2,101 research outputs found

    Assessing malpractice lawsuits for death or injuries due to amniotic fluid embolism

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    Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a pregnancy complication known to be extremely hard to diagnose, since it manifests itself abruptly and with no warning signs, presenting an incidence rate of about 1 in 40000 deliveries, and maternal morbidity and mortality ranging from 20% to 60%. Although almost a century has gone by since it was first identified (1926) and despite medical research having been conducted on such a syndrome, diagnostic procedures and treatment methods have not yet been clarified enough. Specific biochemical markers have been produced in research laboratories, but their clinical value results to be limited, given how rapid the pathological process moves forward. At the time being, no diagnosis is feasible which may effectively prevent the disease from occurring. Certainly, a multidisciplinary approach might contribute to saving the lives of mother and infant, as well as ensuring better life standards. The paper's authors aim to highlight the medico-legal issues, in light of several rulings from the Italian Constitutional Court as well as lower courts. The authors also advocate for the creation of a nation-wide registry meant to collect all signaled AFE instances so that research on this as yet devastating syndrome can be conducted based on hard data

    Recent trends in analytical methods to determine new psychoactive substances in hair

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    New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) belong to several chemical classes, including phenethylamines, piperazines, synthetic cathinones and synthetic cannabinoids. Development and validation of analytical methods for the determination of NPS both in traditional and alternative matrices is of crucial importance to study drug metabolism and to associate consumption to clinical outcomes and eventual intoxication symptoms. Among different biological matrices, hair is the one with the widest time window to investigate drug-related history and demonstrate past intake. The aim of this paper was to overview the trends of the rapidly evolving analytical methods for the determination of NPS in hair and the usefulness of these methods when applied to real cases. A number of rapid and sensitive methods for the determination of NPS in hair matrix has been recently published, most of them using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Hair digestion and subsequent solid phase extraction or liquid-liquid extraction were described as well as extraction in organic solvents. For most of the methods limits of quantification at picogram per milligram hair were obtained. The measured concentrations for most of the NPS in real samples were in the range of picograms of drug per milligram of hair. Interpretation of the results and lack of cut-off values for the discrimination between chronic consumption and occasional use or external contamination are still challenging. Methods for the determination of NPS in hair are continually emerging to include as many NPS as possible due to the great demand for their detection

    Ethics and/or aesthetics? reflections on cosmetic surgery for adolescents

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    Cosmetic surgery entails various ethical issues, even more so in cases involving adolescent patients. Cosmetic surgeons need to take into account how modern societies consider physical appearance an essential component of everyday life, as well as the vulnerability of youths and adolescents. For that reason, it is imperative to thoroughly assess the psychological and emotional states, in addition to the motivations, of minor patients. That goal can be achieved through the use of the DAS-59, (the Derriford Appearance Scale)1 , an effective and dependable tool devised to evaluate the psychological difficulties and distress experienced by people living with problems of appearance. Prior to undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures, adolescents should be required to go through adequate counseling, over multiple sessions and extended to their family members as well, on account of the complex issues inherent in evaluating the risk-benefit ratio and a prospective patient's decision-making capability. A concerted effort on the part of surgeons, psychiatrists or psychologists is key in determining the real motivations behind a minor's decision to opt for cosmetic surgery in the first place. Possible psychiatric conditions may in fact prevent a minor from making a free, informed decision. From an ethical standpoint, cosmetic surgery procedures should be geared to serve the best interest of the minor patient, who may experience distress over his or her body image, from a health and psychological balance perspective and improve his or her social, affective and working life. Besides, cosmetic surgery should not be overly invasive compared to its potential benefits. Those procedures aimed at achieving ″ideal beauty″ are not desirable and ought to be banned. By virtue of such criteria, the authors have set out to evaluate the ethical admissibility of some aesthetic treatments. Thus, doctors should not consent to any request coming from their patients, but rather, intervene only in presence of an objective physical flaw or deformity, e.g. protruding ears, which have a potential to negatively affect social life and interactions

