60 research outputs found

    Uticaj inokulacije soje na mikrobiološku aktivnost zemljišta

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    Soil fertility is associated with the activity of soil microflora, which in its turn depends on the content of organic matter in soil, soil moisture, temperature and pH, mineral nutrition, effectiveness of nodular bacteria and the crop grown. An experiment was established in 2002 at Rimski Šančevi experiment field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in which the soybean variety Afrodita was treated with microbial fertilizers NS-Nitragin and BactoFil B. The soybean variety and NS-Nitragin have been developed at the Institute, while BactoFil B comes from Hungary. The experimental design was random blocks with four replications. Each replication consisted of six 5-m rows spaced 0.5 m apart. Seed inoculation variants were: noninoculated control (Ø); inoculation with NS-Nitragin for soybean (N) immediately before planting; inoculation with NS-Nitragin and BaktoFil B incorporation in soil (N+Bac.B). We monitored the effect of inoculation on soil biological activity and effectiveness of the symbiotic association. The microbial fertilizers NS-Nitragin and BactoFil B positively affected the presence of the analyzed microbial groups in the soil. The microbial fertilizers improved the agrochemical and biological properties of the soil. The incorporation of the microorganisms also affected the effectiveness of the symbiotic association. Soybean yield was highest in the variant of inoculation with NS-Nitragin and BactoFil B incorporation in the soil. .Plodnost zemljišta vezana je sa aktivnošću njene mikroflore, koja zavisi od sadržaja organske materije u zemljištu, vlažnosti zemljišta, temperature, pH sredine, mineralne ishrane, efektivnosti kvržičnih bakterija kao i od biljke domaćina. Na Oglednim poljima Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Šančevima u toku 2002 godine je postavljen ogled sa sojom (Afrodita) uz primenu mikrobiološkog đubriva NS-Nitragina i BactoFila B. Genotip soje poreklom je iz Instituta kao i mikrobiološki preparat NS-Nitragin za soju, a BactoFil B poreklom je iz Mađarske Ogled je postavljen po slučajnom blok sistemu u 4 ponavljanja, svako ponavljanje sadržalo je šest redova, dužine 5m, razmak između redova bio je 0,5m. Varijante inokulacije semena su bile: kontrolna (Ø) (neinokulisana); varijanta inokulisano seme neposredno pred setvu NS-Nitraginom za soju (N); inokulisano seme sa NS-Nitraginom i inkorporirani BaktoFil B u zemljište (N+Bac.B) Praćen je efekat inokulacije na biološku aktivnost zemljišta i efektivnost simbiotske zajednice. Mikrobiološka đubriva NS-Nitragin i BactoFil B utiču pozitivno na zastupljenost ispitivanih grupa mikroorganizama u zemljištu. Primenom mikrobioloških đubriva poboljšavaju se agrohemijske i biološke osobine zemljišta, unošenjem mikroorganizama koji obavljaju određene procese u zemljištu utiče se i na efektivnost simbiotske zajednice. Prinos zrna soje najveći je kod inokulacije semena sa NS-Nitraginom i inkorporiranim BactoFilom B u zemljište.

    The study of the magnetically tailored atmospheric pressure dc arc plasma with aerosol supply for analytical application

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    Preliminary studies have shown that external oscillatory magnetic fields of a few mT imposed to the atmospheric pressure DC argon arc plasma with aerosol supply, can produce significant favourable changes of its spatial and spectral characteristic. These changes are promising for improvement the analytical performance of such treated plasma. In this work, the applied magnetic fields strengths were in the range of 29- 23 mT and frequencies of 300-900 Hz. Spatial emission intensities of several element lines have been investigated in such magnetic field-plasma configuration with various plasma operating conditions and arc device construction modifications. Applied magnetic field induces lines emission intensity enhancements of the most elements observed. Enhancements (up to 20 times) depend on arc current, magnetic field strength and frequency applied, composition of sprayed solution, spatial plasma zone observed and construction detailsPhysical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Study of a long term processes in d.c. argon arc plasma by square power modulation with variable low current period

