7 research outputs found

    Istraživanje roditeljske percepcije digitalne tehnologije kod djece predŔkolske dobi u dvije točke mjerenja

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    To get a better understanding of the parental perception of digital devices used by preschool children in Croatia, as well as their expectations and mediation strategies, we report the findings from a qualitative study with two measurement points. At the first point, five families with children aged 6 to 7 were interviewed at their homes, where they provided information on how their children engage with new technologies, how such technologies are perceived by different family members and how parents manage their childrenā€™s use of digital technology. A year and a half later, the same families were interviewed again, in a similar manner, focusing on the changes which happened in that period, as reported by the parents. Results show that parents find digital technology important and beneficial for childrenā€™s cognitive and emotional development, but they fear possible negative consequences of its use. Most often, they use restrictive mediation. A year and a half later, parents also express the need for more educational support when it comes to mediating their childrenā€™s interaction with digital technology.Kako bismo istražili kakva je percepcija digitalne tehnologije od strane roditelja predÅ”kolske djece u Hrvatskoj, kakva je roditeljska medijacija dječjih interakcija s digitalnim uređajima, proveli smo kvalitativno istraživanje s dva mjerenja. U prvom istraživanju provedeno je pet dubinskih intervjua s petero roditelja i njihove djece u dobi od 6 i 7 godina na temu upotrebe digitalne tehnologije. U ponovljenom istraživanju, godinu i pol dana kasnije, dubinskim intervjuima s istih pet obitelji, ispitali smo je li i u kojoj mjeri doÅ”lo do promjena u navedenim varijablama. Rezultati pokazuju kako roditelji digitalne medije često smatraju važnim za kognitivni i emocionalni razvoj djece, no istovremeno se pribojavaju mogućih negativnih posljedica njihova koriÅ”tenja. NajčeŔće primjenjuju restriktivne oblike medijacije. Godinu i pol dana kasnije roditelji sve jasnije ističu kako im je potrebna potpora i daljnja edukacija o tome kako moderirati dječje interakcije s digitalnom tehnologijom

    Hrvatska adaptacija Revidirane verzije testa čitanja misli iz očiju

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    The aim of this research was to translate and adapt the revised version of the "Reading the mind in the eyes test" (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) to the Croatian language, and to provide preliminary data on its reliability, factor structure and convergent validity in a healthy population of Croatian students. After translation and adaptation, the Croatian version of the RMET was administered to 146 undergraduate and graduate students (84 female and 62 male participants). Together with the RMET, we administered the Emotional Empathy Scale (Raboteg-Šarić, 1993). Results show low internal consistency reliability of the Croatian adaptation of the RMET and adequate reliability measured with maximal reliability H coefficient. Confirmatory factor analysis marginally supports the unidimensional model. Convergent validity was marginally confirmed by a significant positive correlation between REMT and empathy. Additionally, we created a short version of the RMET, showing adequate fit indices, but containing only seven items. Internal consistency reliability and composite reliability for this scale were satisfactory. We propose further investigation of psychometric properties of the Croatian adaptation of the RMET with research in general, more representative population. We also propose investigating test-retest reliability, as well as discriminant validity of the test.Cilj je ovog istraživanja prijevod i adaptacija revidirane verzije Testa čitanja misli iz očiju (Reading the mind in the eyes test, Baron-Cohen i sur., 2001) na hrvatski jezik kako bi se ispitala njegova pouzdanost, faktorska struktura te konvergentna valjanost u populaciji hrvatskih studenata urednog razvoja. Nakon prijevoda i adaptacije hrvatska je verzija Testa čitanja misli iz očiju primijenjena na uzorku od 146 studenata preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija (84 djevojke i 62 mladića). Osim Testa čitanja misli iz očiju primijenjena je i Skala emocionalne empatije (Raboteg-Šarić, 1993). Rezultati pokazuju nisku pouzdanost tipa unutarnje konzistencije te prihvatljivu pouzdanost mjerenu Hkoeficijentom maksimalne pouzdanosti. Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza granično potvrđuje jednodimenzionalni model. Konvergentna valjanost granično je potvrđena kroz statistički značajnu pozitivnu povezanost Testa čitanja misli iz očiju i empatije. Naposljetku, kreirana je i kratka verzija Testa čitanja misli iz očiju koja se sastoji od svega sedam čestica zadovoljavajućih saturacija. Pouzdanost tipa unutarnje konzistencije te kompozitna pouzdanost ovoga kratkog testa su zadovoljavajuće. U budućim je istraživanjima potrebno dodatno ispitati psihometrijske značajke hrvatske verzije Testa čitanja misli u očima u općoj reprezentativnoj populaciji. Nadalje, potrebno je ispitati test-retest pouzdanost te diskriminativnu valjanost ovog testa

