26 research outputs found

    Phenotype of De Novo Generated Cells in the Spinal Cord of Adult Macaque Monkeys

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    Neuronal stem and progenitor cells exist in the spinal cord of sexually mature mammals. Òhåy play an important role during repaining processes after in- jury, but their proliferation and differentiation are limited. In the present study we used the proliferative marker bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for a short (2 h) and three longer survival periods (2, 5 and 10 weeks) to investigate the quantity, topography and fate of de novo generated cells in intact spinal cord of adult pri- mates (macaque monkeys). We applied as well single or in combinations markers for mesenchymal cells or/ and neuronal stem/progenitor cells to demonstrate the phenotype of the proliferating cells. We found that af- ter the short period of BrdU application (2 h) the num- ber of BrdU+ cells is significantly elevated only in the cervical segments. Most of the cells in the ependymal layer are immunopositive for Vimentin or/and Nestin. This is an indice for their cellular belonging. A con- siderable number of Vimentin+ cells of the ependy- mal layer form long characteristic processes directed to underlying blood capillaries. Òhis indicates their participation as a component of the ependymal cellu- lar niche. The presence of BrdU+/Nestin+ cells in the central canal surrounding zone confirms the existence of dividing neuronal stem/progenitor cells cells in the spinal cord of adult primates

    Еxpression of Transcriptional Factor SOX2 in Populations of Cortical Progenitors in Human Fetal Telencephalon

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    Cerebral cortex оf mammals is mainly generated during the embryonic period by stem cells and their derivative progenitors in the palium of the developing telencephalon. Various genes in complex interactions are involved in the processes of differentiation of the cerebral neurons. Transcriotional factor Sox2 plays a key role for self renewing and sustaining multipotency of embryonic neural stem/progenitor cells. Data about the expression and function of Sox2 in human fetal brain are insufficient and controversial.In the present sudy tissue samples of spontaneously aborted human fetuses aged between 12th to 28th gestational weeks (g. w.) were examined by a standard histological and immunohistochemical technique for paraffin sections. Sox2 expression was followed in the zones of cellular proliferation and migration in the occipital lobe of human fetal telencephalon mainly during 17th g. w. Within ventricular and outer subventricular zones we detected similar amount approximately 45% Sox2+ cells, whereas in the intermediate zone, cortical plate and marginal zone expression of Sox2 was not found.The data obtained on the location and expression dynamics of Sox2 contribute to a more complete understanding of neural stem/progenitor cell biology during embryonic neurogenesis in the human cerebral cortex

    Quantity and Distribution of Proliferating Cells in the Juvenile and Adult Primate Spinal Cord

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    ÃŒultipotent progenitors exist in the adult mam- malian central nervous system, capable of producing both neurons and glia. Their proliferation in the spi- nal cord is limited. Generation of putative stem/pro- genitor cells has been reported in intact and injured spinal cord of rodents and in a limited number in monkeys with a spinal injury, but not in intact spi- nal cord in vivo. We recently reported de novo gener- ated cells in the intact spinal cord of macaque mon- keys. Here we extend these findings by showing data of intact juvenile and neonatal monkey spinal cord. We used bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to label the de novo generated cells in the experimental animals and stud- ied their quantity and distribution at different time- points after the BrdU infusion. As expected, we found a significant elevation of the BrdU-labeled cells at neo- natal stage. However, there was no difference between juvenile and adult stages. These results suggest that the survival of newly born cells in the intact primate spinal cord does not change after juvenile stage and this could be used to further study repair mechanisms in adult primate spinal cord