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    U-shaped d.c. argon stabilized arc with aerosol supply was investigated by current modulation between 9 and 3 A level and low current period lasting from 0.05 to 40 ms. The variable low current period has great influence on delayed line intensity response that provides information about a recombination and transport processes in plasma. The obtained results indicate that plasma slowly reaches stationary state and that processes related to changes in atom concentration play important role. Character of temporal responses strongly depends on first ionization energy of analyte.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    An experimental study of radial symmetry deviation in dc argon arc plasma by current modulation technique

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    A current square modulation technique is used to investigate radial asymmetry of plasma column of argon stabilized direct current U-shaped arc. By monitoring the temporal behavior of spectral line intensities (in a millisecond domain) for various elements, it was observed that nonhomogeneous emission was much more pronounced for current modulated arc plasma compared to the stationary regime plasma. The reason for such behavior, for this as well as for other arc sources, lies in a mode the stream of argon with aerosol is introduced into the arc plasma.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Uticaj inokulacije i đubrenja na efektivnost azotofiksacije kod pasulja

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    The legume family is comprised of a highly diverse set of plant species essential to animal and human nutrition. The introduction of effective strains of nodule bacteria during bean sowing increases nitrogen fixation and enables these plant species to be grown even on less fertile soils. This paper has studied the effects of inoculation and fertilization on nitrogen fixation parameters in the bean variety Belko. Sowing was done by hand and the seeds were inoculated using the microbiological fertilizer NS-Nitragin which contained a mixture of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Phaseoli strains specific to bean as a crop species. Both the bean genotype and NS-Nitragin fertilizer used originate from the Institute. Plant dry matter mass and nitrogen content were determined at flowering, while grain dry matter mass per plant, number of pods formed, and grain number per pod were measured at physiological maturity. The basic agrochemical soil analyses were performed just before sowing, at flowering and at physiological maturity. Plant nitrogen was determined according to Kjeldahl. The trial was established at the Rimski Šančevi Experiment Field and the trial treatments were as follows 1) 0 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 2) 50 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 3) 100 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 4) 50 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 5) 200 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 6) 250 kg/ha + HR + 50 kg/ha N every three years; 7) 0 kg/ha; 8) 100 kg/ha; and 9) 200 kg/ha. No NPK mineral fertilizers were incorporated and the phosphorus and potassium rates were the same (80 kg/ha P2O5 and K2O) in all of the treatments. In treatments 1 through 6 harvest residues (HR) were incorporated by plowing under, and every three years 50 kg/ha N were added after wheat. In treatments 7, 8 and 9 harvest residues were removed. Each treatment consisted of an inoculated and a noninoculated version. The study results showed that inoculation had a positive effect on the symbiotic association parameters concerned, i.e. the plant length, dry matter mass, pod number per plant, grain number per pod and plant nitrogen content of the inoculated plants from all of the treatments were on average greater than those of the noninoculated ones. The different fertilization treatments had different effects on the effectiveness of the symbiotic association as well. The amount of nitrogen fixed ranged from 13.68 to 68.97 kg N/ha, averaging 23.31 kg N/ha. No nitrogen fixation occurred in treatments 5 and 9.U radu je ispitan uticaj inokulacije i đubrenja na parametre azotofiksacije kod sorte pasulja Belko. Ogled je izveden na oglednim poljima Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. Inokulacija semena je izvršena sa mikrobiološkim đubrivom NS-Nitraginom za pasulj. Genotip pasulja Belko i NS-Nitragin poreklom su iz Instituta. U fazi cvetanja i u fazi fiziološke zrelosti urađena je i osnovna agrohemijska analiza zemljišta. U obe faze analizirana je masa biljke (nadzemni deo, koren i kvržice), sadržaj azota u biljci, masa zrna po biljci, broj formiranih mahuna i broj zrna po mahuni. Inokulacija je uticala na povećanje sadržaja humusa i sadržaj ukupanog azota u zemljištu u većini kombinacija đubrenja. U proseku na svim varijantama đubrenja kod inokulisanih biljaka veća je masa suve materije biljke (korena nadzemnog dela i zrna), broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna po mahuni i sadržaj azota u biljci

