67 research outputs found

    Signifier of Kiwi Identity

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    Contested myths of origin surround one of New Zealand’s best-loved cultural icons, or ‘kiwiana’: a pull-along children’s toy called the Buzzy Bee. This paper clarifies those domains by presenting new information gleaned from Betty Schlesinger, widow of the bee’s inventor. Clarification is important because the Buzzy Bee is, as kiwiana, a material item strongly associated with Kiwi identity. As a Māori word, ‘Kiwi’ is a common, often self-ascribed, term identifying people from Aotearoa New Zealand. In clarifying the Buzzy Bee’s history, this paper adds new information to the knowledge base of what it means to be Kiwi. That knowledge base is enhanced, because this paper notes that the Buzzy Bee was invented and first manufactured here in New Zealand by Betty Schlesinger’s husband Maurice Schlesinger. Betty Schlesinger’s account contrasts more popular and well-known origin myths that have served to cloud the Bee’s definitive history. In clarifying the Buzzy Bee’s genesis using Betty Schlesinger’s narrative, this paper also emphasises the important link between identity, materiality and national identity

    Women's political participation

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    Numbers do not necessarily translate into legislative or budgetary gains for women’s rights in development. Region by region, this incisive paper examines election results and outcomes for women. It considers women’s political participation - including mobilization around issues, NGO and informal activity for advancing women’s rights, and political advocacy - in looking for explanations of outcomes. It engages the “critical mass” hypothesis to ascertain whether one third of the parliamentary seats in the regions under examination have delivered critical changes for women’s rights in terms of legislative or resource allocation outcomes. This paper points to further and emerging research areas which demand attention, because silence pervades the subject area

    Integrating interprofessional electronic medical record teaching in preregistration healthcare degrees : A case study

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    Background Electronic medical record (EMR) adoption across healthcare necessitates a purposeful curriculum design to prepare graduates for the delivery of safe and effective patient care in digitally-enabled environments. Objective To describe the design and development of an Interprofessional Electronic Medical Record (iEMR) subject that introduces healthcare students to its utility in clinical settings. Methods A six-stage design-based educational research framework (Focus, Formulation, Contextualisation, Definition, Implementation, Evaluation) was used to instigate the iEMR design and development in nursing and five allied health graduate entry to practice (preregistration) degrees at an Australian university. Results In the Focus process, the concept and interdisciplinary partnerships were developed. The Formulation process secured grant support for subject design and development, including a rapid literature review to accommodate various course and curriculum structures. Discipline-specific subject themes were created through the Contextualisation process. During the Definition process, learning objectives and content resources were built. The Implementation process describes the pilot implementation in the nursing program, where assessment tasks were refined, and interdisciplinary clinical case studies originated. Discussion The design and development of an iEMR subject is underpinned by internal support for educational innovation and in alignment with digital health strategies in employer organisations. Identified barriers include faculty-level changes in strategic support for teaching innovation, managerial expectations of workload, the scope of work required by academics and learning designers, and the gap between the technology platform required to support online learning and the infrastructure needed to support simulated EMR use. A key discovery was the difficulty of finding EMR software, whether designed for teaching purposes or for clinical use, that could be adapted to meet the needs of this project. Conclusion The lessons learned are relevant to educators and learning designers attempting a similar process. Issues remain surrounding the sustainability of the iEMR subject and maintaining academic responsibility for ongoing curriculum management

    Algunas Reflexiones sobre Política Económica, 2012

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    Este artículo se centra en la importancia de la preservación del medio ambiente y critica el Informe de Stern, reconociendo los límites de la economía desde una perspectiva ética. No obstante, no es suficiente puesto que implica una mayor manipulación del mercado y el triunfo de los principios económicos sobre la defensa del medioambiente. Por el contrario, Elnor Ostrom, premio Nobel de economía ha demostrado que la cooperación es fundamental para la gestión de los recursos “comunales”. Igualmente, los melanesios de Vanuatu han desarrollado prácticas de supervivencia increíbles durante centurias. En el presente, se puede decir que padecen crisis, pero no la crisis económica actual como el resto del mundo desde el año 2008

    Do you know where your human rights are? by Marilyn J. Waring

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    tag=1 data=Do you know where your human rights are? by Marilyn J. Waring tag=2 data=Waring, Marilyn J. tag=3 data=MS, The world of women, tag=4 data=3 tag=5 data=5 tag=6 data=March/April 1993 tag=7 data=15-18. tag=8 data=CIVIL RIGHTS%WOMEN tag=10 data=U.N. human rights instruments could vastly change women's lives - if they were enforced. Provided by MICAH, Canberra. tag=11 data=1993/5/7 tag=12 data=93/0395 tag=13 data=CABU.N. human rights instruments could vastly change women's lives - if they were enforced. Provided by MICAH, Canberra