a qualitative study exploringthe causes of these patterns and the role of various factors drivingthem, as well as use of patient disposition and matched data to bettercharacterize ED visit patient outcomes

    Household Food Security and Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages among New York City (NYC) Children: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of 2017 NYC Kids’ Data

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    Food insecurity is a stressor associated with adverse health outcomes, including the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). Our study tests the hypothesis that other socioeconomic vulnerabilities may magnify this effect using cross-sectional data from the 2017 New York City (NYC) Kids Survey. Households providing an affirmative response to one or both food security screener questions developed by the US Department of Agriculture were coded as households with low food security. The number of sodas plus other SSBs consumed was standardized per day and categorized as 1 = none, 2 = less than one, and 3 = one or more. We tested the joint effect of low food security with chronic hardship, receipt of federal aid, and immigrant head of household on a sample of n = 2362 kids attending kindergarten and beyond using ordinal logistic regression and accounting for the complex survey design. Only having a US-born parent substantially magnified the effect of low household food security on SSB consumption (OR = 4.2, 95%CI: 2.9–6.3, p < 0.001) compared to the reference group of high household food security with an immigrant parent. The effect of low food security on SSB consumption among NYC children warrants intersectional approaches, especially to elucidate US-based SSB norms in low-food-security settings

    Gender, Social Ties, and Cancer Screening Among Elderly Persons

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    Objective: This study examines the association of social ties and cancer screening. Method: Data from the Longitudinal Study on Aging II include 4,419 respondents (70 to 85) who completed Wave 2. The dependent variable is receipt of screening within the past 2 years, measured at Wave 2. Social network variables include marital status, interaction with friends, relatives, and children, and church attendance. Results: Women were higher on most social tie measures, except marriage, and less likely to have mammography than men were to have prostate cancer screening. Also, the decline of screening with age was greater for women. For women, screening was related to contact with friends, relatives, and children but not marital status or church attendance. For men, screening was higher in the married and church attendees, but contact with friends, relatives, and children was not associated with screening. Discussion: Cancer screening interventions that use interpersonal communication channels should target distinct relationships for older women and men

    Methods for Evaluating Practice Change Toward a Patient-Centered Medical Home

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    PURPOSE Understanding the transformation of primary care practices to patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) requires making sense of the change process, multilevel outcomes, and context. We describe the methods used to evaluate the country’s first national demonstration project of the PCMH concept, with an emphasis on the quantitative measures and lessons for multimethod evaluation approaches

    Patient Outcomes at 26 Months in the Patient-Centered Medical Home National Demonstration Project

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    PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to evaluate patient outcomes in the National Demonstration Project (NDP) of practices’ transition to patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs)