2 research outputs found


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    Zaburzenia posturalne obserwowane w pracy fizjoterapeut贸w g艂贸wnie kojarzone s膮 z dysfunkcjami narz膮du ruchu. Niejednokrotnie prowadzona terapia nie przynosi oczekiwanych efekt贸w dotycz膮cych wyeliminowania wszystkich objaw贸w zg艂aszanych przez pacjent贸w. Okoliczno艣膰 ta zmusza terapeut贸w do poszukiwania innej przyczyny dolegliwo艣ci chorego. Praca z pacjentem z dysfunkcj膮 przepony objawiaj膮c膮 si臋 jej hipotoni膮 oraz towarzysz膮cymi objawami niejednokrotnie mo偶e wydawa膰 si臋 niezwykle trudna. Zwi膮zane jest to z problematyczn膮 diagnostyk膮 nak艂adaj膮cych si臋 dolegliwo艣ci. Cel pracy: Celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie mo偶liwo艣ci post臋powania fizjoterapeutycznego polegaj膮cego na skojarzeniu wielu metod stosowanych w rehabilitacji, maj膮cych za zadanie usprawnienie terapii pacjenta z hipotoni膮 przepony. Opis przypadku: 28-letni m臋偶czyzna skar偶膮cy si臋 na dolegliwo艣ci uk艂adu pokarmowego i oddechowego z dodatkowymi objawami takimi jak: brak regularnego snu, przyspieszony oddech oraz b贸l w okolicy karku i odcinka piersiowego kr臋gos艂upa promieniuj膮cy w stron臋 偶eber, zosta艂 poddany diagnostyce fizjoterapeutycznej. W opisywanym przypadku zastosowano elementy reedukacji wzorca oddechowego, terapii manualnej, terapii punkt贸w spustowych, masa偶u powi臋ziowego, poizometrycznej relaksacji mi臋艣ni, kinesiologytapingu oraz treningu funkcjonalnego w celu normalizacji napi臋cia oraz uwolnienia pracy przepony i 偶eber, zmniejszenia zg艂aszanych dolegliwo艣ci b贸lowych kr臋gos艂upa, reedukacji posturalnej, stabilizacji obr臋czy brakowej i odtworzenia prawid艂owych wzorc贸w ruchowych 艂opatki i ko艅czyny g贸rnej oraz utrwalenia osi膮gni臋tych efekt贸w i zapobiegania nawracaniu dolegliwo艣ci. Wnioski: Wykorzystanie wielu metod fizjoterapeutycznych przynios艂o wymierny efekt oraz spowodowa艂o znaczne ograniczenie zg艂aszanych dolegliwo艣ci. Odnotowano znacz膮c膮 popraw臋 stanu zdrowia i wydolno艣ci fizycznej pacjenta.Postural disorders observed in the work of physiotherapists are associate with dysfunctions of the locomotory organ. Most of the therapy does not bring the expected effects of eliminating all symptoms reported by patients. This circumstance makes therapists to look for another cause of the patient dysfunction. Conducting a patient with hypotension diaphragm and accompanying symptoms may often appear to be extremely difficult. This is related to the problematic diagnosis of overlapping complaints. Aim of the study: The aim of this paper is to present the possibility of physiotherapeutic treatment combining many methods used in rehabilitation aimed at improving the effectiveness of the patient's therapy. Case report: 28-year-old man complaining of digestive and respiratory ailments with additional symptoms such as lack of regular sleep, rapid breathing and pain in the neck and thoracic spine radiating towards the ribs, underwent physiotherapy diagnosis. In this case, improvement of respiratory pattern, manual therapy, trigger points therapy, fascial massage, postisometric muscle relaxation, kinesiologytaping and functional training were used to ease the tension and release the diaphragm and ribs. It also aimed to reduce spinal pain, postural reeducation, reconstruction of the correct movement patterns of the scapula and upper limb and fixing the achieved effects to prevent the recovery of the ailments. Conclusion: The use of many physiotherapeutic methods has resulted in measurable effect and caused a significant reduction of reported complaints. Significant improvement in the patient's health and physical efficiency was noted

    Exercise Training as a Non-Pharmacological Therapy for Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Home-Based Rehabilitation Program and Training Recommendations

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a chronic and progressive disorder with a poor prognosis associated with non-specific symptoms, including general weakness, shortness of breath on exertion, and decreased muscle strength and endurance. Despite recent significant progress in the field of PAH therapy, many patients are still characterized by a dynamic course of the disease, a significant reduction in physical performance, a constantly deteriorating quality of life, and limited activity in everyday life. Thus, the main goal of PAH therapy is to ensure an acceptable level of quality of life as early as possible in the course of the disease, reduce the progression of symptoms and, if possible, improve the prognosis, which is still poor. The perception of the importance of activity and exercise has changed significantly in recent years, and rehabilitation dedicated to PAH patients is now considered to be one of the new adjuvant treatment options. Currently, there is insufficient data on what form, frequency, and intensity of exercise are required for the best results. Nevertheless, exercise training (ET) is necessary in order to reverse the accompanying PAH impairment of exercise capacity and, without additional clinical risk, to maximize the benefits of pharmacotherapy. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge on the rehabilitation of PAH patients and presents the available rehabilitation models. In addition, it includes a ready-to-use, illustrated, safe home rehabilitation program with recommendations for its use. Utilizing ET as an adjuvant treatment option to improve the functional capacity and quality of life of patients may enhance the clinical effectiveness of therapeutic management and contribute to the improvement of the quality of care for patients suffering from PAH. The beneficial effect of exercise training on the development of symptoms improves the clinical course of the disease, and a lower incidence of adverse events can lead to a reduction in health care expenditure