    Prepoznavanje emocija s ljudskih lica kod muŔkaraca i žena

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    Aim: Emotional facial expressions are cross-culturally readily recognized. Although each of the emotions could be expressed by body language, we are better tuned to facial expressions. We wanted to confirm our assumption that recognition of facial expressions of emotions is an innate ability of individual brain with gender specific pattern. Methods: This survey was based on 12 photos, with 11 basic and complex emotions and a neutral face expressed by professional male and female actors that were given to 259 participants (139 females/120 males) from late childhood to young adult age. We tested the recognition of facial expressions of the following emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, contempt, disgust, surprise, confusion, shame, worry, anxiety and anger. Results: Female participants were better than male participants in recognizing emotional expressions on male faces. Also, facial expressions on female faces were significantly better recognized than on male faces. Remarkable accuracy in detecting happiness and surprise was in contrast to low ability for detection of worry and anxiety. We found that elementary school students are less able to recognize most of the expressions. Discussion: The female accuracy might partially be connected to the gender difference of visual perception and the constant reinforcement loop consisting of recognition, perception and production of expressions. Developmental difference in recognition of emotional expressions on female and male faces is probably due to some cognitive processes accessible to training during development. Conclusions: Gender specific pattern in recognizing emotions detected in this study could explain some misconceptions and traditional roles genders played during the course of cultural evolution.Sažetak. Cilj: Izražavanje emocija prepoznatljivo je u svim kulturama. Premda se svaka emocija može izraziti govorom tijela, viÅ”e smo upućeni na izraze lica. Željeli smo provjeriti pretpostavku da je prepoznavanje emocija s ljudskih lica urođena sposobnost svakog mozga, sa spolno specifičnim obrascem. Metode: Istraživanje je temeljno na 12 fotografija, 11 fotografija osnovnih i kompleksnih emocije te fotografija lica bez emocija, koje su odglumili profesionalni glumac i glumica. Fotografije emocija su dane ispitanicima, bilo je ukupno 259 ispitanika (139 ženskih/120 muÅ”kih) čija se dob kretala od kasnog djetinjstva do rane odrasle dobi. Ispitivali smo prepoznavanje izraza lica za sljedeće emocije; sreća, tuga, strah, prkos, gnuÅ”anje, iznenađenje, zbunjenost, posramljenost, zabrinutost, uznemirenost, ljutnju te lice bez emocija. Rezultati: Žene bolje od muÅ”karaca prepoznaju emocionalne izraze na muÅ”kim licima. Izrazi ženskih lica bolje se prepoznaju nego izrazi muÅ”kih lica. Zapanjujuća preciznost u prepoznavanju sreće i iznenađenja u suprotnosti je s malom sposobnoŔću utvrđivanja zabrinutosti i uznemirenosti. Ustanovili smo da učenici osnovnih Å”kola slabije prepoznaju emocionalne izraze. Rasprava: Bolje prepoznavanje emocija koje pokazuju žene moglo bi djelomično biti vezano uz spolne razliku u vizualnoj percepciji te stalnoj petlji prepoznavanja, percepcije i stvaranja izraza. Razvojne razlike u prepoznavanju emocionalnih izraza na ženskim i muÅ”kim licima vjerojatno je uzrokovano nekim kognitivnim procesom podložnom treningu tijekom razvoja. Zaključak: Spolno specifični obrazac prepoznavanja emocija utvrđen ovom studijom može objasniti neke predrasude i tradicionalne uloge spolova tijekom kulturne evolucije

    Effects of social skills training among freshman undergraduate nursing students: a randomized controlled trial