    Proliferating cells in the adult primate cerebellar cortex after ischemia

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    INTRODUCTION: Brain ischemia is a devastating neurological condition with significant medical and social impact. Here we investigated the effect of experimental ischemia of different duration on the ability of the adult macaque cerebellum to produce new cells of specific phenotypes.MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used a well-established model of global brain ischemia in young adult Japanese monkeys applying bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for 5 days х 100 mg/kg daily. Animals were distributed into different experimental and control groups depending on postischemic survival periods: 4, 9, 15, 23, 44 days (D) and BrdU starting day. Immunohistochemical detection of BrdU+ cells, Iba1+ microglia and GFAP+ astroglia was performed on cryosections. Statistical evaluation of newly generated cells with phenotyping for microglia and astrocytes in various cortical layers of the cerebellum were done.RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS: The numbers of BrdU+ cells in some ischemic groups were significantly higher compared to control animals. By cerebrocerebellum, there was an increasing value by D4 group compared to the control, then slightly reducing in D9 and D15 groups and increasing again by D23 and D44 groups. In the spinocerebellum, an increase was detected only in D44 group. The newly generated cells were dispersed in all cerebellar cortical layers with highest concentration in Purkinje cell layer. Our data show that ischemia stimulates cellular proliferation in the cerebellum but this effect declines with time after ischemia. We found evidence for generation of new microglia but not for astroglia. Our data may contribute to a better understanding of regeneration in the cerebellum after brain ischemia

    Еxpression of transcriptional factors PAX2 and PAX6 in primate cerebellum related to the age and following ischemiа

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    Гените от фамилията Pax играят важна роля в пролиферацията на множествени клетъчни линии, при формирането на различни органи, включително в развитието и организацията на нервната система. В последно време беше установено значението на два транскрипционни фактора (ТФ) от тази група - pax2 и pax6 в тъканната регенерация и специално за Pax6 гена - нова функция в сегментната организация на задния мозък (Metencephalon).Целта на настоящото изследване беше да проучим присъствието, разпределението и динамиката на тези два ТФ в малкия мозък на новородени, едногодишни и половозрели в млада възраст японски маймуни (Macaca fuscata), при последните и след глобална мoзъчната исхемия. Според възрастта (новородени, едногодишни и възрастни) и срока на преживяемост след исхемията при възрастните (съответно 9 или 15 дни) животните бяха разпределени в няколко контролни и експериментални групи. Приложихме флуоресцентна имунохистохимична техника за оцветяване на замразени срези от малкия мозък за изтъкване на pax2 и pax6.При новородените животни единични Pax2(+) клетки се откриват предимно във вътрешния зърнест слой на малкия мозък и в слоя на клетките на Пуркиние. В по-късна възраст количеството им значително намалява. В групите с исхемия единични Pax2(+) клетки се разполагат в слоя на клетките на Пуркиние и зърнестия слой без разлика в местоположението и количеството в сравнение с контролите.Pax6(+) клетки се откриват в големи количества във всички слоеве на кората на малкия мозък при новородени животни, докато при едногодишните маймуни такива клетки се установяват основно във вътрешния зърнест слой. При възрастните животни от контролната група типичната им локализация е само в зърнестия слой без разлика в сравнение с групите с исхемия.Получените данни потвърждават и допълват достъпната информация относно наличието и типичното разпределение на тези два ТФ в малкия мозък в хода на развитието, без да се установяват промени след глобална мозъчна исхемия.The genes of Pax family play important roles in the proliferation of multiple cell lines, formation of various organs, including the development and organization of the central nervous system. Lately, it was found the significance of two transcriptional factors (ТFs) of this group - pax2 and pax6 in tissue regeneration, especially for Pax6 gene - a novel function in the segmental organization of the hindbrain.The goal of the present investigation was to study the presence, distribution and dynamics of these two TF in the cerebella of newborn, one-year old and young adult Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata), by the latter also after global brain ischemia. According to the age (newborn, one-year old and adult) and period of survival time after ischemia by the adults (9 or 15 days respectively), animals ware distributed in several control and experimental groups. We applied fluorescent immunohistochemical technique for staining cryo-sections of cerebellum for demonstration of pax2 and pax6.By the newborn animals Pax2(+) cells were found mainly in the inner granular cell layer of the cerebellum and in the layer of Purkinje cells. At later age their quantity was reduced. In the ischemic groups single Pax2(+) cells were located in the Purkinje cell layer and granular cell layer without difference in the location and amount compared with controls.Pax6(+) cells were found in large amount in all layers of the cerebellar cortex by newborn animals, whereas by one-year old monkeys such cells were found mainly in the inner granular layer. By adult animals of the control group their typical location was only in the granular layer, there was no difference in comparison with the ischemic groups.The data received conferm and expand the available information related to the presence and typical distribution of these two ТFs in the cerebellum in the course of postnatal development without establishment of changes following global brain ischemia

