9,482 research outputs found

    On the turbulent energy cascade in anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    The problem of the occurrence of an energy cascade for Alfv\'enic turbulence in solar wind plasmas was hystorically addressed by using phenomenological arguments based to the weakness of nonlinear interactions and the anisotropy of the cascade in wave vectors space. Here, this paradox is reviewed through the formal derivation of a Yaglom relation from anisotropic Magnetohydrodynamic equation. The Yaglom relation involves a third-order moment calculated from velocity and magnetic fields and involving both Els\"asser vector fields, and is particularly useful to be used as far as spacecraft observations of turbulence are concerned

    Charge and Magnetic Flux Correlations in Chern-Simons Theory with Fermions

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    Charge and magnetic flux bearing operators are introduced in Chern-Simons theory both in its pure form and when it is coupled to fermions. The magnetic flux creation operator turns out to be the Wilson line. The euclidean correlation functions of these operators are shown to be local and are evaluated exactly in the pure case and through an expansion in the inverse fermion mass whenever these are present. Physical states only occur in the presence of fermions and consist of composite charge-magnetic flux carrying states which are in general anyonic. The large distance behavior of the correlation functions indicates the condensation of charge and magnetic flux.Comment: Latex, 17 page

    Determining the prevalence of malnutritionin hospitalised paediatric patients

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    Aim. To determine the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalised paediatric patients at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. Method. A 1-day cross-sectional survey was completed in all medical and surgical wards and some specialist outpatient clinics. Results. A total of 227 children participated in the study. Thirty-five per cent of patients were moderately malnourished (b -2 z-score), of whom 70% had no road to health card with them. Thirty-four per cent of children under 60 months of age received supplements in addition to a normal ward diet, 7.8% were enterally fed and less than 1% were parenterally fed. Almost 14% of children were found to be overweight/ obese, which is higher than the national average of 6%. The prevalence of HIV infection on the day of the audit was 18% across all age groups compared with the Western Cape antenatal prevalence of 15.7% (2005). Conclusion. The overall prevalence of undernutrition was 34%, which is comparable with similar studies. However, the proportion of overweight children (14%) was greater than the national average. In view of the level of malnutrition seen, a nutrition risk-screening tool, identifying risk factors for malnutrition such as food access and vulnerability, should be developed. The tool should be used to assess nutrition status and risk during the course of hospitalisation, in addition to planning appropriate nutrition care plan interventions for discharge

    Prevalence of bacterial contamination of powdered infant feeds in a hospital enviroment

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    Background. The study arose as part of a best-practice nutrition model regarding the introduction of ready-to-use (RTU) infant feeds in place of powdered infant feeds (PIFs) as a standard formula for infants under the age of 1 year who are unable to be breastfed. Internationally and locally there is grave concern regarding the safety and efficacy of mixing PIFs, especially in a hospital setting, and the resultant bacterial contamination causing enteric infections, especially in premature, immunocompromised and sick infants. Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of bacterial contamination of PIFs given to infants at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Cape Town. Methods. Quantitative levels of bacterial contamination were determined and were expressed as colony-forming units (CFUs) per millilitre of sample. Aliquots of milk were inoculated onto agar, and the milk samples were then incubated at 25o C overnight (N = 10), 30o C overnight (N = 48) and 30o C for 6 hours (N = 34). Post-incubation milk samples were cultured again. Contamination was defined as any positive culture before administration (i.e. pre incubation) or > 102 CFU/ ml after administration (i.e. post incubation). Results. Fifty samples of PIFs (N = 82) were contaminated pre incubation, with 25/82 samples (30.4%) being heavily contaminated (≥ 104 CFU/ml). Post incubation, 43/92 samples (46.7%) were contaminated with > 102 CFU/ml. The acidified PIFs appeared to have some bactericidal effect against some of the organisms, but not all. Conclusions. RTU infant feeds are sterile and are recommended for use in all hospitalised infants. The results of this study indicate that even when milk is prepared in a controlled environment there is significant bacterial contamination of PIFs post production. As RTU feeds are now readily available in South Africa every attempt should be made to use a sterile RTU system for hospitalised infant

    Sulle orme del consumatore affinity analysis e knowledge visualization per il processo decisionale

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    L\u2019articolo analizza i reali comportamenti di acquisto dell\u2019acquirente all\u2019interno del punto vendita e individua i pattern latenti pi\uf9 significativi attraverso un\u2019analisi di affinit\ue0 di 128.364 scontrini estratti da un dataset di 715.662 transazioni effettuate in un anno. Lo studio individua le strutture associative pi\uf9 ricorrenti relativamente alla singola merceologia. Attraverso la tecnica della Market Basket Analysis \ue8 stato possibile individuare le categorie merceologiche che creano \u201cpoli d\u2019attrazione\u201d sul punto vendita stimolando acquisti di altre categorie. In particolar modo, applicando le regole associative sul punto vendita \ue8 stato possibile identificare le \u201caree calde\u201d e le \u201caree fredde\u201d. L\u2019articolo evidenzia quindi alcune riflessioni sulle strategie che possono adottare gli store manager

    A fast feasibility tool for the assessment of fuel switch in the concept design of merchant ships

