24 research outputs found

    Discontinuing Inappropriate Medication in Nursing Home Residents (DIM-NHR Study):Protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Nursing home residents often have a high number of comorbidities resulting in polypharmacy. Inappropriate prescribing is therefore likely to occur, which in turn is expected to worsen cognitive impairment, to increase the fall risk and to decrease residents' quality of life. The objective of the 'Discontinuing Inappropriate Medication in Nursing Home Residents' (DIM-NHR) study is to examine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the Multidisciplinary Multistep Medication Review (3MR) that is aimed at optimising prescribing and discontinuing inappropriate medication. METHODS: A cluster randomised controlled trial will be conducted. Elderly care physicians and their wards (clusters) will be randomised. Data will be collected at baseline and 4 months after the 3MR has taken place. Six hundred nursing home residents will be recruited of whom more than half are expected to suffer from dementia. The 3MR will be based on consensus criteria and the relevant literature and will be performed by the patient's elderly care physician in collaboration with a pharmacist. ANALYSIS: Primary outcomes-the difference in proportion of residents who successfully discontinued inappropriate medication between the intervention and control group at follow-up. Secondary outcomes-undertreatment, exposure to anticholinergic and sedative medicines, neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognitive function, falls, hospital admission, quality of life and cost-effectiveness. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Participant burden will be kept at a minimum. The elderly care physician will remain free to adjust medication when symptoms relapse or adverse events occur, rendering serious adverse events highly unlikely. Study findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals and a 3MR toolkit will be developed. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: This study has been registered at http://www.ClinicalTrials.gov (trial registration number: NCT01876095)

    Pharmacokinetics of gemcitabine in non-small-cell lung cancer patients: impact of the 79A>C cytidine deaminase polymorphism

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    To study the impact of the 79A > C polymorphism in the cytidine deaminase (CDA) gene on the pharmacokinetics of gemcitabine and its metabolite 2',2'-difluorodeoxyuridine (dFdU) in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Patients (n = 20) received gemcitabine 1,125 mg/m(2) as a 30 min i.v. infusion as part of treatment for NSCLC. Plasma samples were collected during 0-6 h after gemcitabine administration. Gemcitabine and dFdU were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. The CDA 79A > C genotype was determined with PCR and DNA sequencing. Gemcitabine was rapidly cleared from plasma and undetectable after 3 h. The allele frequency of the 79A > C polymorphism was 0.40. Diplotypes were distributed as A/A n = 8, A/C n = 8 ,and C/C n = 4. No significant differences were found between the different CDA genotypes and gemcitabine or dFdU AUC, clearance, or half-life. The 79A > C polymorphism in the CDA gene does not have a major consistent and signficant impact on gemcitabine pharmacokinetics

    Intragenic deletions and a deep intronic mutation affecting pre-mRNA splicing in the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene as novel mechanisms causing 5-fluorouracil toxicity

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    Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is the initial enzyme acting in the catabolism of the widely used antineoplastic agent 5-fluorouracil (5FU). DPD deficiency is known to cause a potentially lethal toxicity following administration of 5FU. Here, we report novel genetic mechanisms underlying DPD deficiency in patients presenting with grade III/IV 5FU-associated toxicity. In one patient a genomic DPYD deletion of exons 21–23 was observed. In five patients a deep intronic mutation c.1129–5923C>G was identified creating a cryptic splice donor site. As a consequence, a 44 bp fragment corresponding to nucleotides c.1129–5967 to c.1129–5924 of intron 10 was inserted in the mature DPD mRNA. The deleterious c.1129–5923C>G mutation proved to be in cis with three intronic polymorphisms (c.483 + 18G>A, c.959–51T>G, c.680 + 139G>A) and the synonymous mutation c.1236G>A of a previously identified haplotype. Retrospective analysis of 203 cancer patients showed that the c.1129–5923C>G mutation was significantly enriched in patients with severe 5FU-associated toxicity (9.1%) compared to patients without toxicity (2.2%). In addition, a high prevalence was observed for the c.1129–5923C>G mutation in the normal Dutch (2.6%) and German (3.3%) population. Our study demonstrates that a genomic deletion affecting DPYD and a deep intronic mutation affecting pre-mRNA splicing can cause severe 5FU-associated toxicity. We conclude that screening for DPD deficiency should include a search for genomic rearrangements and aberrant splicing

    New insights in pyrimidine antagonist chemotherapy : the role of pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics

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    Is de werking van een antikankermedicijn bij een patiënt genetisch bepaald? En hoe gedraagt zo’n middel zich in het lichaam? Jan Gerard Maring verrichtte onderzoek naar deze ‘farmacogenetica’ en ‘farmacokinetiek’ om tot een veiliger gebruik van medicijnen tegen kanker te komen. Zo ontdekte hij dat patiënten met leveruitzaaiingen geen aangepaste dosis van het middel 5-fluorouracil nodig hebben, omdat de farmacokinetiek niet wordt beïnvloed door verstoringen in de leverfunctie die ontstaan bij uitzaaiingen. Daarentegen blijkt een bepaald eiwit wel van zeer groot belang. Bij patiënten met een genetisch bepaald gebrek hieraan - 1 à 2 procent van de bevolking - heeft de behandeling zeer ernstige bijwerkingen, want normaal zou dit eiwit zorgen voor de afbraak van het middel 5-fluorouracil. Het blijkt dat met een test voorafgaand aan de behandeling bekeken kan worden of de patiënt die eiwitdeficiëntie heeft. Vervolgens onderzocht Maring het middel gemcitabine. Deze stof maakt kankercellen gevoeliger voor bestraling. De promovendus toonde aan hoe dit werkt: gemcitabine blijkt een specifiek DNA reparatiemechanisme te belemmeren. Bij longkankerpatiënten die een combinatiebehandeling krijgen van gemcitabine en epirubicine komt nogal eens mondslijmvliesontsteking voor. Maring onderzocht of dit komt door de uitscheiding van beide stoffen in speeksel, maar er blijkt slechts een geringe uitscheiding te vinden. Verder blijkt dat de farmacokinetiek van gemcitabine niet wordt beïnvloed door epirubicine. De verschillen in DNA codering van het eiwit dat gemcitabine afbreekt hebben geen belangrijke klinische effecten.

    Evaluation of 5-fluorouracil pharmacokinetic models and therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer patients

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    5-fluorouracil (5-FU) remains the cornerstone of all currently applied regimens for the treatment of patients with cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, breast, and head and neck. Unfortunately, a large variation in the clearance of 5-FU has been observed between patients, suggesting that some patients might receive nonoptimal 5-FU doses. However, therapeutic drug monitoring of 5-FU has been shown to result in reduced intra- and inter-individual variability in 5-FU plasma levels and pharmacokinetically guided dose adjustments of 5-FU-containing therapy results in a significantly improved efficacy and tolerability. To date, compartmental Michaelis-Menten elimination-based modeling has proven to be a sensitive and accurate tool for analyzing the pharmacokinetics of 5-FU and to identify patients with a dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency. These Michaelis-Menten models also allow the use of a limited sampling strategy and offer the opportunity to predict a priori the 5-FU plasma concentrations in patients receiving adapted doses of 5-F

    Genotypes Affecting the Pharmacokinetics of Anticancer Drugs

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    Cancer treatment is becoming more and more individually based as a result of the large inter-individual differences that exist in treatment outcome and toxicity when patients are treated using population-based drug doses. Polymorphisms in genes encoding drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters can significantly influence uptake, metabolism, and elimination of anticancer drugs. As a result, the altered pharmacokinetics can greatly influence drug efficacy and toxicity. Pharmacogenetic screening and/or drug-specific phenotyping of cancer patients eligible for treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs, prior to the start of anticancer treatment, can identify patients with tumors that are likely to be responsive or resistant to the proposed drugs. Similarly, the identification of patients with an increased risk of developing toxicity would allow either dose adaptation or the application of other targeted therapies. This review focuses on the role of genetic polymorphisms significantly altering the pharmacokinetics of anticancer drugs. Polymorphisms in DPYD, TPMT, and UGT1A1 have been described that have a major impact on the pharmacokinetics of 5-fluorouracil, mercaptopurine, and irinotecan, respectively. For other drugs, however, the association of polymorphisms with pharmacokinetics is less clear. To date, the influence of genetic variations on the pharmacokinetics of the increasingly used monoclonal antibodies has hardly been investigated. Some studies indicate that genes encoding the Fcγ-receptor family are of interest, but more research is needed to establish if screening before the start of therapy is beneficial. Considering the profound impact of polymorphisms in drug transporters and drug-metabolizing enzymes on the pharmacokinetics of chemotherapeutic drugs and hence, their toxicity and efficacy, pharmacogenetic and pharmacokinetic profiling should become the standard of car