    The reform of the Italian legislation on childhood immunization

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    Upon the proposal of the Italian government, Law n. 191/2017 has been enacted, meant to considerably raise the number of mandatory vaccinations, while leaving several others merely "recommended" (non-mandatory). Such a reform has proven necessary in light of the latest epidemiologic data reflecting a steady decrease in the rates of immunization coverage in most Italian regions over the past few years, including mandatory vaccinations. Court rulings that held vaccinations may have caused autism, or even a child's death, have probably contributed to decrease in coverage. Early interventions to mandate immunization had been put in place at the regional level, yet the Italian Government and Parliament have opted for a national piece of legislation devised to make mandatory vaccinations a requirement to gain access to the preschool system or day care services. The authors elaborate on the reform's contents and shed a light on the medical, ethical and legal elements underpinning the mandate to immunize children. As a matter of fact, possible risks arising from vaccinations are rare, and largely offset by the benefits to both the children and society at large. On the heels of the reform in question, the doctor-patient relationship is still at the forefront. In fact, citizens need to understand the value and usefulness of non-mandatory, recommended vaccines as well. Therefore, it appears necessary to improve the quality of vaccination counseling practices in childcare, but such activities need to take place within the framework of a broader strategy, centered on the fostering of a culture of prevention, backed by scientific research to the fullest extent possible

    Neurotoxicity induced by mephedrone: an up-to-date review

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    BACKGROUND: Mephedrone is a β-ketoamphetamine belonging to the family of synthetic cathinones, an emerging class of designer drugs known for their hallucinogenic and psychostimulant properties as well as for their abuse potential. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review was to examine the emerging scientific literature on the possible mephedrone-induced neurotoxicity, yet not well defined due to the limited number of experimental studies, mainly carried on animal models. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Relevant scientific articles were identified from international literature databases (Medline, Scopus, etc.) using the keywords: "Mephedrone", "4-MMC," "neurotoxicity," "neuropharmacology", "patents", "monoamine transporters" and "neurochemical effects". RESULTS: Of the 498 sources initially found, only 36 papers were suitable for the review. Neurotoxic effect of mephedrone on 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) systems remains controversial. Although some studies in animal models reported no damage to DA nerve endings in the striatum and no significant changes in brain monoamine levels, some others suggested a rapid reduction in 5-HT and DA transporter function. Persistent serotonergic deficits were observed after binge like treatment in a warm environment and in both serotonergic and dopaminergic nerve endings at high ambient temperature. Oxidative stress cytotoxicity and an increase in frontal cortex lipid peroxidation were also reported. In vitro cytotoxic properties were also observed, suggesting that mephedrone may act as a reductant agent and can also determine changes in mitochondrial respiration. However, due to the differences in the design of the experiments, including temperature and animal model used, the results are difficult to compare. CONCLUSIONS: Further studies on toxicology and pharmacology of mephedrone are therefore necessary to establish an appropriate treatment for substance abuse and eventual consequences for public health

    Hepatotoxicity induced by greater celandine (Chelidonium majus L.): a review of the literature

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    The available literature assessing Chelidonium majus L. (CM) hepatotoxicity potential, and its risk to benefit assessment has been reviewed in this paper. Identification of significant scientific literature was performed via the following research databases: Cochrane Central, Google Scholar, EMBASE, Medline, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science, using the following keywords: "Chelidonium majus", "greater celandine", "Hepatotoxicity", "Liver" "Injury", "Toxicity" individually investigated and then again in association. CM named also greater celandine, swallow-wort, or bai-qu-cai (Chinese), has been used for a long time in traditional Chinese medicine and phytotherapy. Its extracts have been claimed to display a wide variety of biological activities: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, antineoplastic, hepatoprotective, and analgesic. Moreover, herbal medicine suggests this plant have numerous additional effects which have not yet been scientifically evaluated, such as antitussive, diuretic, and eye-regenerative. However, despite its claimed hepatoprotective effects, several hepatotoxicity cases have been reported to be probably or highly probably connected with CM exposure, after their evaluation through liver-targeted causality assessment methods. CM hepatotoxicity has been defined as a distinct form of herb-induced liver injury (HILI), due to an idiosyncratic reaction of the metabolic type. This evidence has to be considered in relationship with the absence of considerable benefits of CM therapy. Therefore, the risk to benefit ratio of the use of herbal products containing greater celandine can actually be considered as negative

    Accuracy of MRI skeletal age estimation for subjects 12–19. Potential use for subjects of unknown age