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    Due to the utmost importance of international maritime transport within the global economy, shipping contributes substantially to the emission of pollutants and Greenhouse Gases. Consequently, it is called to reduce its environmental impact, in accordance with the regulations that will enter into force in the next years. In this framework, innovative technologies can find fruitful applications in new constructions, but there is still a significant number of operating ships that needs to be technologically updated. Nonetheless, since these ships may be already in the middle of their service life, revamping operations must take into account the purpose of both reducing pollution and avoiding long and expensive interventions. The sustainability-oriented production is one of the most discussed topics and in this paper, the authors aim at describing the potential technologies and solutions to adapt operating ships to the future emission threshold limits. Then, they propose a tool for supporting energy conversion studies on ships. The tool was tested on an Oil Tanker selected as a case study; different layouts exploiting the use of liquefied natural gas, ammonia, and methanol as alternative fuels were analysed. The considered technological solutions were compared on the basis of both technical and economic aspects. Indeed, technological feasibility and economic viability represent the most important discriminants for the diffusion of such innovations on a wide scale and in particular for commercial vessels employed predominantly in long and international voyages

    Number statistics for β\beta-ensembles of random matrices: applications to trapped fermions at zero temperature

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    Let Pβ(V)(NI)\mathcal{P}_{\beta}^{(V)} (N_{\cal I}) be the probability that a N×NN\times N β\beta-ensemble of random matrices with confining potential V(x)V(x) has NIN_{\cal I} eigenvalues inside an interval I=[a,b]{\cal I}=[a,b] of the real line. We introduce a general formalism, based on the Coulomb gas technique and the resolvent method, to compute analytically Pβ(V)(NI)\mathcal{P}_{\beta}^{(V)} (N_{\cal I}) for large NN. We show that this probability scales for large NN as Pβ(V)(NI)exp(βN2ψ(V)(NI/N))\mathcal{P}_{\beta}^{(V)} (N_{\cal I})\approx \exp\left(-\beta N^2 \psi^{(V)}(N_{\cal I} /N)\right), where β\beta is the Dyson index of the ensemble. The rate function ψ(V)(kI)\psi^{(V)}(k_{\cal I}), independent of β\beta, is computed in terms of single integrals that can be easily evaluated numerically. The general formalism is then applied to the classical β\beta-Gaussian (I=[L,L]{\cal I}=[-L,L]), β\beta-Wishart (I=[1,L]{\cal I}=[1,L]) and β\beta-Cauchy (I=[L,L]{\cal I}=[-L,L]) ensembles. Expanding the rate function around its minimum, we find that generically the number variance Var(NI){\rm Var}(N_{\cal I}) exhibits a non-monotonic behavior as a function of the size of the interval, with a maximum that can be precisely characterized. These analytical results, corroborated by numerical simulations, provide the full counting statistics of many systems where random matrix models apply. In particular, we present results for the full counting statistics of zero temperature one-dimensional spinless fermions in a harmonic trap.Comment: 34 pages, 19 figure

    Duality, Quantum Skyrmions and the Stability of an SO(3) Two-Dimensional Quantum Spin-Glass

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    Quantum topological excitations (skyrmions) are analyzed from the point of view of their duality to spin excitations in the different phases of a disordered two-dimensional, short-range interacting, SO(3) quantum magnetic system of Heisenberg type. The phase diagram displays all the phases, which are allowed by the duality relation. We study the large distance behavior of the two-point correlation function of quantum skyrmions in each of these phases and, out of this, extract information about the energy spectrum and non-triviality of these excitations. The skyrmion correlators present a power-law decay in the spin-glass(SG)-phase, indicating that these quantum topological excitations are gapless but nontrivial in this phase. The SG phase is dual to the AF phase, in the sense that topological and spin excitations are respectively gapless in each of them. The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless mechanism guarantees the survival of the SG phase at T0T \neq 0, whereas the AF phase is washed out to T=0 by the quantum fluctuations. Our results suggest a new, more symmetric way of characterizing a SG-phase: one for which both the order and disorder parameters vanish, namely =0 = 0 , =0 =0 , where σ\sigma is the spin and μ\mu is the topological excitation operators.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    A Rational Approach to the Ecological Transition in the Cruise Market: Technologies and Design Compromises for the Fuel Switch

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    Supporting policies to achieve a green revolution and ecological transition is a global trend. Although the maritime transport of goods and people can rightly be counted among the least polluting sectors, much can be done to further reduce its environmental footprint. Moreover, to boost the ecological transition of vessels, a whole series of international regulations and national laws have been promulgated. Among these, the most impactful on both design and operational management of ships concern the containment of air-polluting emissions in terms of GHG, NOx, SOx and PM. To address this challenge, it might seem that many technologies already successfully used in other transport sectors could be applied. However, the peculiar characteristics of ships make this statement not entirely true. In fact, technological solutions recently adopted, for example, in the automotive sector must deal with the large size of vessels and the consequent large amount of energy necessary for their operation. In this paper, with reference to the case study of a medium/large-sized passenger cruise ship, the use of different fuels (LNG, ammonia, hydrogen) and technologies (internal combustion engines, fuel cells) for propulsion and energy generation on board will be compared. By imposing the design constraint of not modifying the payload and the speed of the ship, the criticalities linked to the use of one fuel rather than another will be highlighted. The current limits of application of some fuels will be made evident, with reference to the state of maturity of the relevant technologies. Furthermore, the operational consequences in terms of autonomy reduction will be presented. The obtained results underline the necessity for shipowners and shipbuilders to reflect on the compromises required by the challenges of the ecological transition, which will force them to choose between reducing payload or reducing performance