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    Ciljevi istraživanja: U ovom radu željeli smo provjeriti učinak treninga socijalnih vjeÅ”tina na usvajanje socijalnih vjeÅ”tina studenata zdravstvenih studija. Sljedeći cilj je bio utvrditi povezanost između različitih socijalnih vjeÅ”tina u četiri različite situacije: između eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine, te prije i nakon treninga socijalnih vjeÅ”tina. Materijali i metode: Koristili smo eksperimentalni nacrt 2x2 s eksperimentalnom i kontrolnom skupinom. U treningu socijalnih vjeÅ”tina sudjelovali su studenti iz četiri hrvatska sveučiliÅ”ta. Uzorak se sastojao od 193 studenta, od kojih je 132 bilo u kontrolnoj, a 61 u eksperimentalnoj skupini. Trening socijalnih vjeÅ”tina (nezavisna varijabla) proveli smo samo na studentima iz eksperimentalne skupine. Bodove na Skali socijalnih vjeÅ”tina (zavisna varijabla) uspoređivali smo prije i nakon treninga kod obje skupine studenata. Rezultati: Rezultati su potvrdili postojanje značajnih efekata treninga samo kod eksperimentalne skupine. ViÅ”e stupnjeve povezanosti između različitih socijalnih vjeÅ”tina pronaÅ”li smo u eksperimentalnoj skupini, usituaciji nakon zavrÅ”enoga treninga. Međutim, razlike u neočekivanom smjeru pronaÅ”li smo u socijalnim vjeÅ”tinama između eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine u početnom mjerenju (prije treninga). Zaključak: Trening socijalnih vjeÅ”tina je učinkovit u učenju socijalnih vjeÅ”tina studenata zdravstvenih studija. Međutim, pretpostavili smo da rezultati na skali socijalnih vjeÅ”tina dijelom mogu odražavati stavove prema učenju socijalnih vjeÅ”tina, Å”to je moglo interferirati s rezultatima na skali.Objectives. The goal of the study was to evaluate the effects of workshops focused on the training of communication skills. The next goal was to determine the inter-correlations between different social skills, in four situations: in experimental/ control group of participants and before/ after social skills training intervention. Materials and Methods. Experimental design type 2x2, with experimental and control group was used. Students from four Croatian universities were involved in the Social Skills Training (SST). The sample consisted of 193 students, from which N =132 in the control group and N = 61 in the experimental group. Training of Social Skills (used as an independent variable) was conducted only in the experimental group, while the Social Skills Checklist (SSC) scores were the dependent variable. Results. Some expected significant differences in certain SSC in the experimental group suggested positive effects of Social Skills Training. Similar insights provide the trend of intercorrelations, which are generally higher in the experimental group in the situation after SST. However, unexpected differences in certain social skills between experimental and control groups were found in the initial measurement. Conclusion. SST was found to be effective for studentsā€™ social skills learning. Reasonable explanations of the results obtained are given in terms of the assumption that SST could also partially reflect the attitudes towards SST, while the SSC need not be identical to real acquired social skills

    Relations of the Big-Five personality dimensions to autodestructive behavior in clinical and non-clinical adolescent populations

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    Aim To examine the relationship between the Big-Five personality model and autodestructive behavior symptoms, namely Autodestructiveness and Suicidal Depression in two groups of participants: clinical and non-clinical adolescents. Methods Two groups of participants, clinical (adolescents with diagnosis of psychiatric disorder based on clinical impression and according to valid diagnostic criteria, N = 92) and non-clinical (high-school students, N = 87), completed two sets of questionnaires: the Autodestructiveness Scale which provided data on Autodestructiveness and Suicidal Depression, and the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP), which provided data on the Big -Five personality dimensions. Results Clinical group showed significantly higher values on the Autodestructiveness scale in general, as well as on Suicidal Depression, Aggressiveness, and Borderline subscales than the non-clinical group. Some of the dimensions of the Big-Five personality model, ie, Emotional Stability, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness showed significant relationship (hierarchical regression analyses, P values for Ī² coefficients from <0.001 to 0.021) with Autodestructivness and Suicidal Depression, even after controlling for the sex and group effects or, when analyzing Suicidal Depression, after controlling the effect of other subscales. Conclusion The results indicate that dimensions of the Big-Five model are important when evaluating adolescent psychiatric patients and adolescents from general population at risk of self-destructive behavior

    Prijevod i validacija Upitnika lutanja uma (MWQ)

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    This research aimed to translate and validate the Mind-Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ) to the Croatian language, and to provide preliminary data on its reliability, factor structure and convergent validity in a sample of Croatian students. After translation and adaptation, the Croatian version of the MWQ was administered to 451 eight-grade elementary school students (239 female and 212 male participants). With the MWQ, we administered the Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (ESCQ-45). Results show high internal consistency of the Croatian translation of the MWQ. Confirmatory factor analysis supports an unidimensional model. Convergent validity was supported by a significant negative correlation between MWQ and Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire. We propose further investigation of psychometric properties of the Croatian translation of the MWQ and investigating test-retest reliability as well as discriminant validity of the Questionnaire.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio prijevod i validacija Upitnika lutanja uma (engl. Mind Wandering Questionnaire, MWQ) na hrvatski jezik te predstavljanje preliminarnih podataka o njegovoj pouzdanosti, strukturi i konvergentnoj valjanosti na uzorku hrvatskih učenika. Nakon prevođenja i prilagodbe hrvatski je prijevod MWQ-a primijenjen na 451 učeniku osmih razreda osnovne Å”kole (239 djevojčica i 212 dječaka). Usporedno s MWQ-om primijenjen je i Upitnik emocionalne kompetentnosti (ESCQ-45). Rezultati pokazuju visoku pouzdanost hrvatskoga prijevoda MWQ-a, dok je konfirmatornom faktorskom analizom potvrđen jednodimenzionalni model. Značajna negativna korelacija MWQ-a i Upitnika emocionalne kompetentnosti upućuje na dobru konvergentnu valjanost hrvatskoga prijevoda upitnika. Daljnjim istraživanjima potrebno je dodatno provjeriti psihometrijska svojstva hrvatskoga prijevoda MWQ-a, posebno test-retest pouzdanost te diskriminantnu valjanost upitnika