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    Today, the process of communication has come to be seen all together differently to how it was viewed a few decades ago, because contemporary society has greatly changed the way people interact with each other. Communication has stretched its arms to all areas, starting with businesses, where the human relations sector is quite important, up to sport organizations in which communication with the fans is essential. Organizations in all areas have become aware of the need for communication, realizing the strategic role that communication plays in achieving goals. The communication strategy is the defining lines of the organization’s attitude and conduct in order to achieve its communication goals and thereby performance goals. The paper aims to present some theoretical aspects regarding the notions of social media and the connection between social media communications and the sports clubs, emphasizing how this connection leads to the increase of the awareness, with a practical example at the handball club SCM Craiova. REZUMAT. Interacțiunea cluburilor sportive cu fanii folosind comunicarea prin social media. Studiu de caz la SCM Craiova. Astăzi, procesul de comunicare a ajuns să fie privit în totalitate diferit față de modul în care a fost văzut în urmă cu câteva decenii, deoarece în societatea contemporană s-a schimbat foarte mult modul în care oamenii interacționează unul cu celălalt. Comunicarea și-a întins brațele în toate domeniile, pornind de la sfera afacerilor, unde sectorul relațiilor umane este destul de important, până la organizațiile sportive în care comunicarea cu fanii este esențială. Organizațiile din toate domeniile au devenit conștiente de nevoia de comunicare, realizând rolul strategic pe care îl joacă comunicarea în atingerea obiectivelor. Strategia de comunicare reprezintă liniile de definire a atitudinii și comportamentului organizației pentru a-și atinge obiectivele de comunicare și, prin urmare, obiectivele de performanță. Lucrarea urmărește prezentarea unor aspecte teoretice privind noțiunile de social media și legătura dintre comunicarea prin social media și cluburile sportive, subliniind modul în care această conexiune conduce la creșterea notorietății, prin prezentarea unui exemplu practic la clubul de handbal SCM Craiova. Cuvinte-cheie: social media, sport, marketing, Internet, comunicar

    Self-Distilled Masked Auto-Encoders are Efficient Video Anomaly Detectors

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    We propose an efficient abnormal event detection model based on a lightweight masked auto-encoder (AE) applied at the video frame level. The novelty of the proposed model is threefold. First, we introduce an approach to weight tokens based on motion gradients, thus shifting the focus from the static background scene to the foreground objects. Second, we integrate a teacher decoder and a student decoder into our architecture, leveraging the discrepancy between the outputs given by the two decoders to improve anomaly detection. Third, we generate synthetic abnormal events to augment the training videos, and task the masked AE model to jointly reconstruct the original frames (without anomalies) and the corresponding pixel-level anomaly maps. Our design leads to an efficient and effective model, as demonstrated by the extensive experiments carried out on four benchmarks: Avenue, ShanghaiTech, UBnormal and UCSD Ped2. The empirical results show that our model achieves an excellent trade-off between speed and accuracy, obtaining competitive AUC scores, while processing 1655 FPS. Hence, our model is between 8 and 70 times faster than competing methods. We also conduct an ablation study to justify our design. Our code is freely available at: https://github.com/ristea/aed-mae.Comment: Accepted at CVPR 202


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    In contemporary social life, both ordinary people and political and cultural personalities value sport as a phenomenon with special functions in the development of the individual and through its socio-economic implications. Through its economic-financial implications such as the ever-flourishing industry of sports equipment and technology, huge amounts of money, accumulated and handled by clubs and sportsmen, advertisements, legal implications concerning national and international regulations, political implication in relationship with competition between countries, national pride, cultural implications including media, spectators, fanaticism, health implications in correlation with the obsession with the healthy body and others, it can be said that today sport is a major social phenomenon. This is valid for the developed countries, but also for the developing countries even if the agreement of opinions is not so high in this regard. In our paper we analyze the social and economic dimensions of the sport and of how it came to influence sustainable development today, as well as a presentation of the gains generated by some of the most important sporting events over time. REZUMAT. Contribuția sportului la dezvoltarea economică și socială. În prezent, atât pentru oamenii simpli, cât şi pentru personalităţile politice şi culturale, sportul este un fenomen cu caracteristici specifice care contribuie nu doar la dezvoltarea individuală, dar are şi implicaţii economice şi sociale. Prin implicaţiile sale economice şi sociale care au în vedere industriile şi tehnologiile de echipament sportiv, implicaţiile legale manifestate prin reglementările naţionale şi internaţionale, implicaţiile politice care vizează competiţiile între ţări şi mândria naţională, implicaţiile culturale care fac referire la mass-media, spectatori şi chiar fanatism, implicaţiile pentru sănătate care vizează un corp sănătos şi altele putem să afirmăm că sportul este un fenomen social major. Acest lucru este valabil atât pentru ţările dezvoltate cât şi pentru ţările în curs de dezvoltare chiar dacă există divergenţe de opinie în acest sens. În lucrarea de faţă analizăm dimensiunile economice şi sociale ale sportului, şi felul în care sportul contribuie la dezvoltarea durabilă, precum şi o prezentare a câştigurilor generate de cele mai importante evenimente sportive. Cuvinte cheie: evenimente sportive, practici sportive, efecte economice, dimensiune socială, creștere economică


