2 research outputs found

    Satisfaction with life and job satisfaction of employees in Slovenian army

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfaction with life and job satisfaction in the Slovenian army. For this purpose we used Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) and Pogačnik's (2003) Job Satisfaction Scale. This research involved 168 employees of the Slovenian army: 68 soldiers, 60 officers, and 40 noncommissioned officers. The results showed that employees in Slovenian army are more satisfied than unsatisfied with their lives. Officers are the most satisfied with their life. We found out that appraisals on job satisfaction are rather low and indicate middle level of job satisfaction. The highest level of work satisfaction was expressed in the area of relations with co-workers. Participants were least satisfied with their salary and other material facilities. Individuals with subordinate co-workers showed higher level of satisfaction with work conditions, possibilities for promotion, salary and other material facilities, and also higher level of satisfaction about informing in the army, possibilities for professional development, independence and autonomy at work, work reputation, creativeness at work and also taking part in decision-making. Analysis of differences showed that officers gave the highest score to indicators of work satisfaction, with exception of independence and autonomy at work, work reputation, and pretentiousness of work. Based on the examination of the actual state, to the level the research was enabling, we identified some necessary changes, improvements or measures for improvement of the recognized weak areas

    Psychological Factors of Rehabilitation of Athletes After Knee Injury

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    Izhodišča. Večina raziskav s področja športnih poškodb se nanaša na specifične značilnosti, ki sprožijo, napovedujejo ali preprečujejo športne poškodbe. Raziskava preučuje možnost napovedovanja uspešnosti rehabilitacije na osnovi psiholoških značilnosti poškodovanih športnikov, in sicer spoprijemanja z bolečino, vedenja v procesu rehabilitacije (SIRBS), motivacije za rehabilitacijo, tesnobe kot stanja in socialne opore. Metode. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 68 športnikov po operaciji kolena zaradi resne poškodbe, definirane na osnovi izbranega sistema (1). Rehabilitacijski proces je trajal en mesec ali šest mesecev. Udeleženci so bili psihološko obravnavani pred procesom rehabilitacije in po njem. Rezultati. Rezultati so pokazali, da je uspešnost rehabilitacije večja, če se zmanjša anksioznost in poveča dojemljivost ter zaznata samoučinkovitost in katastrofiziranje. Le za 10 % športnikov lahko rečemo, da je bila pri njih rehabilitacija uspešna. Zaključki. Na osnovi raziskave lahko rečemo, da se konstruktivna vedenja, povezana z rehabilitacijo, povezujejo s psihološko rehabilitacijo poškodovanih športnikov