    Uticaj elektromagnetnih talasa na početni porast pšenice

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    Three wheat varieties have been tested for the effect of low-frequency electromagnetic waves on their initial growth. Each variety was exposed to the waves of different frequencies. After treatment, seeds were germinated and plants were grown in water solution. The obtained results indicate that each frequency has a specific effect on root mass and aboveground part mass. When the variety Kremna was treated for improved root development, differences in mass were significant, 6.75 g per plant in fresh mass and 0.07 g per plant in dry mass, or 31.0 and 22.6%, respectively. Similar results were obtained for the variety Tera, 14.3 and 17.8%, respectively. When the varieties were treated for improved development of the aboveground part, there were no significant differences in root mass. Root masses of the treated variety Nevesinjka, were significantly higher than those in the control, by 28.6, respectively. Difference in the mass of the aboveground part was 14.3, respectively. In the varieties Kremna and Tera, at frequencies for im­proved development of the aboveground part, the differences were 7.3 and 22.1%, respectively.Ispitivanje uticaja elektmmagnetnih talasa, niske učestalosti, na početni razvoj pšenice izvedeno je na 3 sorte sa odgovarajućom učestalošću, za svaku sortu. Posle tretiranja seme je naklijano, a biljke gajene u vodenom rastvoru. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da različite učestalosti različito deluju na masu korena i masu nadzemnog dela. Kod sorte Kremna kada je forsiran razvoj korena, razlika u masi je bila značajna i iznosila je 6,75g po biljci sveže mase ili 0,07g po biljci suve mase (31,0 i 22,6%). Slični rezultati dobijeni su i kod sorte Tera (14,3 i 17,8%). U suprotnom slučaju kada je forsiran razvoj nadzemnog dela kod mase korena nije bilo statistički značajne razlike. Masa korena kod sorate Nevesinjka bila je značajno veća kod tretirane varijante u odnosu na kontrolu, razlika u masi korena je bila 28,6% a razlika u masi nadzemnog dela 14,3%. Kod sorata Kremna i Tera, na frekvencijama za nadzemni deo, razlika je bila 7,3 i 22,1%

    Manual making of hydrophobic paper as a part of occupational therapy and a method for improving the quality of life of persons with developmental disabilities

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    This paper presents the possibilities of making paper with increased water resistance as occupational therapy for people with developmental disabilities. Paper production using biodegradable additives was presented and their hydrophobicity was tested using the drop retention time method. It was found that papers containing an agent used for hydrophobization had a prolonged drop retention time. The efficiency of the functionalization of the paper structure and the hydrophobization agent was confirmed by FTIR-spectroscopy. The mechanical properties of all prepared samples were tested and it was determined that functionalization with rosin maleic anhydride sodium salt Na-(RMA) gives better results compared to sodium abietate (Na-Ab).У статті представлені можливості виготовлення паперу з підвищеною водостійкістю як ерготерапії для людей з вадами розвитку. Було представлено виробництво паперу з використанням біорозкладних добавок та перевірено їхню гідрофобність за методом часу утримання краплі. Було виявлено, що папери, що містять агент, який використовувався для гідрофобізації, мали подовжений час утримання крапель. Ефективність функціоналізації структури паперу та гідрофобізатора підтверджено методом FTIR-спектроскопії. Механічні властивості всіх підготовлених зразків перевіряли, і було визначено, що функціоналізація натрієвою сіллю малеїнового ангідриду каніфолі Na-(RMA) дає кращі результати порівняно з абієтатом натрію (Na-Ab)

