5 research outputs found

    Typology of Localities in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area Resulting from the Spatial Development Structure

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    Urban sprawl in Poland has increased due to commune autonomy in spatial planning processes. Local authorities often implement planning measures based on their unit’s interests, overlooking long-term problems such as a lack of schools, kindergartens, commercial infrastructure, and traffic congestion. To address these issues, local governments should consider spatial planning and development projects alongside the development of necessary infrastructure. Many spatial planning methods delimit metropolitan areas based on existing built-up areas and urban corridors located along transport routes. This study analyzed the urban development of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area. Based on a study by the Office of Architecture and Spatial Planning of the Capital City of Warsaw, four urbanization zones of the WMA were delimited, focusing on the accessibility of infrastructure and the urban structure of settlements. At the same time, the population density of each village and each town was calculated, and the area of vacant land was counted. The study found 44 instances of locality types, grouped into four classes, representing peri-urban areas

    Using raster and vector data to identify objects for classify in flood risk. A case study: Raciborz

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    The severe flood of 1997, which seriously affected Polish, Czech and German territories, gave impetus to research into the management of flood-prone areas. The material losses caused by the “Flood of the Millennium” totalled billions of Polish zloty. The extent of the disaster and of infrastructure repair costs changed the attitude of many branches of the economy, and of science. This is the direct result of consideration of the introduction of changes into spatial management and crisis management. At the same time, it focused the interest of many who were trained in analysing the vulnerability of land-use features to natural disasters such as floods. Research into the spatial distribution of geographic environmental features susceptible to flood in the Odra valley was conducted at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This study seeks to examine the possibility of adapting vector and raster data and using them for land-use classification in the context of risk of flood and inundation damage. The analysed area of the city and surrounding area of Raciborz, on the upper Odra River, is a case study for identifying objects and lands susceptible to natural hazards based on publicly available satellite databases of the highest resolution, which is a very important factor in the quality of further risk analyses for applied use. The objective of the research was to create a 10×10-m-pixel raster network using raster data made available by ESA (Copernicus Land Monitoring Service) and vector data from Open Street Map

    Using raster and vector data to identify objects for classify in flood risk. A case study: Raciborz

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    The severe flood of 1997, which seriously affected Polish, Czech and German territories, gave impetus to research into the management of flood-prone areas. The material losses caused by the “Flood of the Millennium” totalled billions of Polish zloty. The extent of the disaster and of infrastructure repair costs changed the attitude of many branches of the economy, and of science. This is the direct result of consideration of the introduction of changes into spatial management and crisis management. At the same time, it focused the interest of many who were trained in analysing the vulnerability of land-use features to natural disasters such as floods. Research into the spatial distribution of geographic environmental features susceptible to flood in the Odra valley was conducted at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This study seeks to examine the possibility of adapting vector and raster data and using them for land-use classification in the context of risk of flood and inundation damage. The analysed area of the city and surrounding area of Raciborz, on the upper Odra River, is a case study for identifying objects and lands susceptible to natural hazards based on publicly available satellite databases of the highest resolution, which is a very important factor in the quality of further risk analyses for applied use. The objective of the research was to create a 10×10-m-pixel raster network using raster data made available by ESA (Copernicus Land Monitoring Service) and vector data from Open Street Map

    Urban Sprawl in Poland (2016–2021): Drivers, Wildcards, and Spatial Externalities

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    The COVID-19 lockdown in 2020–2021 and the refugee crisis in 2021–2022 were two new and unexpected social and political events in Poland in recent years. These “wildcards” will certainly have major effects on individuals and cities, both directly and indirectly, through the influence of “externalities.” The paper examines trends in the spatial development of Polish cities during the last five years (2016–2021), focusing on residential suburbanization and urban sprawl. The study aims to reveal the elements that determine the spatial scale of suburbanization, as well as “wildcards” that may have an indirect impact on the process but are difficult to quantify and include in spatial analysis. The use of location quotient (LQ) metrics, as well as a subset of the Global Human Settlement Layer in the spatial analysis allow for comparisons of locations with intensified urbanization throughout different periods, serving a task that is comparable to feature standardization from a time and space viewpoint. The analysis provides evidence of growing suburbanization surrounding major Polish cities from 2016 to 2021, while also exposing distinct elements of spatial development during a period that was marked by social and political stress (2021)

    The Effects of Climate and Bioclimate on COVID-19 Cases in Poland

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    The correlations between air temperatures, relative and absolute humidity, wind, cloudiness, precipitation and number of influenza cases have been extensively studied in the past. Because, initially, COVID-19 cases were similar to influenza cases, researchers were prompted to look for similar relationships. The aim of the study is to identify the effects of changes in air temperature on the number of COVID-19 infections in Poland. The hypothesis under consideration concerns an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases as temperature decreases. The spatial heterogeneity of the relationship under study during the first year and a half of the COVID-19 pandemic in Polish counties is thus revealed