6 research outputs found

    Spożycie alkoholu przez uczniów po 18. roku życia uczęszczających do warszawskich szkół ponadgimnazjalnych

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    Introduction. Alcohol is the most widespread psychoactive substance both among teenagers and adults. It takes third place in the rating of health risk factors.Aim. Analysis of alcohol consumption by young adults aged eighteen or above attending secondary schools in Warsaw.Material and methods. The research was conducted among 612 students aged 18 or above attending secondary schools. Research was conducted in the time between June 2011 and April 2012. The method used during the research was a diagnostic survey with a questionnaire technique.Results and conclusions. Over three quarters of students admits to alcohol consumption. Women (75%) consume alcohol less frequently than men (84%). The majority of the studied young adults of Warsaw attending secondary schools drink alcohol. The most popular alcohol among students is beer and vodka.Wstęp. Alkohol jest najbardziej rozpowszechnioną substancją psychoaktywną zarówno wśród nastolatków, jak i osób dorosłych. Zajmuje trzecie miejsce w klasyfikacji czynników ryzyka dla zdrowia.Cel pracy. Analiza spożycia alkoholu przez młodzież w wieku powyżej 18 lat uczęszczającą do warszawskich szkół ponadgimnazjalnych.Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto 612 uczniów po 18. roku życia, uczęszczających do szkół warszawskich. W badaniu zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z techniką ankietową.Wyniki i wnioski. Ponad 3/4 uczniów przyznaje się do picia alkoholu. Kobiety (75%) rzadziej spożywają alkohol niż mężczyźni (84%). Najchętniej konsumowanym alkoholem wśród osób deklarujących spożywanie go jest piwo i wódka. Na rodzaj pitego alkoholu i częstość jego spożywania mają wpływ płeć i rodzaj szkoły, do której uczęszczali uczniowie


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    StreszczenieWstępUdar mózgu charakteryzuje się pojawieniem ogniskowych lub uogólnionych zaburzeń pracy mózgu na skutek przyczyn wyłącznienaczyniowych, trwających dłużej niż 24 godziny. Głównymi objawami klinicznymi udaru jest deficyt ruchowy i czuciowy orazzaburzenie widzenia i świadomości.Cel pracyOkreślenie problemów pielęgnacyjnych występujących po udarze niedokrwiennym mózgu, ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi nadziałania pielęgnacyjne podejmowane w środowisku domowym.Prezentacja przypadkuPrzedstawiono studium indywidualnego przypadku 80-letniej pacjentki po udarze niedokrwiennym mózgu, przebywającej w środowiskudomowym. Przeprowadzono wywiad środowiskowy z mężem podopiecznej.DyskusjaPacjentka wymaga pomocy przy wykonywaniu wszystkich czynności życiowych; wyłoniono 11 problemów pielęgnacyjnych i zaproponowanosposoby ich rozwiązania.WnioskiSzybkie rozpoznanie pierwszych symptomów, niezwłoczne powiadomienie służb ratownictwa medycznego to postępowanie rokująceskuteczność leczenia niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu.Słowa kluczowe: udar mózgu, pacjent, opieka domowa

    Effect of Humic Acids on Soybean Seedling Growth under Polyethylene-Glycol-6000-Induced Drought Stress

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    Humic substances (HS) are the most important natural biostimulant of plants. However, the relationship between their structure and biological activity in plants is still not well recognized. The objective of this paper was to assess the influence of molecular fractions of humic acids (HA) (HA 30 kDa) on reducing negative effects of drought stress in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seedlings of Progres and Nawiko cultivars. Drought stress was induced in laboratory conditions by the addition of polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) to make a water potential of −0.5 MPa. HA were extracted according to the International Humic Substances Society procedure, and then were separated into two molecular fractions by membrane filtration. The following physiological and biometric parameters were determined: chlorophyll content, photosynthesis activity, electrical conductivity, fresh and dry mass of overground and roots, and plant length. The enzyme activity and ion contents were also measured. Differences in response to drought stress with the addition of HA 30 kDa or not to the Hoagland’s solution were observed among studied cultivars. Drought stress caused a decrease in the most physiological parameters and increase in peroxidase activity in the case of both studied cultivars. However, the results of biometric measurements showed that the Progres cultivar appears to have better tolerance to drought stress. The significant influence of water deficit on most macroelement content in dry matter leaves of both studied cultivars was not observed, while its effect on microelement uptake by soybean plants was concluded. In the case of the Progres cultivar, the results showed a significant decrease in microelement content in the dry matter of leaves, whereas in the leaves of Nawiko cultivar there was a significant increase. The influence of HA > 30 kDa and HA 30 kDa fraction better up-regulated the antioxidant defense system. Unfortunately, no effect of either HA fraction on the macro- and micronutrients uptake system of both studied cultivars was observed

    Effect of Humic Acids on Soybean Seedling Growth under Polyethylene-Glycol-6000-Induced Drought Stress

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    Humic substances (HS) are the most important natural biostimulant of plants. However, the relationship between their structure and biological activity in plants is still not well recognized. The objective of this paper was to assess the influence of molecular fractions of humic acids (HA) (HA < 30 kDa and HA > 30 kDa) on reducing negative effects of drought stress in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seedlings of Progres and Nawiko cultivars. Drought stress was induced in laboratory conditions by the addition of polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) to make a water potential of −0.5 MPa. HA were extracted according to the International Humic Substances Society procedure, and then were separated into two molecular fractions by membrane filtration. The following physiological and biometric parameters were determined: chlorophyll content, photosynthesis activity, electrical conductivity, fresh and dry mass of overground and roots, and plant length. The enzyme activity and ion contents were also measured. Differences in response to drought stress with the addition of HA < 30 kDa and HA > 30 kDa or not to the Hoagland’s solution were observed among studied cultivars. Drought stress caused a decrease in the most physiological parameters and increase in peroxidase activity in the case of both studied cultivars. However, the results of biometric measurements showed that the Progres cultivar appears to have better tolerance to drought stress. The significant influence of water deficit on most macroelement content in dry matter leaves of both studied cultivars was not observed, while its effect on microelement uptake by soybean plants was concluded. In the case of the Progres cultivar, the results showed a significant decrease in microelement content in the dry matter of leaves, whereas in the leaves of Nawiko cultivar there was a significant increase. The influence of HA > 30 kDa and HA < 30 KDa fractions on physiological features of both studied cultivars was varied. HA > 30 kDa fraction better up-regulated the antioxidant defense system. Unfortunately, no effect of either HA fraction on the macro- and micronutrients uptake system of both studied cultivars was observed

    Selected aspects of allergy nursing

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    Introduction. Due to their dynamic character, allergic conditions pose challenges for modern medicine and constitute a public health problem. Nearly 40% of the general Polish population is estimated to suffer from an allergy. We would like to emphasize that allergies are not some extraordinary ailments; instead, they commonly coincide with or are complications of other systemic conditions. Hence, national health policies should prioritize the development and implementation of ready-to-use protocols that focus mainly on prevention rather than treatment