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    eSports (Electronics Sports or short for esports, e-sports) is the term used in multiplayer computer games competitions, most of them organized and dedicated to professional players. Nowadays, esports has become a real industry, generating profits for the hardware companies, for the event organizers, but especially for the players, who can reach record receipts from the awards given at different events around them. Esports has slowly evolved into a cultural phenomenon. Across Asia, North America and Europe, the best pro gamers are competing for a share in hundreds of thousands of dollars at each tournament, watched by thousands if not millions of people around the globe. The present paper aims to present some theoretical aspects regarding the connection between sport and society, and also the development of electronic sport in Romania. REZUMAT. Considerații cu privire la dezvoltarea fenomenului eSport. eSports (Electronics Sports sau prescurtare pentru eSports, e-sport) este termenul folosit în competițiile de jocuri pe computer multiplayer, majoritatea organizate și dedicate jucătorilor profesioniști. În zilele noastre, eSports a devenit o adevărată industrie, generând profituri pentru companiile de hardware, pentru organizatorii de evenimente, dar mai ales pentru jucători, care pot ajunge la încasări record din premiile acordate la diferite evenimente din jurul. eSportul a evoluat încet într-un fenomen cultural. În toată Asia, America de Nord și Europa, cei mai buni jucători profesioniști concurează pentru o cotă de sute de mii de dolari la fiecare turneu, urmăriți de mii, dacă nu chiar de milioane de oameni din întreaga lume. Prezenta lucrare își propune să prezinte câteva aspecte teoretice referitoare la conexiunea dintre sport și societate, precum şi dezvoltarea sportului electronic din România. Cuvinte cheie: eSport; Jocuri video profesionale; Jocuri video competitive


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    The concept of sustainable development, resulted from the reconsideration of the report between development and pollution in the light of the interdependencies among the components of development, defines the profound change in which the exploitation of resources, direction of investments, the development of technologies takes a new path in the sense that, by their judicious harmonization, provides significant increase of the present and future potential to meet the requirements of society. Such a development is based on economic growth, which is, in fact, its spring, but also on new concepts and values that provide a superior framework of transposing the growth coordinates. Such a framework should provide incentives to accelerate economic growth, whose objectives, ways and tools are defined in a long-term perspective, able to provide large openings to the real progress of society at all levels and provide solutions for the effective and continuous support for this progress. Therefore, in this article, we identify and explain the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental


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    The history of oil and gas industry has been and is an intrinsic part of the modern economic and social development of modern Romania. The Romanian oil and gas sector is today at a point of strategic inflexion, with economic, political and social valences. This sector is the potential beneficiary of a pool of opportunities that can generate sustainable social development, economic dynamism, energy security, regional collaboration and prestige at European level. In this context, the paper presents the main elements characterizing the actual state of crude oil and natural gas extraction industry in Romania, elements that are the basis for future strategies for the development of this industry essential for the country's economic and social development


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    This article shows that since 1949 the extractive industry has undergone a strong process of restructuring when enterprises were nationalized and a strict control over all components of the economy was established. The new leadership of the country had the intention of developing the industrial sector as well, basically laying the foundations of the new Romanian economy where the industrial sector economy would bring considerable income. This program will lead to the development of the energy sector in Romania also, thus contributing to a great extent to the development and consolidation of coal and gas extraction. Despite of all the economic and social development achieved during the period 1950-1989, at the end of it, Romania ranked a marginal position in the European countries hierarchy since between its level of development and the market economy developed countries large gaps in respect to the main economic and social indicators occurred

    Pulse Wave Velocity, a Predictor of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events, and Its Correlation with the General Stress Level of Health Care Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background and Objectives: In the COVID-19 epidemiological context, the health care workers who were treating patients with COVID-19 were exposed daily to additional stress. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a predictive parameter for possible major adverse cardiovascular events. The present study aimed to evaluate the correlation between the general stress levels and PWVs of medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: The study group was heterogeneous in terms of the medical profession. PWV was measured using a TendioMed arteriograph. Assessment of stress level was performed using a general stress questionnaire with questions grouped on the areas that contribute to stress: lifestyle, environment, symptoms, job, relationships and personality. PWV measurements and stress assessment were performed both during the period with many patients with COVID-19 and during the period with few patients with COVID-19. Results: The stress levels and PWVs of subjects were higher in the period when they cared for patients with COVID-19 than in the period when they did not have patients with COVID-19. Conclusions: The study shows a positive correlation between the PWV of each subject and his/her stress score (the higher the stress score, the higher the PWV)

    COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Surgical Treatment Methods for Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: A Population-Based Study in Romania

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    Being one of the most common malignancies in young women, cervical cancer is frequently successfully screened around the world. Early detection enables for an important number of curative options that allow for more than 90% of patients to survive more than three years without cancer relapse. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic put tremendous pressure on healthcare systems and access to cancer care, determining us to develop a study on the influence the pandemic had on surgical care of cervical cancer, and to assess changes in its management and outcomes. A retrospective study design allowed us to compare cervical cancer trends of the last 48 months of the pre-pandemic period with the first 24 months during the COVID-19 pandemic, using the database from the Timis County Emergency Clinical Hospital. New cases of cervical cancer presented to our clinic in more advanced stages (34.6% cases of FIGO stage III during the pandemic vs. 22.4% before the pandemic, p-value = 0.047). These patients faced significantly more changes in treatment plans, postponed surgeries, and postponed radio-chemotherapy treatment. From the full cohort of cervical cancer patients, 160 were early stages eligible for curative intervention who completed a three-year follow-up period. The disease-free survival and overall survival were not influenced by the surgical treatment of choice, or by the SARS-CoV-2 infection (log-rank p-value = 0.449, respectively log-rank p-value = 0.608). The individual risk factors identified for the three-year mortality risk were independent of the SARS-CoV-2 infection and treatment changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. We observed significantly fewer cases of cervical cancer diagnosed per year during the first 24 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, blaming the changes in healthcare system regulations that failed to offer the same conditions as before the pandemic. Even though we did not observe significant changes in disease-free survival of early-stage cervical cancers, we expect the excess of cases diagnosed in later stages to have lower survival rates, imposing the healthcare systems to consider different strategies for these patients while the pandemic is still ongoing