    Physicochemical, thermodynamic and thermal properties of linalyl acetate-ethanol-water system

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    Some physicochemical, thermodynamic and thermal properties of linalyl acetate - ethanol - water solutions with different ethanol concentrations (70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, and 95%) in three ratios (1:5, 1:6, and 1:7) were determined. The properties were calculated to describe the stability of the system. Multiply linear regression model was obtained for surface tension prediction. Good correlation was observed between calculated and experimental surface tension values

    Physicochemical and thermodynamic properties of solutions of clary sage (

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    Clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.) essential oil-ethanol-water system was investigated. The surface tension, density and refractive index of clary sage essential oil + ethanol (70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, and 95%) solutions were measured. The chemical composition of solutions (ratio 1:5, 1:6, and 1:7) was determined using GC/MS analysis. According the experimental results ternary phase diagrams were constructed. Comparative revue between experimental and calculated surface tension data was done. After analyses good correlation between two surface tension values was observe

    Investigation of the thermodynamic and thermal properties of clary sage (

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    The some physochemical and chemical properties of the clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.) essential oil were determined. The main constituents in the clary sage essential oil (above 2%) were: linalyl acetate (34.62%), β-linalool (17.67%), α-muurolene (8.27%), β-caryophyllene (5.60%), α-ylangene (5.18%), α-terpineol (4.84%), n-docosane (3.00%), and neryl acetate (2.34%).The thermodynamic and thermal properties of essential oil and its main components were investigated

    Analysis of the pharmacotherapeutic effectiveness of the tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in a single hematology center in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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    Aim. The aim of this study is to evaluate treatment retrospectively, response to the therapy and outcomes in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and to what extent the European recommendations of LeukemiaNET (ELN) are followed at the Hematology Clinic, University Hospital “St. Georgi”, MU Plovdiv. Methods. All patients with Ph+, BCR-ABL1+ CML who were treated and observed between 01.01.2018 and 12.31.2022 at the clinic were included in the study and were analyzed retrospectively. Results. One hundred and eighty-eight patients with a mean age of 61.26 (21–91) years were analyzed. 151 (80.3%) were in chronic phase (CP), 27 (14.4%) in accelerating one and 10 (5.3%) in blast crisis. The actual overall survival rate was 79.26%, while for CP it is very high – 86.75%, and the mortality rate is 20.74%. All patients received some form of tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy (TKIs-therapy). The first line TKI was imatinib in 120 patients (64%), and 68 (36%) received a second-generation TKI. Treatment response was monitored with TKIs by RT-qPCR. Conclusion. CML patients treated in the hematology clinic receive standard care in accordance with ELN and BMSH recommendations. Overall survival (OS) in routine care is comparable to published data from international studies. Molecular monitoring provides a good basis for disease control in CP. There are unmet needs in the treatment of patients in advanced stages

    Designing and implementing teachers' training sessions in a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood. The ToyBox-study

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    Since school-based interventions are mainly delivered by the school staff, they need to be well-trained and familiarized with the programme's aims, procedures and tools. Therefore, the institute, research group, governmental or non-governmental body in charge of the coordination and implementation of the programme needs to devote time and resources to train the school staff before programme's implementation. This is particularly crucial in multi-centre studies where more than one research teams are involved. Both research teams and school staff need to be trained, using standard protocols and procedures, to ensure that the intervention will be delivered in a standardized manner throughout the intervention centres. The ToyBox-intervention, a multi-component, kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention, focusing on water consumption, snacking, physical activity and sedentary behaviours in preschool children, was implemented over the academic year 2012-2013 in six European countries. As part of this intervention, three teachers' training sessions were delivered to motivate and train teachers in implementing the intervention. The local researchers were trained centrally before delivering the training sessions for the teachers and followed a common protocol using standardized presentations and procedures. The aim of the current paper is to describe the protocol and methodological issues related to the teachers' training sessions conducted within the ToyBox-intervention