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    In forensic practice, there is a growing need for accurate methods of age estimation, especially in the cases of young individuals of unknown age. Age can be estimated through somatic features that are universally considered associated with chronological age. Unfortunately, these features do not always coincide with the real chronological age: for these reasons that age determination is often very difficult. Our aim is to evaluate accuracy of skeletal age estimation using Tomei's MRI method in subjects between 12 and 19 years old for forensic purposes. Two investigators analyzed MRI images of the left hand and wrist of 77 male and 74 female caucasian subjects, without chronic diseases or developmental disorders, whose age ranged from 12 to 19 years. Skeletal maturation was determined by two operators, who analyzed all MRI images separately, in blinded fashion to the chronological age. Inter-rater agreement was measured with Pearson (R (2)) coefficient. One of the examiners repeated the evaluation after 6 months, and intraobserver variation was analyzed. Bland-Altman plots were used to determine mean differences between skeletal and chronological age. Inter-rater agreement Pearson coefficient showed a good linear correlation, respectively, 0.98 and 0.97 in males and females. Bland-Altman analysis demonstrated that the differences between chronological and skeletal age are not significant. Spearman's correlation coefficient showed good correlation between skeletal and chronological age both in females (R (2) = 0.96) and in males (R (2) = 0.94). Our results show that MRI skeletal age is a reproducible method and has good correlation with chronological age

    Episiotomy: an informed consent proposal

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    Purpose: Since every obstetric surgical procedure requires gaining informed consent from patient, we have set out to evaluate whether such requirement also applies to episiotomy. Material and methods: To that end, we have conducted a thorough search of relevant scientific literature on multidisciplinary databases (Scopus, PubMed, PubMed, Central, Research Gate, Google Scholar) and articles that were published from 1989 to March 2019. The search keys used were: "episiotomy," "informed consent," "complications," "malpractice." Results: The sources that we have ultimately drawn upon, whilst acknowledging the need for a targeted informed consent for episiotomy, do not deal with the specifics of what such consent should include, in terms of information provided and related aspects. Therefore, the authors have laid out an episiotomy-targeted consent form, drawing upon opinions and indications from scientific societies and institutions, in order to properly reflect and document the patient's acceptance or refusal of the procedure. Conclusions: Valid consent documentation may well prove instrumental in staving off or reducing complications, malpractice and liability, and in order to safeguard health care operators from obstetric malpractice allegations

    The importance of disclosing the conflict of interest (CoI) in the era of open access publishing

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    In pharmacological and biomedical sciences, most of the principle donators are progressively demanding open access as a condition in economical support, something which has already become common in various other areas1. The expression “open access” has been used since 2002: first in the Budapest Open Access Initiative (February 2002), then in the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing (June 2003) and finally in the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (October 2003). Open access was initially intended for scholarly journal manuscripts in order to provide an unrestricted online access to them. However, even though this term first appeared in the 2000s, free on-line access to journal manuscripts had started at least 10 years previousl

    The static evolution of the new Italian code of medical ethics

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    Eight years since the last revision, in May 2014 the Italian code of medical ethics has been updated. Here, the Authors examine the reform in the light of the increasing difficulties of the medical profession arising from the severity of the Italian law Courts. The most significant aspects of this new code are firstly, the patient's freedom of self-determination and secondly, risk prevention through the disclosure of errors and adverse events. However, in both areas the reform seems to be less effective if we compare the ethical codes of France, the United Kingdom and the United States. In particular, the non-taking into consideration of the said code quality standards and scientific evidence which should guide doctors in their clinical practice is to say the least questionable. Since these are the most significant changes in the new code, it seems inevitable to conclude that the 2014 edition is essentially in line with previous versions. Now more than ever it is necessary that medical ethics acknowledges that medicine, society and medical jurisprudence have changed and doctors must be given new rules in order to protect both patients' rights and dignity of the profession. The physician's right to refuse to perform treatment at odds with his own clinical beliefs cannot be the only mean to safeguard the dignity of the profession. A clear boundary must also be established between medicine and professionalism as well as the criteria in determining the scientific evidences that physicians must follow. This has not been done in the Italian code of ethics, despite all the controversy caused by the Stamina case