    Primena modifikovanih tanina u antikorozionim alkidnim premazima

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    The study of the synthesis of anticorrosive inhibitors, based on chemically modified tannins, and their use in alkyd based coatings to improve anticorrosive properties is presented in this work. Two methods of tannin modification were applied: direct method using ammonium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide/ammonium chloride buffer or diethylenetriamine (DETA); and a two-step method including tannin modification with epichlorohydrin (ECH) in first step to produce epoxy modified tannin, ET, and further modification with heteroaromatic amines or linseed oil fatty acids (LFA) in second step. The obtained anticorrosive additives were characterized using ATR-FTIR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopies and elemental analysis. Epoxy, amino, hydroxyl, acid and iodine values of the synthesized inhibitors were determined according to standard methods. The prepared alkyd coating with tannin inhibitors was tested according to standard SRPS EN ISO 4628 method. Anticorrosive coating containing modified tannin based additive showed increased anticorrosive properties, good adhesion and coverage comparing to the coating with zinc phosphate additive. The alkyd coating films based on ET-LFA and ET modified with 2-amino-5- mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole showed best anticorrosive results.U ovom radu prikazana je sinteza antikorozionih aditiva na bazi hemijski modifikovanog tanina i njihova primena u alkidnim premazima u cilju poboljšanja antikorozionih svojstava. Prikazane su dve metode modifikacije tanina: direktna modifikacija tanina primenom amonijum-hidroksida, amonijum-hidroksid/amonijum-hlorid pufera ili dietilentriamina (DETA); i dvostepena modifikacija tanina koja u prvom stupnju uključuje modifikaciju epihlorhidrinom sa ciljem da se dobije tannin sa epoksi terminiranim funkcionalnim grupama, ET, i modifikaciju ET tanina sa heteroaromatičnim aminima ili masnim kiselinama izolovanim iz lanenog ulja (LFA) u drugom stupnju. Sintetisani antikorozioni aditivi su okarakterisani primenom ATR-FTIR, 1H i 13C NMR spektroskopija, i elementalnom analizom. Sadržaj epoksi, amino, hidroksilnih i karboksilnih grupa i vrednost jodnog broja sintetisanih aditiva određen je prema standardnim metodama. Alkidni premazi koji sadrže antikorozione aditive na bazi modifikovanog tanina ispitani su prema standardnoj SRPS EN ISO 4628 metodi. Antikorozivni alkidni premazi na bazi modfikovanih tanina pokazali su poboljšane antikorozione karakteristike i adheziju u poređenju sa alkidnim premazom na bazi cink-fosfata. Alkidni premazi koji sadrže dvostepeno modifikovani tanin sa LFA i 2-amino-5-merkapto-1,3,4-tiadiazolom pokazali su najbolje antikorozione karakteristike

    Preparation of CaO/γ-Al2O3 catalyst for biodiesel fuels. The catalytic activity in relation to thermal treatment

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    A heterogeneous base catalyst (CaO/γ-Al2O3) for biodiesel production from sunflower oil was prepared by the impregnation method. The catalyst was characterized by means of MIP and XRD methods. The catalytic activity of the nitrate-derived CaO/γ-Al2O3 was determined in relation to the calcination temperature ranging from 425 to 500 °C. The reaction was carried out in a batch type of reactor equipped with a reflux condenser. The maximum yield of biodiesel of almost 95% was achieved with the catalyst calcined at 475 °C under the following reaction conditions: reaction temperature of 60 °C, methanol to oil molar ratio of 12/1, reaction time of 5 h

    Mikrobiološka aktivnost - pokazatelj plodnosti i degradacije zemljišta

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    U zemljištu su u velikom broju zastupljene sve do sada poznate sistematske grupe mikroorganizama (bakterije, gljive, alge, protozoe, virusi). U jednom gramu zemljišta u prošeku se nalazi oko milijardu bakterija, stotine hiljada gljiva, stotine algi i desetine protozoa. Biomasa mikroorganizama iznosi 0,5 do 5 tona po hektaru oraničnog sloja plodnog zemljišta a prema rezultatima Zavjagincev (1994), sveza biomasa mikrobiološkog porekla može da dostigne i do 20 tona po hektaru. Mikroorganizmi čine veoma funkcionalne mikrobiocenoze koje su prilagođene uslovima u zemljištu i zajedno sa florom i faunom daju zemljištu svojstva živog organizama